

Would you ever give up your potential for achievement(s)- for various reasons- in order so that your significant other will succeed?

Even if it means that they end up being more successful professionally than you?

Tonight the sushi chef gave my lab mates and me complimentary sake and complimentary sushi. Excellent!

Oh right. I should blog about my night w/ Drab, Clare, and Amelia sometime soon. Tomorrow hopefully.

Too strung out on Dexter right now. If I can relate to the main character, does that make me a sociopath?

1 comment:

Josh said...

You presuppose that we can know ahead of time what our achievements might be and make rational choices about them.

This is almost never the case.

More often we are saddled with limited data / knowledge and even less clarity on how these affect our lives.

And yes, if you can relate to the main character you're crazy: bat-shit, slam-your-head-into-the-wall insane.

You should come visit me and Kathleen in NOLA!