

Prunes have a very pungent odor upon opening the bag that it's sealed in.

Paying ridiculous amounts of money to see Janey and Nilk. I signed up for this workshop on how to teach people with Parkinson's disease how to dance. No idea when I would ever employ that skill.

Taking pictures of myself, to analyze my facial structure, and I noticed: asymmetry?!

Faked smiles in photos- not so attractive. Even the pictures where people pose. Maybe there should be someone around all the time to take people where they're acting normally. It might capture their emotions more honestly. Unless you're emotionless. Or drunk, where everyone pretty much bares their all. And their insides, hopefully in the toilet.

Flipping through someone's photo album on facebook and looking at the preview clips, when I come across this one photo and think, "Oh, that's a pretty girl." I zoom in to take a closer look... oh great, I know that person...

Behind on reading again. Glad that I'm only taking 4 classes.

Feeling a lot of stress build lately. No idea why.

Tried making cornbread. Forgot that my flour didn't have yeast already added to it. So I ended up having a mix of cornbread and cardboard. Cornboard.

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