Went sailing with my compatriots today. Around the bay again. Didn't go out for too long. Tanned myself though. How's that for unpredictable, Clare?! Going out when it's blindingly bright and unbearably hot!
Had a bunch of finger foods: quiche with ham, vegetarian quiche, these odd croissants also with ham or vegetables, a vegetarian-type pizza/tart, chocolate ganache, raspberry/blueberry/strawberry fruit tarts, and fruit. Everybody kept staring at me while I was eating, especially my Danimals' wife, who said that she likes someone who eats a lot and is surprised that I never get fat.
Due to not drinking for a while, my face turned COMPLETELY red. Just from one cup of mimosa! UGHHHHHH.
Mantis brought her boyfriend along, who I actually approve of. A few grad students of whom I have a non-negative opinion. VERY unpredictable. In your face, Clare!
I like my postdoc's wife, too, mainly because she likes guy stuff: Gundam/robots and the lemmings arcade games. Their baby's really cute, too. He really liked my windbreaker for some reason- he kept grabbing it during the trip and putting his mouth on/drooling all over it.
And THEN I came back to my apartment to find that Lizbian had sent me a postcard. Mmm, nice. Had a headache though, from the alcohol.
My mom's only staying for one more week! YES!
I finally get to writing on my 3 essays for the AMCAS. Considering retaking the MCAT... I know I can break a 40.
Very excited about moving on with my life now. Excited about taking on new projects, learning new lab techniques, taking classes for fun (instead of boosting my gpa/proving I can handle a tough science load, i.e., first 2 years of medical school), getting paid to do something I enjoy, finally having enough time to cook/dance.
Of course these "feelings" may just be my neurohormones being affected by the Chinese music I'm currently playing.
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