

fuck. i wish i didn't act on my gut as often.

TODAY I was accosted by this Chinese pair because they wanted to indoctrinate me into their cult. Apparently I agreed to go to bible study with them this weekend. I may go- it's only an hour long. God. They approach me, knowing that I'm reading a book titled Wicked.

My PB, B, & J sandwich got crushed in my bag. Also, when you smack bananas in between a green apple mint jelly and peanut butter, the appearance is less than appetizing once pulled out of the backpack.

To Beer Bike or not to Beer Bike? Nants offered me a place to stay at her apartment. Jeez, what it would be like if I had to stay with her. Then Nilk tells me what his plan is- too amusing. And I hear Jalto may be going to Beer Bike. So I suppose the real question is to get shit-faced or NOT to get shit-faced?

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