

"The William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Letters, Science and Art."

Rice's original name. Why anybody would want to name something that long baffles me.

Only 3 Nobel Laureates at Rice. 2 of them graduated from Rice as an undergraduate. Who's going to be the next Nobel Laureate to come from Rice?

Quietly developing a list of scientists whom I'd like to personally meet sometime in the near future.

I have these moments of intense focus/motivation, but I have no idea when or how it builds up. If only I can maintain it longer... hmm, this sounds like an erectile dysfunction advertisement.

Obsession of the moment: Howard Hughes.

My former lab buddy is coming back to lab tomorrow to visit! She's also going to let me tag along/shadow her during the weekend, see how the emergency room's really like in the east bay.

Annnnnd I have 8 hours until my exam. 65 pages to read. Eyes burn like oil on skin.

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