

It's definitely not healthy when you're waiting for the day your 88-year-old roommate kicks the bucket.

GOD! What the hell is wrong with him?! Wanting me to say hi EVERY single time I come back to the apartment. I don't feel like talking- fuck off!

Also, I am NEVER using any of his kitchen stuff every again. ALL he does is complain about it every single time I use an appliance. Why the hell does the water line need to be filled to the max level every day?! WHY does the drying rack need to be cleared of dishes, when the exact purpose of a drying rack is to let wet plates sit there until they're dry!!!

Needy people, no matter what age they are, piss me off.


un aperitif

My opinion still holds that friends more often disappoint than impress.



"In your virgin mind, women are like these mythical creatures, like unicorns with breasts. But let me tell you something: that's a myth. Women are just normal people with breasts, and you need to have sex with one so you can see that."

HAHA! I know I shouldn't be laughing, and I know I shouldn't be liking that show, but I am! Ugh!

What the hell?! Why are Plain White T's on Greek?!



Everybody's pushing me to turn in my app. Particularly the ladies. Aghhhhh, Charlie Brown style. Or did he say argh?

Saw Julie and Julia. Girl drama: boring. Meryl Streep's impersonation of Julia Child: amazing. The food: amazing.

Had El Salvadorean for dinner with Clare. and Drab. Drab's old. Clare put on a little weight. Drab still rubs against my leg during dinner. I still hate him. His PI and my PI are competing for the same grant. Same score. I want to crush Drab, even if his PI has to go down with him.

Ok, so I haven't exactly started writing yet. Gonna look at dharmacon first and see how to BLAST my shRNA for the right target. THEN writing!



Dream about Hesse and MattPatt: I was stuck lying in the middle of the bed, Hesse on my left, MattPatt on my right. I was laying there, getting my sleep on, when those other two decided to get their sex on. They were TRYING to have sex over me! Not only was it awkward, but I think I felt more appendages than is visible to the public eye.

You ever have sushi that was really good, soft like snow? Imagine the sushi being the cushy pillow, and imagine my head resting comfortably against it while lying on my side. That was my experience tonight.

Today my hands were stained with the blood of mice. I was finally given the chance to do brain dissections on 5 and 21 day old mice. I felt so guilty lopping their heads off, especially after it took so long to hold them down, the many times I let slip their tails from my fingers, the amount of stress I probably caused them before their demise. So interesting to see the line between life and death right in my hands.

While the sacking was a bit challenging, extracting the neural stem cells from the ventricle was much easier- I was able to cut out the right region on the 2nd try.

Time for a change in my life, and therefore my blog. I will be moving to my newer, hopefully upgraded blog over at tumblr. Posts will begin over there on 08/15/09. August 15. I think I'll be either closing this blog down or just removing the entries from public view. Anyhow, this is my early warning.

New beginnings!



For the week: trying out different kinds of Japanese restaurants.

Janey's still calling me at random times in lab, when I always seem to be preoccupied with something else.

Postdoc that came in today: liked her job talk at the end, kinda engrossed by her chin hairs (which she had more of than me) and faint mustache. I knew Indian girls were hairy, but come on!

How does one go about eating a quail egg with their sushi?



I don't know how my name spreads around campus, but apparently people know me, in addition to my field of expertise.

Tonight- trying to boil ramen inside some watery rice I made the day before. Added bones from spare ribs to see if that adds to the rice while microwaving. Experimenting, now at home!



Why is it that all the crazies come out early in the morning? I thought they didn't have anything better to do until later in the day.

Bleached a favorite pair of pants during lab. Ugh. It's a shame they weren't black- I could have just applied sharpie to the light spots.

New things learned in lab: cloning (kind of), that I'm not a dummy- it was something wrong with the plasmid, and how to multitask several things at once (culturing bacteria, running maxi/mini kits, running a gel, ICC, passaging cells).

I think I'm reaching my end with my current roommate. Wanting to be friends. Gross! Maybe he should realize that not ALL people want to talk in the morning, and that I shouldn't have to tell him where I go every time I leave the apartment. Sigh, but he's a nice guy in general- I suppose I shouldn't give him such a hard time.

Stem cell conference over at Mission Bay Thursday. Only problem... the possibility of running into Drab there. You know he's going to show up just for the free food. Then again, I do have some questions for him, but that would require talking to him.


In lab today. Got in around 9 AM.

REALLLLY want to go to the public library though. Fish around for good books to read.

I was considering Magic for Beginners. Should probably expand my reading past cookbooks and neuroscience text huh?

Maxi Kits take SO long. ICC takes SO long. Ugh. Ready to get out of here! Good thing I have food stashes cleverly hidden around the lab.



Essays for med school: begin?

Finally have a free weekend, with food in the fridge- maybe I should pick up some pasta on the way back, since I made shit loads of spaghetti sauce last night. Hmm maybe I can also buy more vegetables so that I'll just keep adding to the sauce so that it'll never run out. At some point mold would be growing though, yeah?

Busy with lab, as usual.

Passing cells today. Seeding a few chamber slides because my postdoc had some issues with the antibody. Testing how long I should wait for proliferation media to have an effect on differentiated cells. Culturing bacteria overnight to do the Mini Kit on them. Culture larger flasks to do Maxi Kits on them as well. Preparing my powerpoint for my presentation on Friday. Learning new lab techniques.
