

Do I have to be the bigger person?

Why does it have to be me? I don't understand how hard it can be for people to realize that they cannot rely on me all the time for their projects to succeed.

I actually enjoy this sort of lull where there's no noise in my bay. No forced facial expressions where I break the elasticity of my face. No annoying phrases or quotes from movies and TV shows all the time. Those repetitive conversations bug me so much. Just a nice break, except when the lab manager comes in talking with his loud voice.

The silence is also great in pushing me to go running again. In the past 2 days, I have run 3 miles each, and will increase my distance to 5 miles tonight.

Another consideration to help with my training is a GPS watch. Although I considered purchasing one on Amazon, buddy Janey has graciously offered up her watch since she is not using it. My only concern is that her body sweat on the heart rate monitor band will rub up against my sweaty body. Gross.

I suppose that's all I need for now. Perhaps I will consider a roller for myofascial release in addition to some other energy drinks that will help speed up recovery.

Today: part 2 of ChIP. This procedure requires a lot more optimization than I had planned, so hopefully my PI doesn't bug me when the results do not come in on time.

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