Dream about Hesse and MattPatt: I was stuck lying in the middle of the bed, Hesse on my left, MattPatt on my right. I was laying there, getting my sleep on, when those other two decided to get their sex on. They were TRYING to have sex over me! Not only was it awkward, but I think I felt more appendages than is visible to the public eye.
You ever have sushi that was really good, soft like snow? Imagine the sushi being the cushy pillow, and imagine my head resting comfortably against it while lying on my side. That was my experience tonight.
Today my hands were stained with the blood of mice. I was finally given the chance to do brain dissections on 5 and 21 day old mice. I felt so guilty lopping their heads off, especially after it took so long to hold them down, the many times I let slip their tails from my fingers, the amount of stress I probably caused them before their demise. So interesting to see the line between life and death right in my hands.
While the sacking was a bit challenging, extracting the neural stem cells from the ventricle was much easier- I was able to cut out the right region on the 2nd try.
Time for a change in my life, and therefore my blog. I will be moving to my newer, hopefully upgraded blog over at tumblr. Posts will begin over there on 08/15/09. August 15. I think I'll be either closing this blog down or just removing the entries from public view. Anyhow, this is my early warning.
New beginnings!
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