
deal or no deal

NO DEAL! haha.

today's the day of the columbine massacre. oddly enough.

i have random fantasies about people, but there are two in particular that pop up more frequently than others.

sex advice from girls- i guess they would be the best source if you ever want to know how to please a woman.

i broke one of my personal rules: never to gossip. i don't know the full story, so it isn't my place to say anything. then again, the story could come from someone who skews the story in their favor. so it's better to hear it from both sides to get some accurate account of what's been going on.

awkward moments- they never cease. everytime i come around, there's this sea of emotion that's just reckless and chaotic. i'm okay with complete silence. silence isn't a problem. tension at dinner, tension in the suite, tension all around. just a bad feeling.

tired. bedtime. more on this later. or not. night.

1 comment:

Bryce said...

random fantasies:
you fantasize about brad... who else?