The first one involved me sitting on the schoolbus with him and his wife- mostly it was his wife drilling me questions about lab.
The second one consisted of me sitting in the lobby, with Danimals walking around and talking to me. Suddenly he just freezes and seemed like he was starting to have a heart attack. I panic and try to figure out what to do.
In ACTUAL lab today, I noticed Danimals wearing a SpongeBob bandage on his left pinky finger. I actually cut the same finger earlier in the week with my santoku knife cutting vegetables. Well, I don't know what's more awkward, him wearing a cartoon band-aid at his age, or me knowing that the character on the band-aid, Mrs. Puff, is from the SpongeBob show.
Maybe I am a workaholic... every time I keep counting, it still adds up to me being in lab at least 30 hours a week. Not sure how I really get anything done with 12 hours of classes.
So if someone was born left-handed, but trained to write with their right hand, does that mean they will have switch left/right brain dominance? Or is it just a change of hand dominance? That is, if there were an object- pencil, cup, what have you- sitting on a table, would that person then reach out with their left hand or their right hand?
I have this feeling in my gut that I don't feel like application will be ready/competitive, but I probably should stop stalling the inevitable. If I don't get accepted this season, I most likely will not get accepted in the next. Perhaps I'm just freaking out because I was advised to turn in my AMCAS early, but I probably won't be submitting it until early/mid-July. Which means less spots available, more competition for the remaining spaces. Going to eat something now. Enjoy the pics.
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