
sampson delilah

someday we'll know that I was the one for you~new radicals

I suppose I listen to 80s music because it reminds me of the time when I used to be human and a sap for that "one true love."

I keep wondering what Kaiser Permanente is up to.

Re: Janey- hmm, perhaps it was just a dream retelling an actual event. I wouldn't know, with you two crying all the time around me. Actually, it reminded me of that time when you two were arguing about something at the apartment. You two got heated up over something. It was around the time when Pink Lady showed up to take my stead. It might have been something about Asians having an advantage in interviews(?).

Re: Nants- the only flow I contributed to the conversation was the flow out of my mouth as I threw up all over you two. The sentimentality was nauseating.

Re: Doerfy- Kurt Vonnegut may be gOd, but he is no gOOd. What a nOOb. I read three of his books under Drab's suggestion. First of all, suggestions by Drab= brad, I mean, bad, mistake. 3rd time was definitely NOT the charm. He even had the nerve (insert terrible neuro joke here) to recommend even more of his works.

My ballroom dancing books and BBC Planet series came in the mail. Joy in my pants.

Leaving for DC tomorrow. 4 days with Auntie T. Hmm.

The Asian markets and Asian foods down here are multiple times better than in SF.

I usually trust my Aunt to pick decent clothing that is acceptable to wear in public. Not until tonight did I realize that the 3-piece jacket she bought me for DC makes me look like a traffic cone. BRIGHT FUCKING ORANGE!

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