Dreyer's Limited Edition Mango flavored ice cream. Soft smooth texture, creamy. Mango chunks were from ripe mangoes. Excessively sweet. Melts too quickly. Verdict: B-.
One of my lab mates is sick, along with his wife and baby. He's Korean, but I think they have some type of rice soup that's the equivalent of congee in Chinese culture. So I'm going to make him some, based off my grandmother's recipe that I received tonight. FINALLY I know how to make the pork meat tender. Whenever my parents made it, the pork was SO good- the kind of pork meat that's really soft and tender and just slides right off the bone. The solution? Simple. Just add salt. Ugh.
Learned how to finally do that pan frying technique where the chefs flip the food up in the air. The solution to that is simple too. Simple physics.
Nilk rudely interrupted my afternoon nap/falling asleep while studying, and what does he ask? He wants to know if I want to house him and his other 2 friends when they fly over here, because he doesn't want to subject his air force friend to the overwhelming LSD abuse over at the Co-ops in Berkeley.
What's left to do for the rest of the night. Chemistry. Play around with my needles and suturing kit.
Brunch with Clare tomorrow.
I don't get why people are scared of being in Oakland.
Went to Oakland last night to shadow Catherine of Aragon.
I first asked her if I should stop at the Fruitvale BART and then walk 2.8 miles to get to the hospital, and she replied with a huge NO, that I could get shot or stabbed walking around in Fruitvale. So she recommended that I stop at Lake Merritt and take the free shuttle there, which should look like a white van.
Instead, I jumped on the wrong white bus to get to the hospital...
But the rest was AMAZING.
Met the two attendings working that night, one of whom was a post bacc.
Severe asthma attack.
Bicycle accident, laceration on his forehead.
Guy with two gunshot wounds.
Old male that required a central line, possibly having died.
Possible case of MRSA.
Was lent a pair of scrubs, which got bloody trying to turn a guy over to remove the plank from under him.
It would have been nice to see a trauma case, but I got to do sutures on a guy!
Went to Oakland last night to shadow Catherine of Aragon.
I first asked her if I should stop at the Fruitvale BART and then walk 2.8 miles to get to the hospital, and she replied with a huge NO, that I could get shot or stabbed walking around in Fruitvale. So she recommended that I stop at Lake Merritt and take the free shuttle there, which should look like a white van.
Instead, I jumped on the wrong white bus to get to the hospital...
But the rest was AMAZING.
Met the two attendings working that night, one of whom was a post bacc.
Severe asthma attack.
Bicycle accident, laceration on his forehead.
Guy with two gunshot wounds.
Old male that required a central line, possibly having died.
Possible case of MRSA.
Was lent a pair of scrubs, which got bloody trying to turn a guy over to remove the plank from under him.
It would have been nice to see a trauma case, but I got to do sutures on a guy!
Ugh, my starting value for today's test is somewhere between a B- and a C+. How embarrassing.
In other news, coffee still doesn't do it for me! Still get the urge to pee like a racehorse after 10 minutes, and I get the shakes to boot.
Going to leave lab early to go shadow my pal in Oakland. Decked in scrubs, going to see gunshots! And she might even let me do an IV line. Whee!
Issue with this? She's just now telling me that a lot of guns are fired at one BART stop, while homeless people try to steal your belongings at the OTHER BART stop. Oy.
Coffee + overly cheesy pizza + coke = nausea. Like that wanting to throw up feeling every time I drink >= 1.5 beers.
Have any of you ever watched Lethal Weapon 4? One of the best lines from that movie was when they tried translating Jet Li's phrase: "In Hong Kong, you'd already be dead." Which sounds cool anytime you want to use it in public. For example, if this fat girl doesn't know how to stabilize herself on the bus, and the bus comes to a complete stop, she ends up falling onto you. Perfect time to use said phrase. Only problem is that it sounds awkward saying it in Mandarin.
Such a lightweight...
In other news, coffee still doesn't do it for me! Still get the urge to pee like a racehorse after 10 minutes, and I get the shakes to boot.
Going to leave lab early to go shadow my pal in Oakland. Decked in scrubs, going to see gunshots! And she might even let me do an IV line. Whee!
Issue with this? She's just now telling me that a lot of guns are fired at one BART stop, while homeless people try to steal your belongings at the OTHER BART stop. Oy.
Coffee + overly cheesy pizza + coke = nausea. Like that wanting to throw up feeling every time I drink >= 1.5 beers.
Have any of you ever watched Lethal Weapon 4? One of the best lines from that movie was when they tried translating Jet Li's phrase: "In Hong Kong, you'd already be dead." Which sounds cool anytime you want to use it in public. For example, if this fat girl doesn't know how to stabilize herself on the bus, and the bus comes to a complete stop, she ends up falling onto you. Perfect time to use said phrase. Only problem is that it sounds awkward saying it in Mandarin.
Such a lightweight...
"The William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Letters, Science and Art."
Rice's original name. Why anybody would want to name something that long baffles me.
Only 3 Nobel Laureates at Rice. 2 of them graduated from Rice as an undergraduate. Who's going to be the next Nobel Laureate to come from Rice?
Quietly developing a list of scientists whom I'd like to personally meet sometime in the near future.
I have these moments of intense focus/motivation, but I have no idea when or how it builds up. If only I can maintain it longer... hmm, this sounds like an erectile dysfunction advertisement.
Obsession of the moment: Howard Hughes.
My former lab buddy is coming back to lab tomorrow to visit! She's also going to let me tag along/shadow her during the weekend, see how the emergency room's really like in the east bay.
Annnnnd I have 8 hours until my exam. 65 pages to read. Eyes burn like oil on skin.
Rice's original name. Why anybody would want to name something that long baffles me.
Only 3 Nobel Laureates at Rice. 2 of them graduated from Rice as an undergraduate. Who's going to be the next Nobel Laureate to come from Rice?
Quietly developing a list of scientists whom I'd like to personally meet sometime in the near future.
I have these moments of intense focus/motivation, but I have no idea when or how it builds up. If only I can maintain it longer... hmm, this sounds like an erectile dysfunction advertisement.
Obsession of the moment: Howard Hughes.
My former lab buddy is coming back to lab tomorrow to visit! She's also going to let me tag along/shadow her during the weekend, see how the emergency room's really like in the east bay.
Annnnnd I have 8 hours until my exam. 65 pages to read. Eyes burn like oil on skin.
poopdeck pappy
I don't know if this started during college or afterwards, but every time I have a test, on the morning of, I will always get a knot in my stomach. It's similar to that feeling of needing to take a dump, except you hold it in because you're in a public place with dirty public restrooms, but because you hold it in, a pain starts shooting up into your stomach due to the backlog.
I thought the sympathetic system was supposed to reduce blood flow to the extremities, so why does one feel like peeing/crapping whenever they get nervous?
Anyhow, felt alright... about the test. Even if I don't like the idea of tests, I enjoy that feeling afterwards, after having fallen asleep, trying to wake up to study more, and then being able to answer almost all the questions correctly. Not so much the uncertainty that would disappoint me, but the fact that I knew what had to be done to do well yet not carrying it out.
Only got around 3 hours of sleep, so I probably don't make any sense right about now.
Over in the cafeteria here, they have large pinup posters of Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Bluto. Are there any pro-war cartoons besides Popeye the Sailor?
Which reminds me of when Clare mentioned that Barenaked Ladies included Sailor Moon in their song, "One Week." If every girl dressed like Sailor Moon... the 18+ ones. I can't believe they listed her as 14 years old in the manga.
I thought the sympathetic system was supposed to reduce blood flow to the extremities, so why does one feel like peeing/crapping whenever they get nervous?
Anyhow, felt alright... about the test. Even if I don't like the idea of tests, I enjoy that feeling afterwards, after having fallen asleep, trying to wake up to study more, and then being able to answer almost all the questions correctly. Not so much the uncertainty that would disappoint me, but the fact that I knew what had to be done to do well yet not carrying it out.
Only got around 3 hours of sleep, so I probably don't make any sense right about now.
Over in the cafeteria here, they have large pinup posters of Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Bluto. Are there any pro-war cartoons besides Popeye the Sailor?
Which reminds me of when Clare mentioned that Barenaked Ladies included Sailor Moon in their song, "One Week." If every girl dressed like Sailor Moon... the 18+ ones. I can't believe they listed her as 14 years old in the manga.
Bacon Rettuce Burger?!
Short post.
So much for trying to come up with a new technique. It's been done before- DECADES ago.
Maybe I am an old man on the inside.
Have to cram for a test tomorrow, and then the next day. Expect decreased wordage.
Short post.
So much for trying to come up with a new technique. It's been done before- DECADES ago.
Maybe I am an old man on the inside.
Have to cram for a test tomorrow, and then the next day. Expect decreased wordage.
UGH! The chips and reagents have been on back order, so the Genome Core hasn't even started on our RNA yet! What am I going to do in lab now?? I've been restless for 2 weeks already!
Walking down the street to the bus stop. Had to laugh about Janey again. I was browsing through my MCAT science book and remembered the time when she told her coworker that she was going to take that test, and the person responded by playing Tom Petty's "Don't Back Down" to her. Heyyyyyyy baby! There ain't no easy way ouuuuttt!
Someone's singing "Happy Birthday to you" in the distance.
Maybe things aren't so bad in lab. Maybe not doing anything right now means getting more time just to think. What was it that some paper wrote, that the one who gets in one more hour of thinking in the day will be more productive over a lifetime?
I just felt like I was spouting New Age optimism...
How would you spend the last few months of your life if you knew you were going to die soon? Would you end your own life to avoid a painful descent to death?
Woo hoo! Only $12 on my PG&E this month!
My body has reached that critical threshold where it can no longer contain the toxins from fast food. Going to lay down, possibly study for two exams later this week.
Walking down the street to the bus stop. Had to laugh about Janey again. I was browsing through my MCAT science book and remembered the time when she told her coworker that she was going to take that test, and the person responded by playing Tom Petty's "Don't Back Down" to her. Heyyyyyyy baby! There ain't no easy way ouuuuttt!
Someone's singing "Happy Birthday to you" in the distance.
Maybe things aren't so bad in lab. Maybe not doing anything right now means getting more time just to think. What was it that some paper wrote, that the one who gets in one more hour of thinking in the day will be more productive over a lifetime?
I just felt like I was spouting New Age optimism...
How would you spend the last few months of your life if you knew you were going to die soon? Would you end your own life to avoid a painful descent to death?
Woo hoo! Only $12 on my PG&E this month!
My body has reached that critical threshold where it can no longer contain the toxins from fast food. Going to lay down, possibly study for two exams later this week.
colony collapse disorder
Research. Every time I try to think about what's going on with what I can't see, my head fills with images of DNA, and then histones, and then all the possible proteins interacting together. Boom. My head explodes.
Walking down to the bus stop, whenever I thought about "Apis Mellifera Mine" ... HAHA! Just too funny! Janey comes up with such strange ideas for her Dan. I do recall advising her NOT to give that to him. Oh well.
Nilk and his career change. Hmm. If he can't do it, what makes me think I can? Even Carl's Jr. is quitting. Why are people leaving their profession during the recession? Even Crassie's staying in school longer to avoid the terrible job market.
I suppose for anybody that's interested, Nilk will be in Berkeley early March. I have unwillingly obliged to accompany him on his drunken shenanigans.
And now Crassie is sending me on errands to buy shirts, exclusively sold in SF, for her boyfriend. Couples...
Walking down to the bus stop, whenever I thought about "Apis Mellifera Mine" ... HAHA! Just too funny! Janey comes up with such strange ideas for her Dan. I do recall advising her NOT to give that to him. Oh well.
Nilk and his career change. Hmm. If he can't do it, what makes me think I can? Even Carl's Jr. is quitting. Why are people leaving their profession during the recession? Even Crassie's staying in school longer to avoid the terrible job market.
I suppose for anybody that's interested, Nilk will be in Berkeley early March. I have unwillingly obliged to accompany him on his drunken shenanigans.
And now Crassie is sending me on errands to buy shirts, exclusively sold in SF, for her boyfriend. Couples...
Hmm, that iPhone app would help me... if I had/wanted an iPhone! Oh well.
Oddest Asian dream by far: In a supermarket, one lady pan-frying, other old uncles/aunties standing there. I recognized lady as a family friend, but she had no clue who I was. She began conversing with me in Cantonese, as if I were a stranger. With the words she was using, it all sounded incomprehensible. Once I was about to leave, the other auntie started yelling at her, telling her that I was the grandson of such and such woman (my grandmother), etc. The lady, feeling shocked, asked me if I knew her this entire time. SHOCK!
Another one involved cartoon characters... I think it was Bart and Lisa Simpson. Bart was hiding in the closet, while Lisa was yelling at him to get out of there and stop playing with the mice. He came out, but so did this giant rat, and another thing that appeared to be a giant mouse head the same size as the rat. The head looked freaky, crawling about on the neck region severed from the rest of the body. But then it shifted conformation and was in fact a squirrel camouflaging as a giant mouse head. And I started feeding it pistachios and an assortment of other nuts.
Also had a dream about lab again during the week, but don't remember the details.
New study schedule involves studying for the MCAT on the way to and from lab. It seems I can get my reading done in all subjects except Verbal Reasoning, so it might cut off a few hours that would probably be allocated to studying for my classes. So this schedule might work, assuming the bus driver notices me on the road and DOESN'T run me over! I was even wearing the orange traffic cone raincoat that my Aunt gave me! Ugh, San Francisco drivers.
Laundry time.
Oddest Asian dream by far: In a supermarket, one lady pan-frying, other old uncles/aunties standing there. I recognized lady as a family friend, but she had no clue who I was. She began conversing with me in Cantonese, as if I were a stranger. With the words she was using, it all sounded incomprehensible. Once I was about to leave, the other auntie started yelling at her, telling her that I was the grandson of such and such woman (my grandmother), etc. The lady, feeling shocked, asked me if I knew her this entire time. SHOCK!
Another one involved cartoon characters... I think it was Bart and Lisa Simpson. Bart was hiding in the closet, while Lisa was yelling at him to get out of there and stop playing with the mice. He came out, but so did this giant rat, and another thing that appeared to be a giant mouse head the same size as the rat. The head looked freaky, crawling about on the neck region severed from the rest of the body. But then it shifted conformation and was in fact a squirrel camouflaging as a giant mouse head. And I started feeding it pistachios and an assortment of other nuts.
Also had a dream about lab again during the week, but don't remember the details.
New study schedule involves studying for the MCAT on the way to and from lab. It seems I can get my reading done in all subjects except Verbal Reasoning, so it might cut off a few hours that would probably be allocated to studying for my classes. So this schedule might work, assuming the bus driver notices me on the road and DOESN'T run me over! I was even wearing the orange traffic cone raincoat that my Aunt gave me! Ugh, San Francisco drivers.
Laundry time.
Oh right, allow 24 hours for more appropriate responses to your comments, Jalto and B-米。
I have these spontaneous thoughts about wanting to email Kaiser.
Was planning on going to lab today, and along the way a new hair salon had opened up shop. The banner below its main sign read: "GRANDG OPENIN." As bad as immigrant Chinese are at spelling, this has got to be the worst misplacement of letters. So a laugh erupted from my mouth in public as my head turned towards this sign. I'll take a picture of it, post it tomorrow I suppose.
Another thing about China. Given the assumption that most products from China are cheap, crappy, and built to last only a few seconds, the backpack I got from the Chinese track guy (that used to eat at my parents' restaurant) isn't too shabby. For what purpose will this backpack serve? It's going to be my ramen storage unit at lab. The hospital does these random checkups on all the laboratories in the hospital, to make sure that we're all following protocol. Translation: no food in our drawers. The one loophole Benihana suggested was to pack our foodstuffs into our personal belongings since hospital personnel are not allowed to go through our things.
ANOTHER thing about China. I was browsing Netflix through Janey's account, trying to find a good foreign/Chinese film, and most of the ones listed, that I could watch instantly, pertain to homosexuality. What is it with them and their obsession over sex? So that left me with just one movie, about magical masks...
Going to start studying early for my exams, so either shorter or less posts today. No cooking either =/. KFC for dinner it is! Note to self: start exercising to not feel so bad/good at the same time about eating unhealthy food.
I have these spontaneous thoughts about wanting to email Kaiser.
Was planning on going to lab today, and along the way a new hair salon had opened up shop. The banner below its main sign read: "GRANDG OPENIN." As bad as immigrant Chinese are at spelling, this has got to be the worst misplacement of letters. So a laugh erupted from my mouth in public as my head turned towards this sign. I'll take a picture of it, post it tomorrow I suppose.
Another thing about China. Given the assumption that most products from China are cheap, crappy, and built to last only a few seconds, the backpack I got from the Chinese track guy (that used to eat at my parents' restaurant) isn't too shabby. For what purpose will this backpack serve? It's going to be my ramen storage unit at lab. The hospital does these random checkups on all the laboratories in the hospital, to make sure that we're all following protocol. Translation: no food in our drawers. The one loophole Benihana suggested was to pack our foodstuffs into our personal belongings since hospital personnel are not allowed to go through our things.
ANOTHER thing about China. I was browsing Netflix through Janey's account, trying to find a good foreign/Chinese film, and most of the ones listed, that I could watch instantly, pertain to homosexuality. What is it with them and their obsession over sex? So that left me with just one movie, about magical masks...
Going to start studying early for my exams, so either shorter or less posts today. No cooking either =/. KFC for dinner it is! Note to self: start exercising to not feel so bad/good at the same time about eating unhealthy food.
You give a girl the slightest attention, and they keep trying to talk to you whenever possible.
This girl on QQ keeps iming me, asking every time if I'm there, in Chinese.
The problem with communicating with girls from mainland China is that some things just don't translate.
She said something, and then I followed with my usual "ha ha." Then she proceeded to ask,"Why are you laughing at me?" And to that I reply that I'm not laughing at anything (...), but she doesn't believe me. Oh well.
Benihana finally has an iPod that he doesn't use, because it came with the MacBook Air he purchased. Still not a convert though since he doesn't like the operating system. I'm also finally getting to know his music interests other than old skool rap. Have any of you ever listened to the band Arrested Development? Okay NEVERMIND. Just looked them up on Wiki. Alternative hip hop...
So I didn't leave lab early. Also, my Danimals is on Facebook. Yikes. He also offered me a ride home tonight. Oh boy. Turn down the adult contemporary, and chat about real estate. Awkward...
So what do I want at the moment? I find myself being overly concerned with my PI's career, hoping that he actually succeeds and continues being able to do more research, less surgery, and wondering what I've done so far to help him along the way. Nothing.
I would like it if I don't let down the people around me.
Why is it that I don't hear about things or thoughts like these that go on with other grad students and their labs? Is this "relationship" similar to what the rest of you have? So why don't I ever hear about it?
I really like my lab group...
But what I'd really like right now is another yogurt whip! Bon soir!
This girl on QQ keeps iming me, asking every time if I'm there, in Chinese.
The problem with communicating with girls from mainland China is that some things just don't translate.
She said something, and then I followed with my usual "ha ha." Then she proceeded to ask,"Why are you laughing at me?" And to that I reply that I'm not laughing at anything (...), but she doesn't believe me. Oh well.
Benihana finally has an iPod that he doesn't use, because it came with the MacBook Air he purchased. Still not a convert though since he doesn't like the operating system. I'm also finally getting to know his music interests other than old skool rap. Have any of you ever listened to the band Arrested Development? Okay NEVERMIND. Just looked them up on Wiki. Alternative hip hop...
So I didn't leave lab early. Also, my Danimals is on Facebook. Yikes. He also offered me a ride home tonight. Oh boy. Turn down the adult contemporary, and chat about real estate. Awkward...
So what do I want at the moment? I find myself being overly concerned with my PI's career, hoping that he actually succeeds and continues being able to do more research, less surgery, and wondering what I've done so far to help him along the way. Nothing.
I would like it if I don't let down the people around me.
Why is it that I don't hear about things or thoughts like these that go on with other grad students and their labs? Is this "relationship" similar to what the rest of you have? So why don't I ever hear about it?
I really like my lab group...
But what I'd really like right now is another yogurt whip! Bon soir!
Hah! I got two suckers to reply to my previous post!
Now if only I had a readily-available cartoon depicting me licking two lollipops, one named Jalto and the other named B-mi, I would immediately post it below this text.
Actually, I started proofreading B-mi's reply. Terrible! Using "a" instead of "an" before a word starting with a vowel, and using wish instead of the present participle before "I'm."
And there was a Celica Supra MKII in the parking lot at the hospital yesterday. Drool.
For lunch at journal club: Chinese food by Tsing Tao (yes, same name as the beer). Ugh terrible! I'd rather eat my parents' American Chinese food than at that place. C-!
Once Benihana told me about the discounts for the California Academy of Sciences on Thursdays, I started sending out an email invitation for Drab to go with me then, before I regained consciousness and immediately discarded it. Gross. I refuse to be needy.
Slow lab day. Think I'll leave early?
Now if only I had a readily-available cartoon depicting me licking two lollipops, one named Jalto and the other named B-mi, I would immediately post it below this text.
Actually, I started proofreading B-mi's reply. Terrible! Using "a" instead of "an" before a word starting with a vowel, and using wish instead of the present participle before "I'm."
And there was a Celica Supra MKII in the parking lot at the hospital yesterday. Drool.
For lunch at journal club: Chinese food by Tsing Tao (yes, same name as the beer). Ugh terrible! I'd rather eat my parents' American Chinese food than at that place. C-!
Once Benihana told me about the discounts for the California Academy of Sciences on Thursdays, I started sending out an email invitation for Drab to go with me then, before I regained consciousness and immediately discarded it. Gross. I refuse to be needy.
Slow lab day. Think I'll leave early?
god of cookery
I think I had one of those midlife things yesterday, wondering what I've done with my life so far.
The only answer I've come up with is study. And eat.
Janey sent me a link to some research being done at Rice, and that prompted me to look at other events, "noteworthy" people.
There's this girl I used to work with who grew up in war, and is now becoming a doctor as well as obtaining a degree in engineering.
There's another girl at Jones who's also planning on going to med school, who did some research on giving or whatever, got a lot of scholarships, traveled all over.
And a group of four who have started up something now being funded by the Clinton Global Initiative, which they plan to turn into a nonprofit?
It seems these people may be ambitious, as their sphere of influence is much greater in relation to anything I've ever done.
Not sure if I'm envious or not because I'm not really sure if I want to change the world. I don't have a clue about how I want to make a contribution to the world, if any. Even collecting awards/prizes doesn't phase me.
At this point, it doesn't seem as if anyone I know will ever rise to stardom, invent some medical breakthrough, cure cancer, control stem cell fate. There's no apparent evidence that the grad students I know have a strong drive/desire to unlock the secret to what's happening around the world.
But who's to say that a life of mediocrity is so bad (besides Cristina Yang)? As a kid, I always thought of how great it would be to live in my own house, get married, have a family, and just do my job really well.
Now? Don't care so much about home ownership or a large house (I'd be fine renting indefinitely), not so interested in dating, which automatically nixes marriage, and the only kids I like are those besides my own.
What do I want.
What do you want?
The only answer I've come up with is study. And eat.
Janey sent me a link to some research being done at Rice, and that prompted me to look at other events, "noteworthy" people.
There's this girl I used to work with who grew up in war, and is now becoming a doctor as well as obtaining a degree in engineering.
There's another girl at Jones who's also planning on going to med school, who did some research on giving or whatever, got a lot of scholarships, traveled all over.
And a group of four who have started up something now being funded by the Clinton Global Initiative, which they plan to turn into a nonprofit?
It seems these people may be ambitious, as their sphere of influence is much greater in relation to anything I've ever done.
Not sure if I'm envious or not because I'm not really sure if I want to change the world. I don't have a clue about how I want to make a contribution to the world, if any. Even collecting awards/prizes doesn't phase me.
At this point, it doesn't seem as if anyone I know will ever rise to stardom, invent some medical breakthrough, cure cancer, control stem cell fate. There's no apparent evidence that the grad students I know have a strong drive/desire to unlock the secret to what's happening around the world.
But who's to say that a life of mediocrity is so bad (besides Cristina Yang)? As a kid, I always thought of how great it would be to live in my own house, get married, have a family, and just do my job really well.
Now? Don't care so much about home ownership or a large house (I'd be fine renting indefinitely), not so interested in dating, which automatically nixes marriage, and the only kids I like are those besides my own.
What do I want.
What do you want?
ann yonng
Oh right. You can pick up your gift, Drab, as early as the end of this week. If you don't happen to get this message, mmmm, too bad.
One of many ways in which to improve the efficiency of public transportation: either kick all the foreign oldies off, or teach every single one of them how to open the back door (by pressing on the bar or the door panel when the green light turns ON).
Bad mistake: grabbing all the fried items in the "soul food" section. Fried zucchini, fried chicken breast, 3 fried chicken wings, baked beans, and corn on the cob. My face is oozing oil from all of its pores.
Old people... they tend to do funny things. I was using the ground floor bathroom before leaving the hospital tonight, and this veteran was washing his hair with soap in the bathroom.
Janey and I had a gabfest over old school Chinese music. Mmmm. Just as long we don't reach a point where we start gushing over our Danskos, I'm okay.
The things Danimals said in lab today reminded me of this evil villain in this manga I'm currently reading, where evil dude thinks the world needs to feel more pain right now in order to appreciate peace, since currently people are taking such moments for granted.
Take-out for journal club tomorrow! Let's hope Benihana's better at picking Chinese restaurants than Drab.
One of many ways in which to improve the efficiency of public transportation: either kick all the foreign oldies off, or teach every single one of them how to open the back door (by pressing on the bar or the door panel when the green light turns ON).
Bad mistake: grabbing all the fried items in the "soul food" section. Fried zucchini, fried chicken breast, 3 fried chicken wings, baked beans, and corn on the cob. My face is oozing oil from all of its pores.
Old people... they tend to do funny things. I was using the ground floor bathroom before leaving the hospital tonight, and this veteran was washing his hair with soap in the bathroom.
Janey and I had a gabfest over old school Chinese music. Mmmm. Just as long we don't reach a point where we start gushing over our Danskos, I'm okay.
The things Danimals said in lab today reminded me of this evil villain in this manga I'm currently reading, where evil dude thinks the world needs to feel more pain right now in order to appreciate peace, since currently people are taking such moments for granted.
Take-out for journal club tomorrow! Let's hope Benihana's better at picking Chinese restaurants than Drab.
la monstrua desnuda
McDonald's for lunch today- medium fries and 2 mcdoubles. Feel REALLY gross right about now.
Didn't do so well on my exam in human physiology either. It was even the neuro portion of the book. Bah!
ALSO didn't have to spend time last night working on my membrane biochemistry presentation since I'm not supposed to present until Friday. Ugh.
I think all my lab mates are going with me to the retreat in April. People I know I can tolerate if I get annoyed with the grad students there!
Back into the MCAT grind as well- 80 problems per day, 20 pages of reading. Need to start doing practice exams, verbal exercises soon. Can't wait for this to be over in 2 months. I say this knowing that medical school is nothing but a continuous series of exams that will never end until I'm past Step 3 and board-certified. Joy.
The lady sitting next to me on the bus today smelled like crap. It was so unbearable I had to hold my nose until my stop half an hour away.
Didn't do so well on my exam in human physiology either. It was even the neuro portion of the book. Bah!
ALSO didn't have to spend time last night working on my membrane biochemistry presentation since I'm not supposed to present until Friday. Ugh.
I think all my lab mates are going with me to the retreat in April. People I know I can tolerate if I get annoyed with the grad students there!
Back into the MCAT grind as well- 80 problems per day, 20 pages of reading. Need to start doing practice exams, verbal exercises soon. Can't wait for this to be over in 2 months. I say this knowing that medical school is nothing but a continuous series of exams that will never end until I'm past Step 3 and board-certified. Joy.
The lady sitting next to me on the bus today smelled like crap. It was so unbearable I had to hold my nose until my stop half an hour away.
I GUESS I could bother to acknowledge Drab's birthday on my blog.
My pickle squirted all over my mousetrack on my MacBook, and I have no idea how to clean it out of there.
Still have a chapter to read and a presentation to prepare. Short post.
My pickle squirted all over my mousetrack on my MacBook, and I have no idea how to clean it out of there.
Still have a chapter to read and a presentation to prepare. Short post.
My hair!!! Decided to try out a new hair salon this time around. Walked right into the place, nobody was in there. All the hairstylists were sitting around, waiting for someone to show up. Once I walked through the door, all the stylists stood up and started waving hand motions towards their chair for me to sit in.
Maybe I'm just saying the wrong thing in Cantonese? Maybe it's the language barrier that's getting me into trouble all these years. Ivy, the lady who cut my hair, decided to trim down everything, give me a side bang, and left the back long. Translation: Asian 80s style mullet that still seems to be the trend over in Asia, for people in their 20s/30s.
Once again, I had to walk past another person having a phone conversation with their significant other. Here's how it went: "Oh, I'm wearing a sweater..." This girl has completely changed the way I see the world.
An Asian worker at the fast food Chinese restaurant on campus was wearing a YesAsia.com t-shirt. I suppose this only surprises me since I used to frequent that site when I bought those terrible romantic comedies. Drink Drank Drunk?! Not enough drinking.
An old man sitting in front of me on the 18 bus was wearing a hearing aid that looked more like an ear plug. It reminded me of the type of hearing aid that my grampa was wearing for a while until they realized the size was too big for him. I was really tempted to just start singing a tune in his ear, to see how he'd react.
Met an angry black man on the N-Judah line Sunday afternoon. Fight the power! Fight the oppression!
Had a nice talk with my Benihana, who's other mission in life is to reduce ignorance, partly by steering people away from organized religion. Throughout the conversation, too, it seemed like everybody in lab was wondering what I'm going to do after I'm done with school this summer. And it SEEMS that working in lab might be a highly likely option, assuming I'm reading the right cues/context clues from Benihana. Then again, I mostly take people's words at face value and don't assume anything. But still, that's kind of exciting! I might have a job like real people!
Ugh, I'm stuck remembering someone's birthday looming over the horizon.
Update: Befriended 10 Asian ladies on QQ (one of whom is 4 years old), 2 boys (19 and 23). No idea who these people are...
Maybe I'm just saying the wrong thing in Cantonese? Maybe it's the language barrier that's getting me into trouble all these years. Ivy, the lady who cut my hair, decided to trim down everything, give me a side bang, and left the back long. Translation: Asian 80s style mullet that still seems to be the trend over in Asia, for people in their 20s/30s.
Once again, I had to walk past another person having a phone conversation with their significant other. Here's how it went: "Oh, I'm wearing a sweater..." This girl has completely changed the way I see the world.
An Asian worker at the fast food Chinese restaurant on campus was wearing a YesAsia.com t-shirt. I suppose this only surprises me since I used to frequent that site when I bought those terrible romantic comedies. Drink Drank Drunk?! Not enough drinking.
An old man sitting in front of me on the 18 bus was wearing a hearing aid that looked more like an ear plug. It reminded me of the type of hearing aid that my grampa was wearing for a while until they realized the size was too big for him. I was really tempted to just start singing a tune in his ear, to see how he'd react.
Met an angry black man on the N-Judah line Sunday afternoon. Fight the power! Fight the oppression!
Had a nice talk with my Benihana, who's other mission in life is to reduce ignorance, partly by steering people away from organized religion. Throughout the conversation, too, it seemed like everybody in lab was wondering what I'm going to do after I'm done with school this summer. And it SEEMS that working in lab might be a highly likely option, assuming I'm reading the right cues/context clues from Benihana. Then again, I mostly take people's words at face value and don't assume anything. But still, that's kind of exciting! I might have a job like real people!
Ugh, I'm stuck remembering someone's birthday looming over the horizon.
Update: Befriended 10 Asian ladies on QQ (one of whom is 4 years old), 2 boys (19 and 23). No idea who these people are...
Yes, Jalto, I was prayer-bombed. Anyhow, today made up for the travesty of yesterday.
Green tea din mama noodles: approve.
Went to Embarcadero today, in search of foodstuffs and MAYBE something for Drab.

At the top left corner states,"Life without walls." It would have been a more effective advertisement if there weren't actually a WALL in the picture. Dear me, have I converted to the dark side/Mac world?

AHH!!!! Toads!!! Shitty-tasting candies inside, but nice tins nonetheless. Found them at Cost Plus. I stood in the beer aisle for about half an hour contemplating whether or not I should get it for my lab mates, or put it into my next batch of chili, or to try on my own. At the last minute I ended up with two merlot French wines, two cheese wedges, and crackers for my lab's next journal club meeting. What is wrong with me?!
OH, and to introduce them all to the only chip they need to know and eat henceforth: ZAPP'S!!! Just finished a plate of Cajun Crawtators: SO GOOD, like head-throwing back against my pillow it's that good.
Green tea din mama noodles: approve.
Went to Embarcadero today, in search of foodstuffs and MAYBE something for Drab.
At the top left corner states,"Life without walls." It would have been a more effective advertisement if there weren't actually a WALL in the picture. Dear me, have I converted to the dark side/Mac world?
AHH!!!! Toads!!! Shitty-tasting candies inside, but nice tins nonetheless. Found them at Cost Plus. I stood in the beer aisle for about half an hour contemplating whether or not I should get it for my lab mates, or put it into my next batch of chili, or to try on my own. At the last minute I ended up with two merlot French wines, two cheese wedges, and crackers for my lab's next journal club meeting. What is wrong with me?!
OH, and to introduce them all to the only chip they need to know and eat henceforth: ZAPP'S!!! Just finished a plate of Cajun Crawtators: SO GOOD, like head-throwing back against my pillow it's that good.
farrokh bulsara
Really tempted to try this place out even though it's a fast food joint. My parents had to fax me something, so I walked down Sloat to the Fedex/Kinko's, but every time I do, this strong aroma sits around in the air right outside this restaurant.
Wide streets??
Large houses?!
Random shitty lion heads sticking outside of houses!?!? Lost myself in some neighborhood today on the way to Stonestown/Borders, thought I was in L.A.
The cross on the hill that Clare and I were trying to find could be seen right off 19th Ave.
An up-close shot of the cross. SPEAKING of crosses...
As if seeing red/pink wasn't vomit-inducing enough, I was minding my own business in the crosswords/puzzle section of Border's, staring at Magic Eye II drawings when this old lady walks right up to me, with a slip of white paper in her hand, and says,"Here's something good to read kid. Here's a prayer."
Besides having couples getting each other flowers stuffed in my face, old Christian women have to remind me that I'm a sinner today. What irritates me even more than that, though, is bad grammar! Read that slip. Why should I pay attention to someone who still uses the words "maketh" and "cleanseth"? That's even more backwards than the Confederate South. Additionally, there's the inherent error in logic. How can I remain a sinner if Jesus' blood "cleanseth" me of all sin? Also saying "pray this prayer" is a bit redundant. I bet if I had to proofread the bible with a red pen it'd be as bloody as Jesus was when they nailed him to the cross.
After all that thought about blood and sin, I went to Safeway and bought 4 pounds of ground beef, Totino's pizzas, and bananas.
Writing bores me. Perhaps I'll convert my blog into a comic strip. Except that manga software takes much longer to draw than if I did it by hand. I'll probably just sketch it out and post a camera shot of it onto the web.
Dinner time!
miss michigan
Last night, Nilk told me that "she" is who he's been seeing to satisfy his sexual frustration. As a non-Michiganer, I had no idea what he was talking about until he referred me over to Urban Dictionary. Yeah... nasty.
In lab, Danimals took pictures of the lab group with the camera that's supposed to be used for photographing gels. It's one of those old Polaroid cameras where you pull the trigger as if you're shooting a gun. I'm going to piece them together in ComicLife, make a funny strip out of it. Stay tuned.
And here they are!

Me, not guilty. It's time for a haircut.



And Danimals. I probably should have advised him not to tilt his chin towards his neck.
In lab, Danimals took pictures of the lab group with the camera that's supposed to be used for photographing gels. It's one of those old Polaroid cameras where you pull the trigger as if you're shooting a gun. I'm going to piece them together in ComicLife, make a funny strip out of it. Stay tuned.
And here they are!
Me, not guilty. It's time for a haircut.
And Danimals. I probably should have advised him not to tilt his chin towards his neck.
sound ranging
Hmm, my readership is up!
If things clear with the professor tomorrow about test dates, I'm going to go ahead and say yes to the retreat. And I'm going to be bringing my camera, because I know something awkward is definitely going to happen.
My iPod has been recently playing 80s/90s hits, and Seal came along. "Kiss from a Rose." It's not so bad of a song, except for the fact that one memory pops up involving Jalto, Yoshi, and Hesse harmonizing to it.
Convergence of the Neels in March, retreat in April, MCAT in May. Will try to start volunteering again, will try to get into one/any type of dance class, will apply for a weekend/night job. Lots of plans- will see if I follow through on all of them.
My cousins are asking me what I'm going to be doing for "Lover's Day," the Chinese translation of V-day. You should check out the Wiki version of Valentine's Day and contrast that with the one on Conservapedia. Even better, look at both versions of Barack Obama. The Conservapedia entry is better- trust me, you won't stop laughing.
My professors must not remember things that I say, particularly the part about me being a post-bacc. Two have always asked me if I'm graduating this semester, and Danimals keeps asking me how old I am.
Do you ever run around your domicile screaming, "ahhHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh.." like a madman? Because I do. It tends to calm me down.
I also take the stairs in steps of two, in a pathetic attempt to exercise the fat off my ass. I suppose that region I'm most self-conscious of, mainly because I get daily reminders every time I sit down in a chair.
Things are clear: I'm going to the retreat...
If things clear with the professor tomorrow about test dates, I'm going to go ahead and say yes to the retreat. And I'm going to be bringing my camera, because I know something awkward is definitely going to happen.
My iPod has been recently playing 80s/90s hits, and Seal came along. "Kiss from a Rose." It's not so bad of a song, except for the fact that one memory pops up involving Jalto, Yoshi, and Hesse harmonizing to it.
Convergence of the Neels in March, retreat in April, MCAT in May. Will try to start volunteering again, will try to get into one/any type of dance class, will apply for a weekend/night job. Lots of plans- will see if I follow through on all of them.
My cousins are asking me what I'm going to be doing for "Lover's Day," the Chinese translation of V-day. You should check out the Wiki version of Valentine's Day and contrast that with the one on Conservapedia. Even better, look at both versions of Barack Obama. The Conservapedia entry is better- trust me, you won't stop laughing.
My professors must not remember things that I say, particularly the part about me being a post-bacc. Two have always asked me if I'm graduating this semester, and Danimals keeps asking me how old I am.
Do you ever run around your domicile screaming, "ahhHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh.." like a madman? Because I do. It tends to calm me down.
I also take the stairs in steps of two, in a pathetic attempt to exercise the fat off my ass. I suppose that region I'm most self-conscious of, mainly because I get daily reminders every time I sit down in a chair.
Things are clear: I'm going to the retreat...
bell's palsy
There's a retreat that will be going on in April, basically involving all those involved in stem cell research I hear. Should I go...
I tried looking up the place, and it seems like a nice place. So what are my issues concerning the trip? It'll involve me being in a car with my PI to and from the location. In terms of sleeping conditions, I may be sleeping in the same room with my PI, manager, or postdoc, OR I may be rooming with a complete stranger. Neither situation bodes well- both will end up being awkward/uncomfortable. Sigh.
I'll also have to deal with skipping an exam on one of the days, even though I get to drop two in that class.
"Hey yo fat girl, are you ticklish? Yeah I called you fat. Look at me, I'm skinny. It never stopped me from gettin' busy." -Humpty Dance
While I was eating yogurt with just my mouth, I thought: I bet I would be good at eating a girl out, so long as it tasted like yogurt whips down there.
Danimals and I were having a conversation in lab, and he sees me more as a scientist than a doctor. He told me this because he hasn't actually seen me in gruesome situations in medicine- I guess this means hours down in the ER at night? Anyhow, I'm always getting the feeling during conversation that he's trying to convince me to go into research/grad school. What they care most about in interviews... letters of recommendation (crap), and the interview (crap). They want to see confidence (ugh) and the ability to carry on a conversation (whatever). The two things I think I'll probably have the most trouble with in the application process. Sigh.
Making chili (3 lbs ground beef, 3 red bell peppers, 3 yellow bell peppers, dark/light kidney beans, cumin, chili powder, black pepper, tomato paste/sauce/diced, 1/2 clove garlic, 2 yellow onions) for tomorrow's journal club. MMM!
I tried looking up the place, and it seems like a nice place. So what are my issues concerning the trip? It'll involve me being in a car with my PI to and from the location. In terms of sleeping conditions, I may be sleeping in the same room with my PI, manager, or postdoc, OR I may be rooming with a complete stranger. Neither situation bodes well- both will end up being awkward/uncomfortable. Sigh.
I'll also have to deal with skipping an exam on one of the days, even though I get to drop two in that class.
"Hey yo fat girl, are you ticklish? Yeah I called you fat. Look at me, I'm skinny. It never stopped me from gettin' busy." -Humpty Dance
While I was eating yogurt with just my mouth, I thought: I bet I would be good at eating a girl out, so long as it tasted like yogurt whips down there.
Danimals and I were having a conversation in lab, and he sees me more as a scientist than a doctor. He told me this because he hasn't actually seen me in gruesome situations in medicine- I guess this means hours down in the ER at night? Anyhow, I'm always getting the feeling during conversation that he's trying to convince me to go into research/grad school. What they care most about in interviews... letters of recommendation (crap), and the interview (crap). They want to see confidence (ugh) and the ability to carry on a conversation (whatever). The two things I think I'll probably have the most trouble with in the application process. Sigh.
Making chili (3 lbs ground beef, 3 red bell peppers, 3 yellow bell peppers, dark/light kidney beans, cumin, chili powder, black pepper, tomato paste/sauce/diced, 1/2 clove garlic, 2 yellow onions) for tomorrow's journal club. MMM!
Life, as it becomes more routine:
Classes until noon.
Spend a couple minutes browsing through Google reader.
MCAT practice problems for an hour.
Web surf for an hour on chromatin remodeling, neural stem cells, development.
Reading article for journal club- one hour.
Walk/play around with random stuff in lab until I head back to my apartment.
Snack/watch hulu.
Read MCAT books and textbooks for a few hours.
More reading.
Sleep around 1AM.
This morning, noticed an attractive, but fake blonde, girl on the bus. More dressed up than usual for someone who's just going to class. Since she was heading in the same direction, I decided to follow/stalk right behind her, to see if there were any chance that she'd be a science student. You know, since normally science people are... well, average/normal. Got to the point where she could have turned right and into one of the science buildings on campus, or left down the stairs to the main quad. She turned right.
Finally participated in class today. Can't believe I have to put myself out there just for a recommendation. Don't even know if I can be a gunner pre-med as Clare suggested during our meal at Crepevine. Ugh too sweet! Nobody can stand that much nutella in such a tiny crepe. The cashier lady was attractive though, even in her sweatshirt. Reminded me of Krazy Katie, only less crazy and less curly hair. The early 90s + 80s music was also pleasant.
How should one spend their singles awareness day? Stuff to think about for three days. Find myself stuck between those who have gotten married and/or had children, and those who are currently dating/engaged/engaged in promiscuity. My prediction of the future is that these associations will become as transient as friends are now. What was it that Clare said to me Saturday night, about transient friends being the staple now...
Classes until noon.
Spend a couple minutes browsing through Google reader.
MCAT practice problems for an hour.
Web surf for an hour on chromatin remodeling, neural stem cells, development.
Reading article for journal club- one hour.
Walk/play around with random stuff in lab until I head back to my apartment.
Snack/watch hulu.
Read MCAT books and textbooks for a few hours.
More reading.
Sleep around 1AM.
This morning, noticed an attractive, but fake blonde, girl on the bus. More dressed up than usual for someone who's just going to class. Since she was heading in the same direction, I decided to follow/stalk right behind her, to see if there were any chance that she'd be a science student. You know, since normally science people are... well, average/normal. Got to the point where she could have turned right and into one of the science buildings on campus, or left down the stairs to the main quad. She turned right.
Finally participated in class today. Can't believe I have to put myself out there just for a recommendation. Don't even know if I can be a gunner pre-med as Clare suggested during our meal at Crepevine. Ugh too sweet! Nobody can stand that much nutella in such a tiny crepe. The cashier lady was attractive though, even in her sweatshirt. Reminded me of Krazy Katie, only less crazy and less curly hair. The early 90s + 80s music was also pleasant.
How should one spend their singles awareness day? Stuff to think about for three days. Find myself stuck between those who have gotten married and/or had children, and those who are currently dating/engaged/engaged in promiscuity. My prediction of the future is that these associations will become as transient as friends are now. What was it that Clare said to me Saturday night, about transient friends being the staple now...
Memories of my dreams don't last long enough for me to write them down. I'm getting old... one of the few things I'm looking forward to, unlike liver spots, is balding. Can't wait not to give a shit about my hair.
I THOUGHT they were cherry blossoms.
And YES! I'm talking about Zapp's! The only downside is that they don't sell the dill flavor here...
Danimals is making an effort to spend more time in lab and out of his office. I thought that PI's spent less and less time in lab the more the progress in their career?
Plant physiology = boring. While others may be trying to save animals by eating more plants, I do the opposite and save more plants by eating more animals. More plants = less carbon dioxide in the air/water. More animals eaten = less organisms stealing my oxygen.
Another observation from the grad student party: several of the grad students already have inflated egos. Many of them seem to have high opinions of themselves, even though they haven't done jack with their "intelligence" in terms of getting published or changing the world.
Yay Poorneel may be making another visit to the Bay Area. At the same time as the other two Neels. Expect a chaotic weekend to ensue.
I THOUGHT they were cherry blossoms.
And YES! I'm talking about Zapp's! The only downside is that they don't sell the dill flavor here...
Danimals is making an effort to spend more time in lab and out of his office. I thought that PI's spent less and less time in lab the more the progress in their career?
Plant physiology = boring. While others may be trying to save animals by eating more plants, I do the opposite and save more plants by eating more animals. More plants = less carbon dioxide in the air/water. More animals eaten = less organisms stealing my oxygen.
Another observation from the grad student party: several of the grad students already have inflated egos. Many of them seem to have high opinions of themselves, even though they haven't done jack with their "intelligence" in terms of getting published or changing the world.
Yay Poorneel may be making another visit to the Bay Area. At the same time as the other two Neels. Expect a chaotic weekend to ensue.
Time for the #2. Picture dump.

An actual blimp flying around SF. Well if you ever want to be on one, there's the number.

I would have liked this more, if not for the ugly chocolate heart design on top of the green tea mousse. Just ate the fruit tart now, a day later. STILL don't like sweets...

Guess what this is. One of the few pictures I've taken that I've liked, mainly because it isn't a direct shot of some concrete object in daylight.


What type of tree is this? People all over SF seem to like planting this tree in front of their house/apartments.
An actual blimp flying around SF. Well if you ever want to be on one, there's the number.
I would have liked this more, if not for the ugly chocolate heart design on top of the green tea mousse. Just ate the fruit tart now, a day later. STILL don't like sweets...
Guess what this is. One of the few pictures I've taken that I've liked, mainly because it isn't a direct shot of some concrete object in daylight.
What type of tree is this? People all over SF seem to like planting this tree in front of their house/apartments.
chateau d'if
Hmm, maybe it was me, Jalto, and Doerfy watching that movie instead, and the three of us were watching Bubbleboy...
Had another dream about my PI. We might have been having a meal together. Anyhow, I'll take a dream about my PI over a dream with Drab any day of the week.
I also splurged at the grocery store, buying all types of vegetables, beans, to make a humongous bowl of chili for my labbies at journal club this week.
Now that I'm in the right mind, I can recall multiple events from... Saturday night.
Jan Brady- nice hat, mediocre dance moves.
Guy w/ UTI- alternated b/t beer and cranberry juice the whole night. Nice nose bridge, skin complexion, complete weirdo/creep.
Megara- MIA at the party. One of the few people I wanted to see that night.
Sweet Caroline- not really sweet, not really that interesting, didn't bother chatting w/ her.
Peter Pan- nice, greasy.
mAlice- liked her hair, reminiscent of Audrey Tautou in Amelie, approve of her plan for less children in the world.
Who the hell?! A freshman from Weiss calling me just now, asking for donations. First they call you, then ask about how things are, as if they actually care what's going on with your life, and then they quickly proceed to asking for donations. All people ever call for nowadays is favors.
Sudden flashback to hanging out at Jones during beer bike. Very odd, very creepy.
New mission: off to rediscover the most wonderful bag of chips that Louisiana has to offer.
Had another dream about my PI. We might have been having a meal together. Anyhow, I'll take a dream about my PI over a dream with Drab any day of the week.
I also splurged at the grocery store, buying all types of vegetables, beans, to make a humongous bowl of chili for my labbies at journal club this week.
Now that I'm in the right mind, I can recall multiple events from... Saturday night.
Jan Brady- nice hat, mediocre dance moves.
Guy w/ UTI- alternated b/t beer and cranberry juice the whole night. Nice nose bridge, skin complexion, complete weirdo/creep.
Megara- MIA at the party. One of the few people I wanted to see that night.
Sweet Caroline- not really sweet, not really that interesting, didn't bother chatting w/ her.
Peter Pan- nice, greasy.
mAlice- liked her hair, reminiscent of Audrey Tautou in Amelie, approve of her plan for less children in the world.
Who the hell?! A freshman from Weiss calling me just now, asking for donations. First they call you, then ask about how things are, as if they actually care what's going on with your life, and then they quickly proceed to asking for donations. All people ever call for nowadays is favors.
Sudden flashback to hanging out at Jones during beer bike. Very odd, very creepy.
New mission: off to rediscover the most wonderful bag of chips that Louisiana has to offer.
While sitting on the john, in less than a minute came up with an entire concept for Drab's b-day card.
While in the shower watching a part of my chest bleed, contemplated doing a photo series of blood dripping down random parts of my body.
Also while in the shower, remembered Josie n' the Pussycats from last night. She was one of the few strangers that I liked/cared to talk to when waiting for the bathroom. Tis a shame she works in the same lab as Drab.
While thinking about Josie n' the Pussycats, remembered a time when Clare, MattPatt, and I saw that awesomely terrible movie in the junior suite. Yes, the one with Alan Cumming. SO BAD!
Instead of going to the Office Depot and buying a fax machine as Clare/my parents suggested, I'm going to go the cheaper route and just head over to a nearby Fedex/Kinkos and utilize their public fax services. Can't believe I didn't think of that sooner.
And then off to buy more Asian snacks in Chinatown. C-y'all.
While sitting on the john, in less than a minute came up with an entire concept for Drab's b-day card.
While in the shower watching a part of my chest bleed, contemplated doing a photo series of blood dripping down random parts of my body.
Also while in the shower, remembered Josie n' the Pussycats from last night. She was one of the few strangers that I liked/cared to talk to when waiting for the bathroom. Tis a shame she works in the same lab as Drab.
While thinking about Josie n' the Pussycats, remembered a time when Clare, MattPatt, and I saw that awesomely terrible movie in the junior suite. Yes, the one with Alan Cumming. SO BAD!
Instead of going to the Office Depot and buying a fax machine as Clare/my parents suggested, I'm going to go the cheaper route and just head over to a nearby Fedex/Kinkos and utilize their public fax services. Can't believe I didn't think of that sooner.
And then off to buy more Asian snacks in Chinatown. C-y'all.
fresh air
Just one more thing
OHHHHHH HO HO my blankets are SO SOFT now
Bon bon nacht!
OHHHHHH HO HO my blankets are SO SOFT now
Bon bon nacht!
4 non blondes
UGHHHHHHHH. I don't know why I keep attending parties when I know I'm going to get sick off alcohol.
Drab's housewarming.
My limit: 1.5 beers on an empty stomach.
Sweet crepe w/ Clare before the party: not so much my cup of tea.
Once we got there- AGAIN, Drab started hugging me. UGH! Gross! Why does he have to do that?! And then trying to hug me again when Clare and I were about to leave! BLEGH!!! Hateful!
Ohhhhh, I feel gross/nauseous. NEVER AGAIN.
Night -_^. It's getting difficult to type.....
Drab's housewarming.
My limit: 1.5 beers on an empty stomach.
Sweet crepe w/ Clare before the party: not so much my cup of tea.
Once we got there- AGAIN, Drab started hugging me. UGH! Gross! Why does he have to do that?! And then trying to hug me again when Clare and I were about to leave! BLEGH!!! Hateful!
Ohhhhh, I feel gross/nauseous. NEVER AGAIN.
Night -_^. It's getting difficult to type.....
Staring at girls wearing shoe sizes too small for them is like staring at play doh spilling out of its mold, or a fat cat trapped in the pet door. Maybe that's the real reason why women hurt their feet.
Strange thoughts about Clare's friend SadAFLAK. She's a very attractive woman. Nice bridge of the nose, defined cheekbones, tanned skin tone. Strange because I was thinking about her while sitting on the john waiting to finish.
Why didn't anyone tell me Macy's was jeans heaven??? Although I can see why they had to close down so many stores- all their shit is overpriced. The Chinese New Year Parade was also being set up near Union Square. Went through Nike/H&M/Levi's, couldn't find any reasonably priced shoes and/or jeans.
My goal was to get a few pairs of jeans from the malls downtown, but I ultimately ended up taking the N-Judah back to Irving and arrived back at the apartment with an instant boiler and 20+ packs of ramen for my labbies. Remember Danimals mentioning something about getting ramen from Walgreens. Blegh! Random thought was that I would just boil a giant bowl of ramen and have a ramen party for journal club. Or have it all to myself if nobody wanted any. Mmmmm.
Guilty pleasure of the week: mango, strawberry, lemon, durian wafers.
Strange thoughts about Clare's friend SadAFLAK. She's a very attractive woman. Nice bridge of the nose, defined cheekbones, tanned skin tone. Strange because I was thinking about her while sitting on the john waiting to finish.
Why didn't anyone tell me Macy's was jeans heaven??? Although I can see why they had to close down so many stores- all their shit is overpriced. The Chinese New Year Parade was also being set up near Union Square. Went through Nike/H&M/Levi's, couldn't find any reasonably priced shoes and/or jeans.
My goal was to get a few pairs of jeans from the malls downtown, but I ultimately ended up taking the N-Judah back to Irving and arrived back at the apartment with an instant boiler and 20+ packs of ramen for my labbies. Remember Danimals mentioning something about getting ramen from Walgreens. Blegh! Random thought was that I would just boil a giant bowl of ramen and have a ramen party for journal club. Or have it all to myself if nobody wanted any. Mmmmm.
Guilty pleasure of the week: mango, strawberry, lemon, durian wafers.
jack be nimble
Haha my postdoc is singing along to Don McLean's "American Pie." Sadly, he isn't a fan of Kpop the way I am, but he does like 80s music. Instant redemption in my eyes.
Got invited to join the labbies at a retreat in Monterrey. Only problem will be that other grad students are going there. Oy. A plus is that I don't run the risk of running into Drab since he isn't there; a minus is the possibility of me running into Jan Brady, my supposed replacement.
Most surfed website for me this year: Pubmed. I might as well make it my home page. Blergh...
Terrible habit I've picked up recently is to catch up on all my TV shows Friday night. Mostly bad ones at that, if anything. Grey's, Private Practice, 30 Rock, Burn Notice, Lie to Me, Bones, Dr. House, Fringe, Heroes. I still firmly refuse to give in to The Office and BSG.
Tumblr- more and more appealing. Time for a move? Haha, and I already have one follower even though I haven't posted anything. Janey. Ho face.
Finally checked my phone after lab, and once I opened up my voicemail, I found a message left by Danimals because he was concerned about me getting caught in the rain. >_<
Journal club gets more and more... complex. A lot more challenging to critique a paper than I had initially thought. It requires a lot of knowledge about techniques- how the method is actually performed, its uses, and its limitations. I suppose for the most part, it's the elegant art of analyzing data.
Research seems to be a more appealing field, due to the challenges available. Still, I probably won't be able to use it for ghost hunting with Jalto. Not yet, anyways. Give me time to develop a sound experiment and novel methodology.
Got invited to join the labbies at a retreat in Monterrey. Only problem will be that other grad students are going there. Oy. A plus is that I don't run the risk of running into Drab since he isn't there; a minus is the possibility of me running into Jan Brady, my supposed replacement.
Most surfed website for me this year: Pubmed. I might as well make it my home page. Blergh...
Terrible habit I've picked up recently is to catch up on all my TV shows Friday night. Mostly bad ones at that, if anything. Grey's, Private Practice, 30 Rock, Burn Notice, Lie to Me, Bones, Dr. House, Fringe, Heroes. I still firmly refuse to give in to The Office and BSG.
Tumblr- more and more appealing. Time for a move? Haha, and I already have one follower even though I haven't posted anything. Janey. Ho face.
Finally checked my phone after lab, and once I opened up my voicemail, I found a message left by Danimals because he was concerned about me getting caught in the rain. >_<
Journal club gets more and more... complex. A lot more challenging to critique a paper than I had initially thought. It requires a lot of knowledge about techniques- how the method is actually performed, its uses, and its limitations. I suppose for the most part, it's the elegant art of analyzing data.
Research seems to be a more appealing field, due to the challenges available. Still, I probably won't be able to use it for ghost hunting with Jalto. Not yet, anyways. Give me time to develop a sound experiment and novel methodology.
That word always reminds me of that song... Skinamarinky dinky dink skinarmarinky doo. Sclerenchyma-rinky dinky dink. Rinky dink, honky tonk.
One of the worst things I hate doing is the #2 at the hospital. The only bathroom on our floor is so gross- people peeing all over the floor around the toilet bowl (which can be attributed to guys, hopefully), people peeing all over the toilet seat (which also can be attributed to guys, unless some women on our floor pee standing up), and people peeing all over the toilet rim (again, guys, unless some women like sitting on the toilet with the seat up).
Conclusion: one or more guys on my floor has some issues when it comes to aiming. You'd think after 20+ years of target practice, someone should be a fucking sniper by now.
Taking a plant physiology class right now- every time I sit in, I get so bored I think about subsisting solely off meat for the rest of my life.
I suppose I should get ready to present my article for journal club tomorrow. Toodle-oo.
One of the worst things I hate doing is the #2 at the hospital. The only bathroom on our floor is so gross- people peeing all over the floor around the toilet bowl (which can be attributed to guys, hopefully), people peeing all over the toilet seat (which also can be attributed to guys, unless some women on our floor pee standing up), and people peeing all over the toilet rim (again, guys, unless some women like sitting on the toilet with the seat up).
Conclusion: one or more guys on my floor has some issues when it comes to aiming. You'd think after 20+ years of target practice, someone should be a fucking sniper by now.
Taking a plant physiology class right now- every time I sit in, I get so bored I think about subsisting solely off meat for the rest of my life.
I suppose I should get ready to present my article for journal club tomorrow. Toodle-oo.
My PI gave me back the email detailing the report by all the reviewers. He approved of my take on that Short take. He also liked the article that I picked for Journal club Friday.
How disgusting, me seeking approval from others. I never thought I would become that type of person. What's next, me getting married before everyone? Gross.
Bags of chips for $1! Yogurt Whips in stock! Totino's pizzas for only $1.25! I was only supposed to go to Safeway to buy facial tissue...
My lab group has tentatively agreed to run a marathon together in April. Oyyyyyy.
Sitting on the bus this afternoon on my way back to my apartment. To my left, a fat white guy. To my right, a Hispanic fellow. Both of which think they deserve more space than the person sitting next to them, so they sprawl themselves out, spread their legs wide open, meaning that I have to scrunch up my shoulders and close my legs tight so that I don't have to physically contact either of them. Repulsive.
How disgusting, me seeking approval from others. I never thought I would become that type of person. What's next, me getting married before everyone? Gross.
Bags of chips for $1! Yogurt Whips in stock! Totino's pizzas for only $1.25! I was only supposed to go to Safeway to buy facial tissue...
My lab group has tentatively agreed to run a marathon together in April. Oyyyyyy.
Sitting on the bus this afternoon on my way back to my apartment. To my left, a fat white guy. To my right, a Hispanic fellow. Both of which think they deserve more space than the person sitting next to them, so they sprawl themselves out, spread their legs wide open, meaning that I have to scrunch up my shoulders and close my legs tight so that I don't have to physically contact either of them. Repulsive.
le cerveau
... Had a dream about my PI last night.
I was away from my computer at lab for a little while, and then he came over, sat down in my chair, and started looking at all my open applications.
He saw my google homepage, some school web sites, and then two windows that had pictures of naked male models posing in all sorts of places- swimming pools, beach side, on the street.
Both of us started chuckling and wondering who it was that had used my computer.
We turn around to look at my post doc's desk, and right on top there were printed pages of the same naked men on my web browser.
I was away from my computer at lab for a little while, and then he came over, sat down in my chair, and started looking at all my open applications.
He saw my google homepage, some school web sites, and then two windows that had pictures of naked male models posing in all sorts of places- swimming pools, beach side, on the street.
Both of us started chuckling and wondering who it was that had used my computer.
We turn around to look at my post doc's desk, and right on top there were printed pages of the same naked men on my web browser.
Dreamed about my PI+lab last night.
Taking all my classes backwards. Kinda interesting. Finished most of the upper division biology classes here. Now I'm taking... intro chemistry II, just to satisfy the prereq for med school. Sigh.
Random thought about wanting to share a headphone with Leigh-Ugh this morning.
Random thought about considering getting Drab a housewarming gift. Gross.
Tried hospital cafeteria food again for lunch. Surprisingly, it was more tolerable than the food I had ordered at Hotei (dinner w/ Clare from Sunday), which is still sitting in a brown paper bag in my fridge.
Lazily bumming around lately. Jeez it's hot in lab!
Note to self: web surfing on government computers.
Taking all my classes backwards. Kinda interesting. Finished most of the upper division biology classes here. Now I'm taking... intro chemistry II, just to satisfy the prereq for med school. Sigh.
Random thought about wanting to share a headphone with Leigh-Ugh this morning.
Random thought about considering getting Drab a housewarming gift. Gross.
Tried hospital cafeteria food again for lunch. Surprisingly, it was more tolerable than the food I had ordered at Hotei (dinner w/ Clare from Sunday), which is still sitting in a brown paper bag in my fridge.
Lazily bumming around lately. Jeez it's hot in lab!
Note to self: web surfing on government computers.
punxsutawney phil
Maybe it's because I ate dinner w/ Clare last night...
Maybe it's because I didn't wash my hands before eating w/ Clare last night, after having sifted through the racks at a thrift store...
The more I fall into the depths of science, I closer I arrive to the conclusion that no truth is self-evident.

Cousin and gramps.

Complete Chinese New Year dinner, minus the soups.
Maybe it's because I didn't wash my hands before eating w/ Clare last night, after having sifted through the racks at a thrift store...
The more I fall into the depths of science, I closer I arrive to the conclusion that no truth is self-evident.
Cousin and gramps.
Complete Chinese New Year dinner, minus the soups.
le soutien-gorge
Ughhhhh... feeling HORRIBLE right now, which means one of two possible conclusions: either I just can't be vegetarian, or Chinese food was never meant to have vegetarian dishes.
I had half an hour between classes left, so I headed to the student center and down to the fast food Chinese place. Since I already had broccoli chicken recently, I decided to get the vegetarian tofu dish for a change, with only peas and carrots in some spicy sauce. The plate was finished, I soon headed up the stairs to use the bathroom. Once I got in, I just started feeling nauseous, thinking, okay, maybe it's just the smell of the bathroom, it'll be over soon. Wrong.
Got back out, left the student center, felt like throwing up all the way to my classroom. I was a little concerned in class too, because this old fellow wearing his banana republic clothing and foul cologne was sitting next to me, which made me even more sick, as I felt food coming up my esophagus.
Coincidentally, my lab mate got sick over the weekend, Danimals (mine, not Janey's) got sick from lunch Friday, and my lab manager got sick as well from the hospital cafeteria food.
Oh, and I'm also resuming uber posting because I'm tired of seeing the GA redux people at the top of my blog list.
Memory recall from yesterday: Clare getting honked at all across town- for stopping/breaking. And him parking over/crushing a glass bottle.
Checked the flower pot that I thought I had trapped the mouse in- it's gone now. Benihana recommends that I get one of those mouse traps with the adhesive.
I had half an hour between classes left, so I headed to the student center and down to the fast food Chinese place. Since I already had broccoli chicken recently, I decided to get the vegetarian tofu dish for a change, with only peas and carrots in some spicy sauce. The plate was finished, I soon headed up the stairs to use the bathroom. Once I got in, I just started feeling nauseous, thinking, okay, maybe it's just the smell of the bathroom, it'll be over soon. Wrong.
Got back out, left the student center, felt like throwing up all the way to my classroom. I was a little concerned in class too, because this old fellow wearing his banana republic clothing and foul cologne was sitting next to me, which made me even more sick, as I felt food coming up my esophagus.
Coincidentally, my lab mate got sick over the weekend, Danimals (mine, not Janey's) got sick from lunch Friday, and my lab manager got sick as well from the hospital cafeteria food.
Oh, and I'm also resuming uber posting because I'm tired of seeing the GA redux people at the top of my blog list.
Memory recall from yesterday: Clare getting honked at all across town- for stopping/breaking. And him parking over/crushing a glass bottle.
Checked the flower pot that I thought I had trapped the mouse in- it's gone now. Benihana recommends that I get one of those mouse traps with the adhesive.
As per Clare's suggestion tonight, I will try to revamp my blog (either this one or my tumblr account) so that it's more Jason-Siu-esque, in Clare's words. No idea what that means.
Since Leigh-ugh canceled the movie today (football fan), I was left hanging out with Clare. Thrift stores, Tartine, driving around the city, searching for huge holy crosses, sushi, and gelato.
What I've learned about myself tonight... my alcohol tolerance is lower than ever. One beer. ONE BEER. UGH.
I could also start running. Just keep running like Forrest Gump. I have a pair of shitty shoes that I don't mind wearing out quickly. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to do a full marathon one day?
Dinner @ Hotei w/ Clare: had the dry soba whatever in dipping sauce, and some oyaku don (?), a pork cutlet dish with egg over rice. When I try something new... I barely touched any of my food, even though I had it bagged. My next day's meal. Hmm...
There's an uncertain feeling arising from both my and Clare's professional futures. Too care-free, I suppose?
Annnnnnd there's a mouse in my kitchen again.

Little rascal.
Since Leigh-ugh canceled the movie today (football fan), I was left hanging out with Clare. Thrift stores, Tartine, driving around the city, searching for huge holy crosses, sushi, and gelato.
What I've learned about myself tonight... my alcohol tolerance is lower than ever. One beer. ONE BEER. UGH.
I could also start running. Just keep running like Forrest Gump. I have a pair of shitty shoes that I don't mind wearing out quickly. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to do a full marathon one day?
Dinner @ Hotei w/ Clare: had the dry soba whatever in dipping sauce, and some oyaku don (?), a pork cutlet dish with egg over rice. When I try something new... I barely touched any of my food, even though I had it bagged. My next day's meal. Hmm...
There's an uncertain feeling arising from both my and Clare's professional futures. Too care-free, I suppose?
Annnnnnd there's a mouse in my kitchen again.
Little rascal.
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