
part of my world

oh facebook. HAHA. once again, you've have managed to make me l.o.l., b-rice-u, by myself in my apartment.

i really shouldn't let friends make out with me. otherwise i will label you: good or bad kisser. now i haven't made out with anybody since high school, so i wouldn't know how rusty i've gotten, but i think i'm pretty accurate when it comes to judging a kiss. NO MAKING OUT.

well, never say never. maybe nants and/or some other people.

nobody listen to elle when it relates to my life. if you want the truth/news, you talk to me personally. don't believe anything that comes out of somebody else's mouth. if you have a question, you should ask me directly. ugh, gossipers. people coming up to me and asking me if certain things are true or not.

i think my smoking days are over. i need to hand these packs off to someone who smokes. i tried them again when hesse was here for beer bike, and it wasn't a turn on like the first time. then i heard that menthols were even worse for you than regular cigarettes. i'll probably just throw the pack away unless somebody wants to claim it. of course smoking's bad for me, but it's strange to hear people chastize me for smoking. i only chose to smoke one cigarette each month, whereas they have smoked a pack or so every time they get drunk. correction: menthols aren't worse for you; you just might inhale more per drag because of the cooling sensation of menthol, which would lead to more carcinogen intake. so it all depends on how much you inhale. it's just as dangerous/harmful either way. same with cloves.

again, i'm left with multiple options. it's not that i can't decide. it's that i want to do it all, which is still a problem, but i think overloading myself this semester will get me adjusted to that kind of lifestyle- the one where i want to take on everything.

i don't know how i get lucky about things. that job at ucsf that i was looking at 3 weeks ago is still available. sweet. and i got two people interested in buying my furniture/apartment crap.

today: notice to leave, CV write-up, T.C.O.B.

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