Ooh London. If it's good enough for the British, it's good enough for me.
What's the opposite of pedophilia? Only thing that comes to mind is necrophilia, or geriatric-philia.
At least I've figured out a few things from this year. I keep thinking about all the mistakes made at Rice, particularly with respect to my grades. Several possibilities sprang in my head: too heavy a course load, too many extracurriculars, personal events that may have derailed me, friends, family, lack of focus, lack of motivation, not smart enough, or just not cut out for a certain profession.
I wonder if I did all that- busying myself with classes, a part-time job, club activities- just so that I wouldn't have to deal with or think about the other things going on in my life.
Still figuring it out. Not rushing into any conclusions.
Then you just hear people you know calling others stupid, or just claiming that they're smarter than the average person. Is it because they just want to claim a sense of superiority over their peers because they've failed to achieve anything else great in their life? Do they need to feel better than everybody else because the rest of their life is mediocre? Or was it just a fortunate turn of events where they were born into middle class society, never having had to actually work a minimum wage, full-time job in their life, constantly being supported by their parents so that they had free time for intellectual pursuits?
My mom keeps stealing all my chapstick. My parents are becoming a thorn in my side. The only redeeming part is that they're teaching me how to cook a slew of Chinese dishes.
I'm not claiming a sense of superiority over anyone! I just think that America should nuke Dokdo Island off the face of the Earth to keep people from talking about it anymore.
You might describe a fetish for old people as gerontophilia.
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