


2 days ago?

Dream #1:
I was in class with my current human sexuality teacher, and he was giving premed advice at first, but it slowly transitioned to fashion advice. He told this one student to contact Vera Wang, and gave the business card to him. At the end of class, the students were all supposed to turn in a blue sheet, a white slip, and a manilla envelope full of papers in trays at the front desk. I left my backpack on my desk while walking up to the trays/bins to turn in my homework. This guy at the front asked me to wait for him even though I was going back to my seat. Got to my desk, picked up my backpack, and left. Back at the apartment, this girl was waiting there, someone from class, and she asked if she could borrow one of my things. She proceeded to walk into my room, asked about some stuff, and was criticizing how small the apartment was. Then I started arguing back with her, but she left, and somehow she turned out to be the next door neighbor, leaving some note on the front of my door. I headed for the station, missed the train, and had to wait until the next one... enter second dream.

Dream #2:
Setting- an open top dance floor, or a club with the roof excised. Drab asked to dance with me, which puzzled me since he can't dance. Not only that, I was still mad at him, but SOMEHOW I ended up agreeing, so long as we didn't talk. We were dancing cheek to cheek, Drab and me, like that Fred Astaire song, only in my song, it would begin with "Hell... I'm in Hellllllll..." (http://youtube.com/watch?v=pJ4a7kpUG2E). What was peculiar, besides the blatantly obvious, was that we danced in 3-second intervals, paused, and resumed, repeating that pattern over and over. After the beginning, there certainly was no talking afterwards, so Drab could at least follow instructions. Towards the end, I had this out of body experience as the view panned out, with me overlooking the entire scene, seeing the both of us on the dance floor. I was literally suspended in disbelief, so embarrassed that I pulled myself out of my sleep.

Turns out these two dreams occurred within the span of 1-2 hours. Is it possible to enter REM sleep in that short of a time? I don't know what pisses me off more, the dream itself, or the fact that my subconscious automatically resolves my conflict for me so that I can't hold a grudge against that asshole in reality. From a rational standpoint, asking me to dance was a much safer choice than asking me out to dinner- that probably would have been more irksome. UGH I'm so angry; going to eat something.

Might go see Wall-E tomorrow morning. Then... observing the gay holidays?

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