I tried making muffins- for the second time in a row. They were a disaster. I think I'm just using the wrong flour. Neither target nor kroger sells pastry flour. Sure, they have all-purpose flour and the muffin mixes premade, but no pastry flour. UGH.
I tried whole wheat flour; it was too wheaty. I tried all-purpose flour like clare said. It ended up with the same results- it looked more like a cupcake. Stupid pastries.
I think I'm over my dancing phase for now. Just ready for LNY to be over with so that I can have 10+ more free hours to read, study, exercise.
Beer and cigarettes- a good combination? My compulsions this time have led me to Kroger. For what? Zapp's potato chips. and cigarettes. I bought two packs: the Diarum Black's and the Marlboro Menthol Mild 100's. Not sure why. I just did. Cigarettes are expensive. J.H.C.
I went to Jones Pub Night. I actually had fun seeing old friends, o-week group family. Carrie's getting engaged. Scary thought, taking the plunge. At least Johnathan and her will be close by- well living together- which makes the transition easier? Anyway, I didn't feel like being cramped in a pub downstairs in our student union, so I left. People shouldn't be surprised by that. I usually go/disappear without saying goodbye. As I was walking back, I decided to try one of the Marlboro's. It was a nice feeling. There was this rush in my brain, and I felt more complacent than before.
But once I got back to Jones, I had to lay down for a while, and the room was too bright so I turned off the lights. I thought I was going to close my eyes for a while, but I ended up sleeping and not remembering a lot of what happened the night before. Only one beer, too. Not even beer- I got a cider! I do NOT know how I got intoxicated off one cup- what, 16 ounces? whatever. I just woke up realizing that people were talking in the room, and I was annoyed or perturbed, so I went home. Didn't feel like I should have driven, but what can i do? I needed to do a homework the next morning- I ended skipping my 9 o'clock Econ class. Again. Probably got the test back today. I'll never know.
I think my laundry's done. I should go to bed since I'm not being productive right now. Night , folks.
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