
the land of fruits and nuts

brad will go to chinatown with me and get an asia-fied haircut. he's my favorite now, bricey-bryce. Although he is a bit pale.

just a few hours after having sprayed iklear on my laptop, clare gets his greasy hands all over it. ugh.

so i didn't expect this problem set to take so long, i ended up staying in the suite until around 2. Probably because i spent a lot of time talking to Mousse about our future plans to eat cookie cake, go-karting, and dumps. But dumps only after fondue, cake, and something else.

I'm going to apply to these jobs. Tomorrow. Yeah. Good thinking Maury. I'll get on it about the job experience. I might just take all the tests- GRE, GMAT, MCAT. Keep my options open and my pockets empty. It would be sweet to get a job in Cali because I could just move all my furniture there instead of trying to sell it to people or move it back home where there's no space. Although PoorNeel has been making some offers for my couch. I could sell the junk to the girls' suite.

Sophie Marceau is very skinny. She just hides it well under all those layers of clothing. While others have trouble losing weight, hers is the opposite.

rain and lightning.

headliners interest me more than the actual article. Although plenty of people have trouble either summarizing something into one sentence or making that headliner catchy.

So inner sunset is apparently the older part of UCSF.

Kingdom Hearts 2. RPG's. You could either beat the game really quickly and go through the entire story, or do that AND collect the best weapons/armor/stuff before finishing it. I'm currently doing the latter and wasting away my afternoon. Which is why I'm still up doing my tarea. Alouette. Freire Jacques?

1 comment:

Bryce said...

Brad is OBNOXIOUSLY pale

Your homework is Kindom Hearts 2?

It's easy to move furniture to California?