This one girl was sleeping on the bus with her head tilted back, mouth agape for most of the ride down 19th. There's always this desire to stick things in open mouths. No wonder people get in trouble for that.
Another meeting with my PI. I get to learn dissections next week! MMM!
Although, during one point in the meeting, I was asking him about an unfamiliar scientific term on one paper, and asked if it were just a typo. He confirmed that it was, and I proceeded to ask him whether it was the magazine editor's fault. He said that it was the author him/herself. Problem is, I found two typos on his manuscript, which I don't know if it's been sent out yet, and after going through that conversation, I have no idea if I should bring up the errors on his paper. Oy.
I've also been reading some guy's advice on research, and one of the topics is collaborations. Quote: "Enter a collaboration because of a shared passion for the science..." One subheading was being honest and open, another one communication, and another respect. This is starting to sound like a relationship, in which I am always, in economics terms, risk-averse.
rocky top
My nerd-dom extends beyond my consciousness. I had a dream last night/this morning that I was reading my research article, and woke up disappointed because I still needed to finish reading that article before noon today.
Averaging 4 hours of sleep each night. It has not been a good week.
But nice that the people who wanted me in their study group haven't called. That means that I won't have to deal with the time wasted taking public transportation to meet them at some cafe. Still, got my ass handed to me on yesterday's exam.
Happy Rosh Hashanah. Wait, it IS today, right?
Averaging 4 hours of sleep each night. It has not been a good week.
But nice that the people who wanted me in their study group haven't called. That means that I won't have to deal with the time wasted taking public transportation to meet them at some cafe. Still, got my ass handed to me on yesterday's exam.
Happy Rosh Hashanah. Wait, it IS today, right?
You know that time right after a huge meal, when you can actually feel the glucose rushing to your head? It kinda hurts.
Well, I haven't seen Drab, Clare, Leigh-ugh, Hesse, and Malice in a while. I guess I could join them next weekend... even if all these worst case scenarios are popping up inside.
"My southern heart is weary." Dolly Parton was kinda pretty back in the day. Now she really is a doll, with all that plastic on her face and chest. How could people not tell that she had a boob job back then?
Tried canned sardines today. Placed them between two slices of toast with mustard and dill, and runny eggs. I don't care if they're low in PCBs and are high in omega-3's. My stomach feels like it's imploding.
Think I've run into one of those classes where the problem sets contribute squat to my learning, and reading the textbook is of no benefit nor is it enjoyable.
Had an online conversation with my little cousin today about nerds and non-nerds. Basically ended up in me trying to get him to admit that his middle school views on people are wrong.
Ohhhh need to lie down.
Well, I haven't seen Drab, Clare, Leigh-ugh, Hesse, and Malice in a while. I guess I could join them next weekend... even if all these worst case scenarios are popping up inside.
"My southern heart is weary." Dolly Parton was kinda pretty back in the day. Now she really is a doll, with all that plastic on her face and chest. How could people not tell that she had a boob job back then?
Tried canned sardines today. Placed them between two slices of toast with mustard and dill, and runny eggs. I don't care if they're low in PCBs and are high in omega-3's. My stomach feels like it's imploding.
Think I've run into one of those classes where the problem sets contribute squat to my learning, and reading the textbook is of no benefit nor is it enjoyable.
Had an online conversation with my little cousin today about nerds and non-nerds. Basically ended up in me trying to get him to admit that his middle school views on people are wrong.
Ohhhh need to lie down.
noise rock
Noise rock, or just noise?
SO... I don't know why I was expecting anything different. Clare invited me to some concert next weekend, so I was thinking, hey maybe people have caught on by now that I'm a fan of 80s-esque music. But no. BALI are planning to see Deerhoof next week, so I decided to YouTube one of their songs,"The Perfect Me," to see how they actually sounded.
HAHA! Oh dear. When Clare wrote "experimental, peculiar band," that was really a euphemism for hipster music. I'm getting the feeling that if I just stand there at the concert to try to listen to their music, Clare's just going to be fielding me questions during the oncert about why I'm not having fun, which might not be the case- it could be that I'm just listening to undanceable music. Maybe hopscotch would be more appropriate, as evidenced by the Japanese singer's performance in one video.
Sometimes it's interesting to see actors actually be serious about, well, acting. Sometimes.
The leaves from the purple flowers are falling to the ground on campus. Is it already time for Autumn?
SO... I don't know why I was expecting anything different. Clare invited me to some concert next weekend, so I was thinking, hey maybe people have caught on by now that I'm a fan of 80s-esque music. But no. BALI are planning to see Deerhoof next week, so I decided to YouTube one of their songs,"The Perfect Me," to see how they actually sounded.
HAHA! Oh dear. When Clare wrote "experimental, peculiar band," that was really a euphemism for hipster music. I'm getting the feeling that if I just stand there at the concert to try to listen to their music, Clare's just going to be fielding me questions during the oncert about why I'm not having fun, which might not be the case- it could be that I'm just listening to undanceable music. Maybe hopscotch would be more appropriate, as evidenced by the Japanese singer's performance in one video.
Sometimes it's interesting to see actors actually be serious about, well, acting. Sometimes.
The leaves from the purple flowers are falling to the ground on campus. Is it already time for Autumn?
More sex education from shows like Heroes: you have inappropriate sex, you turn into a bug. That'll teach 'em. Maybe that could be the new lesson for parents trying to teach their kids about sex, similar to the one where you go blind or your hands get hairy if you masturbate excessively.
Well, there are some stories about 35-year-old women having strokes (and not the good kind) during intercourse.
Finally obtained all the signatures and forms to get credit for research. Hopefully I can start ASAP.
Just when things seem dandy, your grandfather ends up getting sick.
Interesting seminar/lecture today by this PI lady from University of Maryland. Her research involved issues with neurulation in the zebrafish model.
Well, there are some stories about 35-year-old women having strokes (and not the good kind) during intercourse.
Finally obtained all the signatures and forms to get credit for research. Hopefully I can start ASAP.
Just when things seem dandy, your grandfather ends up getting sick.
Interesting seminar/lecture today by this PI lady from University of Maryland. Her research involved issues with neurulation in the zebrafish model.
wineville chicken
Had 4 cups of tea from my first tea bag. I don't know HOW you people can drink so much coffee; my head is spinning already. 399 tea bags to go... ohhhhh.
Today: green tea.
I made a few friends today. I wish I were more excited. Although I did get invited to go mountain biking in 2 weeks, even though I tried to get out of it by saying I didn't own a mountain bike. "Oh you can borrow one of ours." "... GREAT!"
You try to be nice to people and this is what happens.
Also agreed to join a study group... even though I don't really find them to be productive, for me at least. Last study group I remember joining was for some Bioc or Cell Bio exam in Drab's room, with Poorneel and Doerfy. Yeah...
Pitter patter.
There's purple flowers all over campus. Ray would have liked this place. I'll be sure to take some pics of them. Very deep hues.
Today: green tea.
I made a few friends today. I wish I were more excited. Although I did get invited to go mountain biking in 2 weeks, even though I tried to get out of it by saying I didn't own a mountain bike. "Oh you can borrow one of ours." "... GREAT!"
You try to be nice to people and this is what happens.
Also agreed to join a study group... even though I don't really find them to be productive, for me at least. Last study group I remember joining was for some Bioc or Cell Bio exam in Drab's room, with Poorneel and Doerfy. Yeah...
Pitter patter.
There's purple flowers all over campus. Ray would have liked this place. I'll be sure to take some pics of them. Very deep hues.
Good thing I use Schoolhouse. Didn't find out that I had exams in 3 out of 4 of my classes next week. Ugh.
Compulsive purchase of the day: 400 bags of tea. Green, black, oolong, jasmine. Yeah, I know I'm supposed to buy leaves instead of bags for quality reasons, but the teabags were less expensive.
Downside of getting cheap tea is that I have to walk 15 blocks down towards the ocean to get to the closest Sunset Super in my neighborhood.
Have any of you used felonspy before? This website shows you how many convicted felons live within your vicinity. Most of mine turn out to be senior citizen rapists, sexual assailants, or pedophiles. Maybe one assault, firing a gun.
Decided to sign up for volunteering with children again, which may be a huge mistake because children tend to make me emotional.
New project: congee! Having troubles breaking down the rice though...
Update: I successfully made congee!
Compulsive purchase of the day: 400 bags of tea. Green, black, oolong, jasmine. Yeah, I know I'm supposed to buy leaves instead of bags for quality reasons, but the teabags were less expensive.
Downside of getting cheap tea is that I have to walk 15 blocks down towards the ocean to get to the closest Sunset Super in my neighborhood.
Have any of you used felonspy before? This website shows you how many convicted felons live within your vicinity. Most of mine turn out to be senior citizen rapists, sexual assailants, or pedophiles. Maybe one assault, firing a gun.
Decided to sign up for volunteering with children again, which may be a huge mistake because children tend to make me emotional.
New project: congee! Having troubles breaking down the rice though...
Update: I successfully made congee!
Oh yeah, another thing about that bus ride. Nothing makes one feel more fat than having to ride on a bus down a bumpy road for 20 blocks while your love handles jiggle all the way to your destination.
Finally finished my bucket of fried chicken. Read in the news about some Japanese fellow who turned 113 recently, and he subsisted on a diet of vegetables. I wouldn't mind seeing how the world changes over a century, but what if I had to live through a third world war? Or just find out that cancer was never cured?
Hmm, I guess the point was whether or not I should seriously try again to go vegetarian. That would mean having to get my protein from either shakes, tofu, or beans. And I've tried those tofu chicken wings before- no. Definitely does not taste like chicken.
In any case, I think I'll start drinking tea instead of water whenever I'm at my apartment. Tea is much more tolerable than coffee, to me at least. But then I started reading these tea guides on the internet, saying that different types of teas need to be steeped for different time intervals, some even requiring lukewarm water instead of the standard boiling pot. Suppose a good starter set would be the popular green, black, oolong, and pu-er.
I also thought that I might be open to the idea of relationships again, but standing on the bus today behind this Asian couple, who looked about as old as the Chinese women's gymnastics team, holding each other with their tiny ineffectual hands and making out, made me vomit in my mouth just a little.
Dreamed about Kaiser last night. We were eating together at a KFC/Taco Bell restaurant, of all places, and when we got up to pay at the counter, she wouldn't let me cover her part.
Finally finished my bucket of fried chicken. Read in the news about some Japanese fellow who turned 113 recently, and he subsisted on a diet of vegetables. I wouldn't mind seeing how the world changes over a century, but what if I had to live through a third world war? Or just find out that cancer was never cured?
Hmm, I guess the point was whether or not I should seriously try again to go vegetarian. That would mean having to get my protein from either shakes, tofu, or beans. And I've tried those tofu chicken wings before- no. Definitely does not taste like chicken.
In any case, I think I'll start drinking tea instead of water whenever I'm at my apartment. Tea is much more tolerable than coffee, to me at least. But then I started reading these tea guides on the internet, saying that different types of teas need to be steeped for different time intervals, some even requiring lukewarm water instead of the standard boiling pot. Suppose a good starter set would be the popular green, black, oolong, and pu-er.
I also thought that I might be open to the idea of relationships again, but standing on the bus today behind this Asian couple, who looked about as old as the Chinese women's gymnastics team, holding each other with their tiny ineffectual hands and making out, made me vomit in my mouth just a little.
Dreamed about Kaiser last night. We were eating together at a KFC/Taco Bell restaurant, of all places, and when we got up to pay at the counter, she wouldn't let me cover her part.
Talked to my PI again today.
Except while getting there, I overshot my stop and ended up near the bay. And then I took an elevator that only took me up to one floor below the one I had to get to, and the stairs next to the elevators didn't connect to the next floor up.
Then on the bus ride back, these elementary school Asian kids were taking pictures of each other on their cell phone, and one kid was asking the other to say something. Since the one being recorded didn't say anything, that prompted the one holding the cell phone to say, "You suck dick." I have lost all faith in the youth of America.
Another thing I've lost faith in: raspberries. One of the least fulfilling fruits I've ever encountered.
Yeah... feeling heavy pressure to do well in lab. Wonder why I never felt that before. Maybe my PI this time around seems more intense.
Toying around with the idea of Md/Phd, but I'd have to look into it a little more to see how it goes. They seem to have a more balanced lifestyle.
Except while getting there, I overshot my stop and ended up near the bay. And then I took an elevator that only took me up to one floor below the one I had to get to, and the stairs next to the elevators didn't connect to the next floor up.
Then on the bus ride back, these elementary school Asian kids were taking pictures of each other on their cell phone, and one kid was asking the other to say something. Since the one being recorded didn't say anything, that prompted the one holding the cell phone to say, "You suck dick." I have lost all faith in the youth of America.
Another thing I've lost faith in: raspberries. One of the least fulfilling fruits I've ever encountered.
Yeah... feeling heavy pressure to do well in lab. Wonder why I never felt that before. Maybe my PI this time around seems more intense.
Toying around with the idea of Md/Phd, but I'd have to look into it a little more to see how it goes. They seem to have a more balanced lifestyle.
fringe science
Fringe, the tv series- I don't get it!
KFC, I don't like anymore- I don't get it!
Lipstick jungle- I don't want to get it!
What's even worse about having your parents stay at your place is finding your mother's female hygiene products stashed in a secret location behind your personal items. I noticed some pink plastic, thinking it were trash that someone just forgot to throw away. I grab it to discover that my mom had left her wing things for women's junk down there. I do not need to know that my mother is still having her once a month thing at her age. She needs to dry up pronto.
If you let a child sing a children's song very slowly, and boost that with sound effects, it could make any scenario eerie. Row, row.
Life is but a dream. If that's true, what are the dreams inside that dream?
Do you think people's unconscious could just be collectively floating around at the molecular level, and that two minds somehow connect in rare random occurences?
I have these weird fantasies about having terminal cancer, and me distancing myself from people is just a way to alleviate the pain of sudden loss. If you had terminal cancer, would you tell your friends, or would it be better to leave people in the dark?
I also imagine a scenario where I start randomly digging holes in parks/playgrounds and happen to find buried bodies, except the government instantaneously knows when someone's uncovered the truth, and they immediately send someone to get rid of me so that news doesn't spread.
KFC, I don't like anymore- I don't get it!
Lipstick jungle- I don't want to get it!
What's even worse about having your parents stay at your place is finding your mother's female hygiene products stashed in a secret location behind your personal items. I noticed some pink plastic, thinking it were trash that someone just forgot to throw away. I grab it to discover that my mom had left her wing things for women's junk down there. I do not need to know that my mother is still having her once a month thing at her age. She needs to dry up pronto.
If you let a child sing a children's song very slowly, and boost that with sound effects, it could make any scenario eerie. Row, row.
Life is but a dream. If that's true, what are the dreams inside that dream?
Do you think people's unconscious could just be collectively floating around at the molecular level, and that two minds somehow connect in rare random occurences?
I have these weird fantasies about having terminal cancer, and me distancing myself from people is just a way to alleviate the pain of sudden loss. If you had terminal cancer, would you tell your friends, or would it be better to leave people in the dark?
I also imagine a scenario where I start randomly digging holes in parks/playgrounds and happen to find buried bodies, except the government instantaneously knows when someone's uncovered the truth, and they immediately send someone to get rid of me so that news doesn't spread.
Separate dreams this morning:
1.) Running away from someone in a compound.
2.) Playing soccer with Ellen Degeneres, who was dressed in a yellow track suit.
3.) Watching TV with my cousin while my brother bicycles on top of the bed to get outside.
4.) Picking up my other cousins from the airport, who wanted to travel somewhere on Friday.
5.) Forgot this one...
1.) Running away from someone in a compound.
2.) Playing soccer with Ellen Degeneres, who was dressed in a yellow track suit.
3.) Watching TV with my cousin while my brother bicycles on top of the bed to get outside.
4.) Picking up my other cousins from the airport, who wanted to travel somewhere on Friday.
5.) Forgot this one...
Hesse and my 11 year old cousin have the same bday.
Was talking to Clare about Hesse some time ago, and neither of us could come up with what dance he liked doing during college. I THINK it's folklorico...
8-month study plan for the MCAT. No idea if it's going to be more effective than cramming everything into 2/3 months. We'll see. It's more relaxed, at least. Ordered some verbal book to try out, but it recommends that the person read 2-3 hours per day over the course of 8 months. Also bought the MSAR, to browse through med schools. Trying not to talk about med school too much- already thinking about it too much each day, which would drive anyone mad. Janey probably has it worse than me since she's actually applying this season. I was also looking at estimated costs of applying to 10-15 med schools, including MCATS, travel, etc. $5000?!
Still feeling restless. Maybe because my classes are still covering introductory material in the third week. That, or I've studied every possible subject in biology already, and maybe it just sounds repetitive.
You ever fall into one of those phases where you listen to some song on repeat for hours? Don't answer that, Jalto. We already know the answer to that from junior/senior year.
Was talking to Clare about Hesse some time ago, and neither of us could come up with what dance he liked doing during college. I THINK it's folklorico...
8-month study plan for the MCAT. No idea if it's going to be more effective than cramming everything into 2/3 months. We'll see. It's more relaxed, at least. Ordered some verbal book to try out, but it recommends that the person read 2-3 hours per day over the course of 8 months. Also bought the MSAR, to browse through med schools. Trying not to talk about med school too much- already thinking about it too much each day, which would drive anyone mad. Janey probably has it worse than me since she's actually applying this season. I was also looking at estimated costs of applying to 10-15 med schools, including MCATS, travel, etc. $5000?!
Still feeling restless. Maybe because my classes are still covering introductory material in the third week. That, or I've studied every possible subject in biology already, and maybe it just sounds repetitive.
You ever fall into one of those phases where you listen to some song on repeat for hours? Don't answer that, Jalto. We already know the answer to that from junior/senior year.
There are so many ways to start this entry. I think I'll just begin with the typical UGH!!!
I was reading some primary research articles on neuroscience last night, up until about 4, when I fell asleep.
THEN the shit hit the fan.
I found myself laying in bed, and LO AND BEHOLD Drab was sleeping right next to me, in the buff (probably more appropriate to say in the flab in this case) if not for his light blue, white striped boxers. I was thinking, ok, there's no need to overreact, you're both sleeping on separate sides of this full size bed, there's obviously plenty of room to share.
But once I roll over to sleep on my stomach, I feel this heavy presence right above me. Note that, for me, any type of physical contact, even if separated by a layer of clothing, is UNACCEPTABLE. Once I realize who it was, Jalto suddenly appears sitting on the chair at the computer desk right next to the bed, and starts laughing at me. Not the chuckling kind of laugh, but one of Jalto's signature laughs where there's this lull right after the joke is said, that leads right into him laughing at the top of his lungs. Useless.
So Jalto was of NO HELP at all. I was fighting to roll Drab off of me, except he wouldn't budge. When I turned around to talk to him, I was staring right at this smug look on his face, grinning at me! So I asked Drab politely if he would budge, except he just continued smiling, at which point I got frustrated and shouted,"For CHRIST'S sake, get off me!" This led to a lot of rolling around the bed, in which I struggled to push Drab away, since he kept clinging onto me.
Some time later, Jalto went into the next room, and Drab finally left to go use the restroom. While I was on the computer, I noticed that Drab was downloading all these nudey pics from some site called to my computer. During this time I hear a shout from the bathroom from Drab, saking,"What are you doing?!" I should be the one asking that question, downloading porn onto MY computer.
I feel like throwing myself off the top of a building. Even if you want to drift apart from someone, it's not possible if they constantly invade your dream to hang out with you. At this point, I dream about Drab more often than I hang out with him.
There are so many ways to start this entry. I think I'll just begin with the typical UGH!!!
I was reading some primary research articles on neuroscience last night, up until about 4, when I fell asleep.
THEN the shit hit the fan.
I found myself laying in bed, and LO AND BEHOLD Drab was sleeping right next to me, in the buff (probably more appropriate to say in the flab in this case) if not for his light blue, white striped boxers. I was thinking, ok, there's no need to overreact, you're both sleeping on separate sides of this full size bed, there's obviously plenty of room to share.
But once I roll over to sleep on my stomach, I feel this heavy presence right above me. Note that, for me, any type of physical contact, even if separated by a layer of clothing, is UNACCEPTABLE. Once I realize who it was, Jalto suddenly appears sitting on the chair at the computer desk right next to the bed, and starts laughing at me. Not the chuckling kind of laugh, but one of Jalto's signature laughs where there's this lull right after the joke is said, that leads right into him laughing at the top of his lungs. Useless.
So Jalto was of NO HELP at all. I was fighting to roll Drab off of me, except he wouldn't budge. When I turned around to talk to him, I was staring right at this smug look on his face, grinning at me! So I asked Drab politely if he would budge, except he just continued smiling, at which point I got frustrated and shouted,"For CHRIST'S sake, get off me!" This led to a lot of rolling around the bed, in which I struggled to push Drab away, since he kept clinging onto me.
Some time later, Jalto went into the next room, and Drab finally left to go use the restroom. While I was on the computer, I noticed that Drab was downloading all these nudey pics from some site called to my computer. During this time I hear a shout from the bathroom from Drab, saking,"What are you doing?!" I should be the one asking that question, downloading porn onto MY computer.
I feel like throwing myself off the top of a building. Even if you want to drift apart from someone, it's not possible if they constantly invade your dream to hang out with you. At this point, I dream about Drab more often than I hang out with him.
Decided to try the Macho Burrito again, the one the size of my arm. It felt like carrying a baby when I was returning home.
Also walked past the ballroom dancing place to see what kind of people go there to learn: mostly old Asian or white women, and one really tall white guy. Old women, and a guy whose girlfriend probably forced him to go. He was wearing a t-shirt and basketball shoes, it seemed. That thing they say about how dance studios are a great way to pick up women- because more women than men attend- is only applicable if you want to date a not so appetizing cougar. AHHH!!!
New obsession on wikipedia is looking up the seiyu for certain anime that I watch.
What's worse, making friends quickly your first year in grad school, and then letting them slip away, or making friends gradually throughout college and watching things slip away just as slowly? Last dinner I had with Drab, when I wasn't being distracted by the hole on the left shoulder of his red sweater, or that weird spot of hair below his lip that he forgot to shave, he mentioned how he wasn't hanging out with his classmates as much anymore, one of the reasons being that everyone has finally committed to a lab.
Haha, Janey doesn't think I'll ever be able to not get tired of someone, at least long enough to commit to a relationship.
"The only girl I cared about is gone away, looking for a brand new start..."
"Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself..."
Listening to too many sappy songs. Yeah...
Also walked past the ballroom dancing place to see what kind of people go there to learn: mostly old Asian or white women, and one really tall white guy. Old women, and a guy whose girlfriend probably forced him to go. He was wearing a t-shirt and basketball shoes, it seemed. That thing they say about how dance studios are a great way to pick up women- because more women than men attend- is only applicable if you want to date a not so appetizing cougar. AHHH!!!
New obsession on wikipedia is looking up the seiyu for certain anime that I watch.
What's worse, making friends quickly your first year in grad school, and then letting them slip away, or making friends gradually throughout college and watching things slip away just as slowly? Last dinner I had with Drab, when I wasn't being distracted by the hole on the left shoulder of his red sweater, or that weird spot of hair below his lip that he forgot to shave, he mentioned how he wasn't hanging out with his classmates as much anymore, one of the reasons being that everyone has finally committed to a lab.
Haha, Janey doesn't think I'll ever be able to not get tired of someone, at least long enough to commit to a relationship.
"The only girl I cared about is gone away, looking for a brand new start..."
"Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself..."
Listening to too many sappy songs. Yeah...
Prunes have a very pungent odor upon opening the bag that it's sealed in.
Paying ridiculous amounts of money to see Janey and Nilk. I signed up for this workshop on how to teach people with Parkinson's disease how to dance. No idea when I would ever employ that skill.
Taking pictures of myself, to analyze my facial structure, and I noticed: asymmetry?!
Faked smiles in photos- not so attractive. Even the pictures where people pose. Maybe there should be someone around all the time to take people where they're acting normally. It might capture their emotions more honestly. Unless you're emotionless. Or drunk, where everyone pretty much bares their all. And their insides, hopefully in the toilet.
Flipping through someone's photo album on facebook and looking at the preview clips, when I come across this one photo and think, "Oh, that's a pretty girl." I zoom in to take a closer look... oh great, I know that person...
Behind on reading again. Glad that I'm only taking 4 classes.
Feeling a lot of stress build lately. No idea why.
Tried making cornbread. Forgot that my flour didn't have yeast already added to it. So I ended up having a mix of cornbread and cardboard. Cornboard.
Paying ridiculous amounts of money to see Janey and Nilk. I signed up for this workshop on how to teach people with Parkinson's disease how to dance. No idea when I would ever employ that skill.
Taking pictures of myself, to analyze my facial structure, and I noticed: asymmetry?!
Faked smiles in photos- not so attractive. Even the pictures where people pose. Maybe there should be someone around all the time to take people where they're acting normally. It might capture their emotions more honestly. Unless you're emotionless. Or drunk, where everyone pretty much bares their all. And their insides, hopefully in the toilet.
Flipping through someone's photo album on facebook and looking at the preview clips, when I come across this one photo and think, "Oh, that's a pretty girl." I zoom in to take a closer look... oh great, I know that person...
Behind on reading again. Glad that I'm only taking 4 classes.
Feeling a lot of stress build lately. No idea why.
Tried making cornbread. Forgot that my flour didn't have yeast already added to it. So I ended up having a mix of cornbread and cardboard. Cornboard.
On the outside I'm composed. On the inside I'm screaming.
Already told Janey all the details about my visit with the PI, too tired to write it down. Suffice to say, it was... good, supportive, ambitious. The only thing that ruined it for me was seeing some ad tacked onto the wall in the lab that had Drabley written on it. Drab also means prostitute.
SfN! Registered for the dance class on the first day. The one advantage of friends having boyfriends is that when I lay over in their town, I have a bed to myself. Hmm, it might be awkward though if her roommate isn't warned ahead of time. Ugh, does that mean I have to interact with her roommate?
Well, I guess I've gotten used to, or am able/willing to engage in, small talk. Sure it's pointless, but I guess humans enjoy this social bonding. I made friends with 2 black girls so far at that school. Thursday, I met this lovely lady named Tyra. And then in my molecular genetics I was chat chat chatting away with the people in my discussion group about earthquakes, LA, and Asian food in east LA.
It's tiring, to say the least.
RESEARCH!!! I'd rather be married to my research than date. Research > relationships.
Feeling competitive lately, so new goal to tack on: get a publication before Drab does during grad school.
Tired! Night! Maybe.
Already told Janey all the details about my visit with the PI, too tired to write it down. Suffice to say, it was... good, supportive, ambitious. The only thing that ruined it for me was seeing some ad tacked onto the wall in the lab that had Drabley written on it. Drab also means prostitute.
SfN! Registered for the dance class on the first day. The one advantage of friends having boyfriends is that when I lay over in their town, I have a bed to myself. Hmm, it might be awkward though if her roommate isn't warned ahead of time. Ugh, does that mean I have to interact with her roommate?
Well, I guess I've gotten used to, or am able/willing to engage in, small talk. Sure it's pointless, but I guess humans enjoy this social bonding. I made friends with 2 black girls so far at that school. Thursday, I met this lovely lady named Tyra. And then in my molecular genetics I was chat chat chatting away with the people in my discussion group about earthquakes, LA, and Asian food in east LA.
It's tiring, to say the least.
RESEARCH!!! I'd rather be married to my research than date. Research > relationships.
Feeling competitive lately, so new goal to tack on: get a publication before Drab does during grad school.
Tired! Night! Maybe.
Weird shapes I see at my apartment. Star.
The blinds bent the light onto the floor. It had something to say. Skin cancer!
Not so uncommon occurrence. Was telling Janey about my new chili which includes celery, 2 kinds of beans instead of 1, and cucumbers? Cooked it last Saturday/Sunday I think- only one more serving left. Tear.
Weird things I see outside my apartment. This shirt still hasn't been sold.
The fabled 8 Immortals. I still don't know why they have so many customers all day long. And right next to it, Marisole's, who always manage to get one customer pounding away at their glass at 2 or 3 in the morning. This week, someone living along the street got fed up with the noise and started yelling at them to stop the ruckus.
This is where I got that burrito the size of my forearm. Highly recommend. Quantity and/or quality burritoes.
It's only a block down from my street! Although I'm not sure how they can be having fun with all that shit swirling around them.
Some advertisement for a place that sells wedding gowns. The picture perfect marriage- the bride's attention is on you, while the groom is looking elsewhere.
friedrich's ataxia
On the way to dinner with Drab a couple weeks ago. Started using my camera again. People and their balconies.
It PROBABLY seemed creepy to 3rd parties after a while, me taking pictures of people's 2nd floor balconies. Especially if someone was actually in their room during the time.
Clare mentioned something about the old postal logo when I skimmed one of his bajillion blogs. It's head got cut off?
Yeah, discovered I left my apartment too early and had TOO much time waiting around for Drab. Still working on the focus, and never saw these flowers before, might as well log it.
There's actually an organization called the spinsters of San Francisco, and their brother organization, the bachelors of San Francisco. I get the feeling that the bachelors aren't as committed to charity work.
Me trying to wake up early produces the opposite effects- instead of getting to bed by 11, instead I'm falling asleep in a textbook by 3 or 4, waking up at 10/11 rather than the up-and-at-em 6AM.
Not particularly much about fashion, but glancing over the pictures at Fashion Week, I'd have to agree with the writers that Marc Jacobs' collection was better than most. His women's collection, at least. Manskirt?!
Would you be willing to pay obscenely large amounts of money to have your genome sequenced and given back to you on an 8 gig memory stick?
Haircut. Don't want to look like shit on my first day. And still the lady doesn't cut it the way I want. Even though she messed up, she did it better this time around. Maybe I could just save money and start buzzing my head by purchasing my own electric razor. Overly giddy about going back to lab again. The fuck is wrong with me. Maybe I could walk around and visit the golf course and cemetery while I'm up there.
Me trying to wake up early produces the opposite effects- instead of getting to bed by 11, instead I'm falling asleep in a textbook by 3 or 4, waking up at 10/11 rather than the up-and-at-em 6AM.
Not particularly much about fashion, but glancing over the pictures at Fashion Week, I'd have to agree with the writers that Marc Jacobs' collection was better than most. His women's collection, at least. Manskirt?!
Would you be willing to pay obscenely large amounts of money to have your genome sequenced and given back to you on an 8 gig memory stick?
Haircut. Don't want to look like shit on my first day. And still the lady doesn't cut it the way I want. Even though she messed up, she did it better this time around. Maybe I could just save money and start buzzing my head by purchasing my own electric razor. Overly giddy about going back to lab again. The fuck is wrong with me. Maybe I could walk around and visit the golf course and cemetery while I'm up there.
tea dance
I'm trying to study my Animal Physiology in bed, except whenever my eyes glaze over the parts on neural anatomy, I keep thinking about my recent dinner with Drab, where he wouldn't let me order for him. He picked something off the menu that SEEMED different, except when the plate arrived, it was nothing more than sweet and sour pork. HAHAHA!
It's probably only funny to me, unless you've been keeping track of my dinners with Drab.
UGH!!! Can't believe I'm going to have to wake up even EARLIER for lab. I was thinking, "Oh hey, their lab's going to be in the Sunset, it should be no problem getting there on time," but it turns out that it's going to be even farther than that. Which means I need to wake up around 6/6:30 everyday to eat breakfast and then ride public transportation to get to lab. I guess I should get started on those cornbread muffins so that I don't starve in lab or class every time I miss a meal.
They're going to be playing An American in Paris on the big screen in SF. Never seen a Gene Kelly movie before. Some art house flick that's supposed to be good is also playing at the Kabuki theater, about an Italian couple going through unemployment or whatever. I don't know why I'm still subscribed to the SF Film Society.
It's probably only funny to me, unless you've been keeping track of my dinners with Drab.
UGH!!! Can't believe I'm going to have to wake up even EARLIER for lab. I was thinking, "Oh hey, their lab's going to be in the Sunset, it should be no problem getting there on time," but it turns out that it's going to be even farther than that. Which means I need to wake up around 6/6:30 everyday to eat breakfast and then ride public transportation to get to lab. I guess I should get started on those cornbread muffins so that I don't starve in lab or class every time I miss a meal.
They're going to be playing An American in Paris on the big screen in SF. Never seen a Gene Kelly movie before. Some art house flick that's supposed to be good is also playing at the Kabuki theater, about an Italian couple going through unemployment or whatever. I don't know why I'm still subscribed to the SF Film Society.
circuit party
Haha, I wouldn't mind you prowling, Jalto, but a lot of the women in Drab's class aren't that attractive. Some of them even go bonkers occasionally, and the last thing one needs to ruin his day is a krazy kt.
Dream last night consisted of me on a cliff, chilling outside, then walking back in to find my girls from freshman year. We were talking about oh how we were going to be friends even after college ends, and then the scene faded away. Then I found myself in the arms of a guy on a ballroom dance floor who was going to be heteroflexible for me. It was too graphic, so I was jolted back to consciousness, in addition to being late for school. Here's to hoping it isn't anyone that I actually know.
I got my international paperback textbook, and the 3 pairs of shoes I compulsively ordered a few weeks ago. Somehow the bright colors look brighter when it's right in front of you. Why do I need 3 pairs of new shoes?!

Remains of the house after the earthquake?

Dream last night consisted of me on a cliff, chilling outside, then walking back in to find my girls from freshman year. We were talking about oh how we were going to be friends even after college ends, and then the scene faded away. Then I found myself in the arms of a guy on a ballroom dance floor who was going to be heteroflexible for me. It was too graphic, so I was jolted back to consciousness, in addition to being late for school. Here's to hoping it isn't anyone that I actually know.
I got my international paperback textbook, and the 3 pairs of shoes I compulsively ordered a few weeks ago. Somehow the bright colors look brighter when it's right in front of you. Why do I need 3 pairs of new shoes?!
Remains of the house after the earthquake?
non compos mentis
Why is it that when reading about some prominent novelist, there's always some English grad student that writes a thesis questioning their sexuality? It seems like they all want every writer to be a closeted homosexual.
Read an excerpt from Proust's first volume. Hmm, not bad. I'd like to read it, except I'm stuck with all these sci-fi novels that have yet to be finished. Ugh, why I EVER decided to dabble in sci-fi baffles me.
Weird epiphany. Anyone remember guitar Josh and the way he always hung around 3S trying to bait underclassmen? The more I think about it, the more resolved I am that Drab is the guitar Josh equivalent at UCSF- always prowling around campus for the younger women in the science departments. It'd be even funnier if he were carrying around a musical instrument, in case he wanted to play a tune to impress or enchant some unsuspecting victim. What would his new nickname be... Accordion Drab.
HAHA! So mean. If only it weren't half-true. Okay, I'm going to take a shower now and try to stop laughing at that mental image. What's the male equivalent of a cougar? So far, I've only come up with dirty old man or pedophile.

Bone from the spinal cord of a whale. Mmm this would have made a lot of fine soup stock.
Read an excerpt from Proust's first volume. Hmm, not bad. I'd like to read it, except I'm stuck with all these sci-fi novels that have yet to be finished. Ugh, why I EVER decided to dabble in sci-fi baffles me.
Weird epiphany. Anyone remember guitar Josh and the way he always hung around 3S trying to bait underclassmen? The more I think about it, the more resolved I am that Drab is the guitar Josh equivalent at UCSF- always prowling around campus for the younger women in the science departments. It'd be even funnier if he were carrying around a musical instrument, in case he wanted to play a tune to impress or enchant some unsuspecting victim. What would his new nickname be... Accordion Drab.
HAHA! So mean. If only it weren't half-true. Okay, I'm going to take a shower now and try to stop laughing at that mental image. What's the male equivalent of a cougar? So far, I've only come up with dirty old man or pedophile.
Bone from the spinal cord of a whale. Mmm this would have made a lot of fine soup stock.
So much for not getting a rejection this week. The thing is, I don't even know why I'm getting rejected by Bank of America. Some point rewards program. OKAY...
Once I'm done setting the schedule with my new PI, I'm going to start doing research.
SO maybe I should have listened to Poorneel and applied to med school this year- I recalculated my BCPM GPA, and it's actually a tenth higher that I had erroneously thought. Oops? Haha OH WELL! I guess it means I can devote more time to research this year than trying to improve my GPA.
I was also listening to these podcasts about med school interviews, and basically the interviewers just want to talk to someone who's passionate about what they do. In translation, this is like how Clare loooooves talking to Isle and B-米 because they're sooooo passionate about life. Essentially, my interviews will be me talking to Clare. I only hope that I don't blurt out, "Jackass!" in the middle of conversation.
Classes in physiology, molecular genetics, maybe neurological disease. Anyhow, only sticking with 4 this semester. My plan last year was to start off slow and push myself to see how much I could handle. This time around, it's probably better to see if I can tackle 4 classes in conjunction with research and volunteering.
My Proust was a Neuroscientist book came in today. So far I've only read the prelude, but it seems interesting, although I don't get why there's a seashell-shaped biscuit on the front cover. This got me to surfing on the internet to discover that it's a Madeleine cookie (pastries aren't my forte). I suppose le Madeleine is in reference to the cake that was mentioned in his more famous work, "In Search of Lost Time," some literary manuscript about memory. Connection? The author used to be a research tech in Eric Kandel's lab (the Austrian neuroscientist who worked on Aplisia, formation of long term memory, etc.). Ding.
When the author was describing each artist, I tagged each of them with my modern day equivalents. I could be Paul Cezanne: "...would stare at an apple for hours." Either him, or Igor Stravinsky, "...trying NOT to please his customers," while Drab would be Auguste Escoffier, "...always trying to please his customers." I replace "customers" with "friends" in those quotes. Then, Clare would be Gertrude Stein: "...likes to play with words."

Even the hinge is detailed in this house...

I never expected to see this kind of sign in California.
Once I'm done setting the schedule with my new PI, I'm going to start doing research.
SO maybe I should have listened to Poorneel and applied to med school this year- I recalculated my BCPM GPA, and it's actually a tenth higher that I had erroneously thought. Oops? Haha OH WELL! I guess it means I can devote more time to research this year than trying to improve my GPA.
I was also listening to these podcasts about med school interviews, and basically the interviewers just want to talk to someone who's passionate about what they do. In translation, this is like how Clare loooooves talking to Isle and B-米 because they're sooooo passionate about life. Essentially, my interviews will be me talking to Clare. I only hope that I don't blurt out, "Jackass!" in the middle of conversation.
Classes in physiology, molecular genetics, maybe neurological disease. Anyhow, only sticking with 4 this semester. My plan last year was to start off slow and push myself to see how much I could handle. This time around, it's probably better to see if I can tackle 4 classes in conjunction with research and volunteering.
My Proust was a Neuroscientist book came in today. So far I've only read the prelude, but it seems interesting, although I don't get why there's a seashell-shaped biscuit on the front cover. This got me to surfing on the internet to discover that it's a Madeleine cookie (pastries aren't my forte). I suppose le Madeleine is in reference to the cake that was mentioned in his more famous work, "In Search of Lost Time," some literary manuscript about memory. Connection? The author used to be a research tech in Eric Kandel's lab (the Austrian neuroscientist who worked on Aplisia, formation of long term memory, etc.). Ding.
When the author was describing each artist, I tagged each of them with my modern day equivalents. I could be Paul Cezanne: "...would stare at an apple for hours." Either him, or Igor Stravinsky, "...trying NOT to please his customers," while Drab would be Auguste Escoffier, "...always trying to please his customers." I replace "customers" with "friends" in those quotes. Then, Clare would be Gertrude Stein: "...likes to play with words."
Even the hinge is detailed in this house...
I never expected to see this kind of sign in California.
mavis beacon
Still planning.
Set a very relaxed MCAT schedule, which will be nice come summertime, since I won't be wasting it like last time, waking up at 6AM to see the girls off, study, eat, study, eat, study.
Settling on 4 or 5 classes, depending on if I hear back from potential PIs. It's like that zone right after asking someone out on a first date, where you're waiting just to find out that it's another rejection.
Since I'm busy studying and prepping, I'm going to distract you with pictures.

This door is on the second floor. I wouldn't mind having one of those in my place for unwelcome visitors.
Set a very relaxed MCAT schedule, which will be nice come summertime, since I won't be wasting it like last time, waking up at 6AM to see the girls off, study, eat, study, eat, study.
Settling on 4 or 5 classes, depending on if I hear back from potential PIs. It's like that zone right after asking someone out on a first date, where you're waiting just to find out that it's another rejection.
Since I'm busy studying and prepping, I'm going to distract you with pictures.
This door is on the second floor. I wouldn't mind having one of those in my place for unwelcome visitors.
Hot dogs make me gassy.
Current addiction: prunes.
Sam and Diane.
David and Maddie.
Tracy and Hepburn/Sam and Tess.
Booth and Bones.
Current addiction: prunes.
Sam and Diane.
David and Maddie.
Tracy and Hepburn/Sam and Tess.
Booth and Bones.
Grocery List:
hot dog buns
baking powder
ricotta cheese
plastic wrap
REVISED Grocery List:
hot dog buns
baking powder
ricotta cheese
plastic wrap
check to make sure you have your wallet BEFORE you leave the apartment and NOT after having placed your items on the conveyor belt
UGHHHH!!! Good thing the lady didn't scan my items before I realized I didn't have my wallet. If it weren't for the cool weather outside, I would have been red with embarrassment. And now I can't have cornbread for class as I had initially planned. JESUS!
hot dog buns
baking powder
ricotta cheese
plastic wrap
REVISED Grocery List:
hot dog buns
baking powder
ricotta cheese
plastic wrap
check to make sure you have your wallet BEFORE you leave the apartment and NOT after having placed your items on the conveyor belt
UGHHHH!!! Good thing the lady didn't scan my items before I realized I didn't have my wallet. If it weren't for the cool weather outside, I would have been red with embarrassment. And now I can't have cornbread for class as I had initially planned. JESUS!
Starting classes... already getting that feeling where it could be easier to just quit. But then it would be like college all over again. It's probably just a reaction to the pain of registering for classes.
Running out of leftovers. Which means I'll have to start cooking again. One of the benefits of having parents stay over. On the downside, on my dinner plate every night is a reenactment of the Race of the Red Queen. The more I eat and finish off my plate, the more food my parents pile on, my plate never emptying.
I couldn't sleep last night until 2 or 3- like the time when you're about to set off on your first day of school. Except it's the second week already. I was also thinking about how my plans are ultimately leading me into developmental neuro research, which is similar to, if not exactly, the kind of research Drab is doing, and I couldn't stop shrieking. The good news is that Drab only goes to Mission Bay now, which keeps our division of east/west SF intact. The only problem is his sunlight encroaching on my side of town. UGH so sweaty in my jeans!
Restoration ecology, animal physiology, virology, molecular genetics, microbial physiology, possibly immuno. They also have a class similar to Bios310, so maybe I'll be able to apply UCSF research towards that, kill 2 birds w/ one stone. Problem with that is I need to contact my neurosurgeon, and then find a mentor on campus whose research is related to that. Ugh, classes. I was looking at the curriculum for UCSF's school of medicine, and it seems like all the science classes I've ever taken over these 4 years, they pile it all into 1. So I kind of have an idea how the first years might be challenging for med students. Time to freak out?
Don't even have time to criticize the dinners I have with Drab on my blog anymore. Taking 18 or 19 credits this semester, just like spring of senior year. Hopefully it'll be all A's this time around. Can't think about anything besides science or medicine, so I'll stop writing.
Oh, this old Chinese man fell down on the sidewalk today. And the black bus driver lady was talking loudly in a friendly manner to this kid who was smoking before he got on the bus. She was saying things like,"Smoking's gon' KILL you!" or,"Stop smoking son, you gon' have a shorter life!"
Making cornbread tonight! Need something to feed upon while in class, since I can't eat meals at my usual times.
Running out of leftovers. Which means I'll have to start cooking again. One of the benefits of having parents stay over. On the downside, on my dinner plate every night is a reenactment of the Race of the Red Queen. The more I eat and finish off my plate, the more food my parents pile on, my plate never emptying.
I couldn't sleep last night until 2 or 3- like the time when you're about to set off on your first day of school. Except it's the second week already. I was also thinking about how my plans are ultimately leading me into developmental neuro research, which is similar to, if not exactly, the kind of research Drab is doing, and I couldn't stop shrieking. The good news is that Drab only goes to Mission Bay now, which keeps our division of east/west SF intact. The only problem is his sunlight encroaching on my side of town. UGH so sweaty in my jeans!
Restoration ecology, animal physiology, virology, molecular genetics, microbial physiology, possibly immuno. They also have a class similar to Bios310, so maybe I'll be able to apply UCSF research towards that, kill 2 birds w/ one stone. Problem with that is I need to contact my neurosurgeon, and then find a mentor on campus whose research is related to that. Ugh, classes. I was looking at the curriculum for UCSF's school of medicine, and it seems like all the science classes I've ever taken over these 4 years, they pile it all into 1. So I kind of have an idea how the first years might be challenging for med students. Time to freak out?
Don't even have time to criticize the dinners I have with Drab on my blog anymore. Taking 18 or 19 credits this semester, just like spring of senior year. Hopefully it'll be all A's this time around. Can't think about anything besides science or medicine, so I'll stop writing.
Oh, this old Chinese man fell down on the sidewalk today. And the black bus driver lady was talking loudly in a friendly manner to this kid who was smoking before he got on the bus. She was saying things like,"Smoking's gon' KILL you!" or,"Stop smoking son, you gon' have a shorter life!"
Making cornbread tonight! Need something to feed upon while in class, since I can't eat meals at my usual times.
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