Today was one of those off days where I just didn't get out of bed until 11. I blame this on having three dance practices in one night. Every Wednesday from 8 to 12, I have cambodian, kpop, and cpop practice. Only two more weeks, and then it's over. GRACIAS A DIOS!
I read ahead too. I'm hoping that we talked about the pancreas and pancreatic hormones in class today. I read ahead just to impress Dr. B. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's that fear of being called on in class and not knowing the answer and burning up red with embarrassment.
My Group B Bios class is a joke. Although there's a plethora of useful information in the fields of genomics/bioinformatics, it feels as if anyone could read that in their own time and draw out the useful data. Not really worth having a class like that at college, except for those who want an easy distribution course, easy grade, etc.
Ilse's always screaming that she loves me. Or she's just plain screaming at me. I decided to walk to Jones since it was a nice day today, and along the way I see Ilse. Once she sees me, she starts screaming loudly. It was hilarious. Odd, but hilarious.
You try to say hi to people that you know, and that you know they know you, but you always get the cold shoulder. I tried three times today. There's no use in trying anymore. I suppose common decency really isn't that common.
American children are spoiled. The refugee children are untainted. I'd rather work with them in mentoring. My kid has showed up only one time since the beginning of this semester. Spoiled. Too good for cafeteria food when it's available. Hopefully they'll assign me a new mentee at the elementary school.
I had this urge today to just drive off. To where, I don't know. Thoughts that came up included chinatown, barnes and noble, the supermarket. But I didn't go. I'm sitting in this stuffy apartment instead. Wonder who all is going to stay in Houston over Spring Break. Hope I'm not the one people call when they need a ride from the airport.
This decline in going to lab. It's very odd. The desire to do awesome research trails off as the week draws on. I really should get a key from my professor so that I can go in on my own time. Although I'm not sure how safe the med center is later at night around 10 to midnight.
I have a paper due tomorrow. It should be no longer than 450 words, but I'm having the hardest trouble with this econ paper. I can churn out 5 page papers in 2 hours and 10 page papers in 4, but this <2 page paper, 450 word analysis of statistical data- not going anywhere.
Zapp's is a solid selection.
Smoking. Not sure why I picked it up, but I've decided that at most, I would only smoke once or twice a month, preferrably when I'm drunk, and depending on how many packs I have. Since I bought two packs, one clove the other menthol, I might just do two a month. That would mean I have to wait until the next drinking period. Not that it's difficult- my only addictions are probably food and TV, and since I don't have cable, I'm only left with one option. It might stem from the fact that food and TV has never disappointed me. Only my choices in food and TV are disappointing. Different from friends. You hope for the best with the same group no matter how often they disappoint you. Wonder if replacing friends like searching for new restaurants is the efficient solution- the Pareto optimal solution to that problem.
I had the urge to just drive around Texas for spring break. Shack up at some cheap hotel, wander around the city for a day or so, and drive off to the next destination. All by myself. Maybe go caverning solo as well. Since I have 600 miles left before my next oil change anyway, and only needing 200 of that to drive home- assuming I go back to Houston first- that leaves me with 400 miles to bounce around the Lone Star State.
Sandwiches, chips, and a movie. They beckon. Toodles.
1 comment:
Please please please please don't smoke. It makes you smell. And I could walk by someone and be smelling that stuff on my jacket for days. Plus it's bad for you and all that deal that everyone knows (although I guess people already know how it smells, too...). And I eat leftover food 4 days in a row, never eat out, and go through expired stuff in my fridge, and I don't even own a television- so no excuses for you!
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