i found this book called the story of the stone in one of my old boxes the other day- boxes encasing my entire undergraduate education. it's still very much incomplete. i threw the book back in the box. i have time for only one book at a time. i also found a box with catch-22 and miscellaneous books to be perused.
i need to upload more songs onto my ipod. it's filled with abba right now, and most of their pop songs talk about love, which makes me think about people that i don't want to think about during my summer at home, soon-to-be summer not at home.
good riddance, parents. i'm choking. i swear. the only instances in which i got sick this semester were due to stress- one from school, and the other from my parents.
i tried this betty crocker recipe that infuses the taco concept into jumbo pasta shells. only i made a fatal mistake- i forgot to cook/blanch the pasta shells. ugh. the other day, too, i made the xiaolongbao. i blame my cousins for this error. they wrapped the meat in too much dough. hence no soup. hence too thick.
my journalism friend has decided to intern in SA or take the job in austin, possibly marry his gf that he found in Spain studying abroad this semester if things turn out well.
i like typing- the crunching of the keys particularly.
i played tennis today with my two cousins. they hit 6 of the 9 balls that i brought over the fence. i hate the sun. i've been enjoying the weeklong days of rain. it HAD to be sunny today.
i've finished writing my thank you note for the graduation gifts. now i have to write a chinese version. the english version took me 10 minutes. i wrote 5 chinese sentences in an hour. stupid chinese grammar.
my dad saw the mail that i've been receiving from the CIA. i told him i wanted to go to culinary school. i wasn't sure if he was being serious or sarcastic, but he said something along the lines of, "fine. go ahead. i need someone to take over the restaurant anyway." i'm going to infer that that's the green light.
you've got the best of my hate
i WOULD be investigating the genetics and chemistry of myeloid leukemia. WOE IS ME. i called today and ended up talking to her personal assistant. even my PI didn't have an assistant handling his phone calls. whatever. if only i had taken the job friday. oh well. i applied to some more yesterday. no worries.
the work would have dealt with breeding/maintaining/handling mice, collecting mouse blood/bone marrow samples, irradiating/transplanting mice, and culturing mouse bone marrow.
intern: a doctor's initiation. yeah, i've about had it with the doctor's books for now. although i do read through them pretty quickly. i've gone through 60 pages of the how doctors think in an hour around 2/3 in the morning.
alright, i will write more. although i can't right the wrongs of today.
starting with the assistant answering my call and the doctor not returning her calls, i later on drove over to my cousin's house to pick him up. SO i decided that i would just drive straight towards the bird, thinking that the miniscule house sparrow would be smart enough to fly up, up, and away to safety. i give birds too much credit. my car went right over the bird- not the wheels, just the middle of my car. i didn't know really what happened underneath, but as i left my cousin's house with cousin in tow, i retraced my steps along the road to find the bird. there it was, lifeless, with one wing sticking up from it's rigor mortis, lifeless body. i was half-laughing, half-shocked. i dropped off my cousin later tonight and found the bird again. only, it was a flattened, bloody pancake this time.
don't feel like dancing. oh scissor sisters. SO IRONIC. giggles. my cousin's like rap. they're weird.
something i've NEVER done before until tonight. my cousins wanted to try something new- so typical of them. anywho, there's actually that/viet/kore/japa restaurants in this town. they wanted to try thai. we did. and when we started to leave, i reached into my pocket to find my keys, but they weren't there. i retraced my steps to the restaurant, but the keys weren't anywhere around the table. then i walked back outside, and there it was: my pair of keys laying on the dash INSIDE the car! AGH! i can't believe i locked myself out of my own car. thankfully there were spares at home, and i made my mom drive all the way out there- well, it was just down the street from the restaurant- to let me use the extra keys to open the car doors. i've never done that in houston; who knows what would have happened if i left my keys in my car during college. jesus.
oh nants, i have all this mcat crap lying around my house if you want it. and dirrtier dvd sets to upset your mother's sensibilites.
oh no. dawn of mana received such a poor rating.
you know what's it's time for? another round of BASH wait, wait don't tell me!!! that's right! a week has passed, and with the passing of one week comes another episode of NPR's highly acclaimed show (acclaimed by the disillusioned).
haha. jalto, you do realize that i say mean things frequently. more frequently than nice things. are you sure you still want me to comment on your blog?
the work would have dealt with breeding/maintaining/handling mice, collecting mouse blood/bone marrow samples, irradiating/transplanting mice, and culturing mouse bone marrow.
intern: a doctor's initiation. yeah, i've about had it with the doctor's books for now. although i do read through them pretty quickly. i've gone through 60 pages of the how doctors think in an hour around 2/3 in the morning.
alright, i will write more. although i can't right the wrongs of today.
starting with the assistant answering my call and the doctor not returning her calls, i later on drove over to my cousin's house to pick him up. SO i decided that i would just drive straight towards the bird, thinking that the miniscule house sparrow would be smart enough to fly up, up, and away to safety. i give birds too much credit. my car went right over the bird- not the wheels, just the middle of my car. i didn't know really what happened underneath, but as i left my cousin's house with cousin in tow, i retraced my steps along the road to find the bird. there it was, lifeless, with one wing sticking up from it's rigor mortis, lifeless body. i was half-laughing, half-shocked. i dropped off my cousin later tonight and found the bird again. only, it was a flattened, bloody pancake this time.
don't feel like dancing. oh scissor sisters. SO IRONIC. giggles. my cousin's like rap. they're weird.
something i've NEVER done before until tonight. my cousins wanted to try something new- so typical of them. anywho, there's actually that/viet/kore/japa restaurants in this town. they wanted to try thai. we did. and when we started to leave, i reached into my pocket to find my keys, but they weren't there. i retraced my steps to the restaurant, but the keys weren't anywhere around the table. then i walked back outside, and there it was: my pair of keys laying on the dash INSIDE the car! AGH! i can't believe i locked myself out of my own car. thankfully there were spares at home, and i made my mom drive all the way out there- well, it was just down the street from the restaurant- to let me use the extra keys to open the car doors. i've never done that in houston; who knows what would have happened if i left my keys in my car during college. jesus.
oh nants, i have all this mcat crap lying around my house if you want it. and dirrtier dvd sets to upset your mother's sensibilites.
oh no. dawn of mana received such a poor rating.
you know what's it's time for? another round of BASH wait, wait don't tell me!!! that's right! a week has passed, and with the passing of one week comes another episode of NPR's highly acclaimed show (acclaimed by the disillusioned).
haha. jalto, you do realize that i say mean things frequently. more frequently than nice things. are you sure you still want me to comment on your blog?
korean ghost stories
i had this dream last night. my mom went to bed, but i had a feeling something was wrong. so instead of just jumping right to bed, i went into her room and i see this body having seizures in bed. i uncover the sheets to find that it's my mom, but her face is different. her eyes have this black outline around them with this tinge of red surrounding them; her cheeks are white; blood is spilling out of her mouth.
i didn't know what else to do but start chest compressions. is that even the correct thing to start on someone with seizures?! i probably should have injected diazepam, but where would i find diazepam in my house?
psh, i've been limiting my posts to one a day. that should be more than enough for you to read through it all. sluts.
i called the doctor. the doctor wasn't in. her assistant picked up the phone instead.
there's even a bell curve for optimum performance. apparently there's a correct amount of stress to take you to the peak of human performance. ugh.
i didn't know what else to do but start chest compressions. is that even the correct thing to start on someone with seizures?! i probably should have injected diazepam, but where would i find diazepam in my house?
psh, i've been limiting my posts to one a day. that should be more than enough for you to read through it all. sluts.
i called the doctor. the doctor wasn't in. her assistant picked up the phone instead.
there's even a bell curve for optimum performance. apparently there's a correct amount of stress to take you to the peak of human performance. ugh.
f.u. f.u.
F U. so people are crazy over the xiaolongbao. people like clare. ew.
balls out. make a decision and stick with it, yes?
i'm calling the PI tomorrow to take the job. i've decided to work my classes around the job, instead of the extraneous materials around my classes. i'm calling her tomorrow morning to ask about taking classes simultaneously, how long i'd be obligated to work for her, relocation compensation, and on-the-job training.
said job would have me living somewhere in california.
i got an email from lizbian today. how thoughtful of her.
oh yeah. my cousins. do NOT know how to make xiaolongbao. they used too much flour to wrap each piece of meat. jesus christ! it was more like a steamed chicken bun than a soup-filled delicacy. there was no splattering of juices. no smattering of meat. just this thick empty shell. disgusting.
it's easier to learn the bad words in a language first than the more advanced ones. i know more bad words in cantonese/mandarin while my cousins understand all the curse words that they say on television or in the movies.
reviewing all my materials/procedures- immunoprecipitation, flow cytometry, western blot, dna/rna extraction, myeloid leukemia. oy. i've never really handled the mice in lab before.
my posts end up being longer than i think they're going to be. maybe it's the macbook? maybe it's the resizing of my window? anywho, i'm tired. bon soir.
balls out. make a decision and stick with it, yes?
i'm calling the PI tomorrow to take the job. i've decided to work my classes around the job, instead of the extraneous materials around my classes. i'm calling her tomorrow morning to ask about taking classes simultaneously, how long i'd be obligated to work for her, relocation compensation, and on-the-job training.
said job would have me living somewhere in california.
i got an email from lizbian today. how thoughtful of her.
oh yeah. my cousins. do NOT know how to make xiaolongbao. they used too much flour to wrap each piece of meat. jesus christ! it was more like a steamed chicken bun than a soup-filled delicacy. there was no splattering of juices. no smattering of meat. just this thick empty shell. disgusting.
it's easier to learn the bad words in a language first than the more advanced ones. i know more bad words in cantonese/mandarin while my cousins understand all the curse words that they say on television or in the movies.
reviewing all my materials/procedures- immunoprecipitation, flow cytometry, western blot, dna/rna extraction, myeloid leukemia. oy. i've never really handled the mice in lab before.
my posts end up being longer than i think they're going to be. maybe it's the macbook? maybe it's the resizing of my window? anywho, i'm tired. bon soir.
honey marmalade
i don't know. 30-40k sounds like a teacher's salary, which is just about right. ask around? who exactly am i supposed to ask?
ok, so i've been doing a little research, and this title and pay plan thing is confusing. each job title has some number of steps, which are essentially increments in salary. ok, so here it goes: the staff research associate I has a step 1 of 33,600 and goes up to step 9 with 40,000. a change from about 16 to 19 dollars a month. the staff research associate II position that the lady's calling me about has a step 1 of 36,500 to a step 25 of about 58,750 per year. should i be bargaining around 34 to 37k then?
i was rummaging around my stuff, and i happened to find the love songs cd that drab gave me. i thought i had lost it, or i had hoped that it would have been lost or broken. oh well.
what else did i find? all the mcat review books. haha, seems like i had all of them all along. if you want them nants, i have all of them. the kaplan ones, the princeton review ones, the examkrackers. and their respective workbooks.
my aunt tells me to take the job. if it's full-time, it'll conflict with two classes that i want to take during the summer. that's the part of my application that i need to work on- the grades moreso than experience. but still. like most of my actions, i'll probably decide on the fly. tomorrow. we'll see how the phone call goes.
my cousin wants a job where she does blueprints. is there any occupation involving that? besides architecture? i helped my cousins set up their laptops. the gadgets/widgets, the chinese keyboard input, the purchase. ugh.
i'm making xiaolongbao with them tomorrow. so juicy. so filthy. filthy gorgeous.
ok, so i've been doing a little research, and this title and pay plan thing is confusing. each job title has some number of steps, which are essentially increments in salary. ok, so here it goes: the staff research associate I has a step 1 of 33,600 and goes up to step 9 with 40,000. a change from about 16 to 19 dollars a month. the staff research associate II position that the lady's calling me about has a step 1 of 36,500 to a step 25 of about 58,750 per year. should i be bargaining around 34 to 37k then?
i was rummaging around my stuff, and i happened to find the love songs cd that drab gave me. i thought i had lost it, or i had hoped that it would have been lost or broken. oh well.
what else did i find? all the mcat review books. haha, seems like i had all of them all along. if you want them nants, i have all of them. the kaplan ones, the princeton review ones, the examkrackers. and their respective workbooks.
my aunt tells me to take the job. if it's full-time, it'll conflict with two classes that i want to take during the summer. that's the part of my application that i need to work on- the grades moreso than experience. but still. like most of my actions, i'll probably decide on the fly. tomorrow. we'll see how the phone call goes.
my cousin wants a job where she does blueprints. is there any occupation involving that? besides architecture? i helped my cousins set up their laptops. the gadgets/widgets, the chinese keyboard input, the purchase. ugh.
i'm making xiaolongbao with them tomorrow. so juicy. so filthy. filthy gorgeous.
slap nants' mom because she needs to stop being naive about the real world and sheltering her.
i've read great expectations and siddhartha. i might consider the count.
so i should ask for around 30k to 40k. upper or lower end?
realize that we just might always be graded for the rest of our lives. a life report card- oh the pressure. and from those grades, we're again statistics. where will all of us fit on the bell curve? only a few people can be exceptional. the majority of us end up only as average.
you should stop being afraid of your mom and scare her into thinking that you did all that in college.
i finished better today. i'm moving on to how doctors think, by jerome groopman. i think that's how his name's spelled. that'll be my last doctor book in a while. even though these books are insightful, i still get easily bored if i stay on one thing for too long.
my cousin tells me that i'm going to get married at 37. i told him 50, if at all.
my gramms gave me an obese laughing buddha necklace as a gift. should i wear it? i feel like i might have to hunch my back if i ever wear it.
i'm going to listen to an episode of npr's intelligence squared, health/science, and food. hopefully they're more redeeming to the airwaves than wait, wait... don't tell me.
any good sci-fi book suggestions?
i'm going to look into the research papers this PI is churning out. pediatric oncology. i recall TBS and poorneel wanting to do this kind of research, but now poorneel wants to do computational neuro or something.
some person in china got hospitalized because something exploded near his/her ass. talk about actual anal explosions.
i've read great expectations and siddhartha. i might consider the count.
so i should ask for around 30k to 40k. upper or lower end?
realize that we just might always be graded for the rest of our lives. a life report card- oh the pressure. and from those grades, we're again statistics. where will all of us fit on the bell curve? only a few people can be exceptional. the majority of us end up only as average.
you should stop being afraid of your mom and scare her into thinking that you did all that in college.
i finished better today. i'm moving on to how doctors think, by jerome groopman. i think that's how his name's spelled. that'll be my last doctor book in a while. even though these books are insightful, i still get easily bored if i stay on one thing for too long.
my cousin tells me that i'm going to get married at 37. i told him 50, if at all.
my gramms gave me an obese laughing buddha necklace as a gift. should i wear it? i feel like i might have to hunch my back if i ever wear it.
i'm going to listen to an episode of npr's intelligence squared, health/science, and food. hopefully they're more redeeming to the airwaves than wait, wait... don't tell me.
any good sci-fi book suggestions?
i'm going to look into the research papers this PI is churning out. pediatric oncology. i recall TBS and poorneel wanting to do this kind of research, but now poorneel wants to do computational neuro or something.
some person in china got hospitalized because something exploded near his/her ass. talk about actual anal explosions.
large palms
i obsess too much. about people.
where is this job for? at one of my top picks for a medical education.
of course i know the starting salary should be higher- i need figures/numbers. yeesh.
i have time to read the news. the only time i ever picked up a newspaper in college was to do the NYT crossword puzzles. i still haven't been able to finish the saturday/sunday ones. too much trivia. although i am obsessed with obscure random shit that not many people know about.
rob livingston- the office space guy.
so what do i choose to read about now that i have free time? the captain in NASA going back to the navy after his love-triangle. the internet guy committing suicide in an online chat room. the contact lens solution recall (Complete?).
one topic in particular interested me the most: top colleges encouraging social mobility and aiding the socioeconomically disadvantaged. but i prefer not to debate about it for now.
almost done with the better book. that would be two books since graduation; two books in two weeks; 500+ pages of reading in 14 days. i've probably done more reading from books these two weeks than i have senior year. my next venture is a classic/fictional novel. les miserables, three musketeers, books of that cohort.
my mom gave me a handful of pills to swallow. she then proceeded to give me her milk. so i took the medicine with the milk. a minute later she asked what happened to her milk? i yelled at her, saying that she gave it to me with which to take my medicine. she disagreed. she asked, "when did i give you MY milk? i handed you water!"
she's getting old. i woke up this morning and found the front door unlocked, and she was pacing back and forth from the mailbox to the front doorstep. weirdo.
i feel like slapping her, AND nants' mom. sex, drugs, and violence- are you kidding me?!
where is this job for? at one of my top picks for a medical education.
of course i know the starting salary should be higher- i need figures/numbers. yeesh.
i have time to read the news. the only time i ever picked up a newspaper in college was to do the NYT crossword puzzles. i still haven't been able to finish the saturday/sunday ones. too much trivia. although i am obsessed with obscure random shit that not many people know about.
rob livingston- the office space guy.
so what do i choose to read about now that i have free time? the captain in NASA going back to the navy after his love-triangle. the internet guy committing suicide in an online chat room. the contact lens solution recall (Complete?).
one topic in particular interested me the most: top colleges encouraging social mobility and aiding the socioeconomically disadvantaged. but i prefer not to debate about it for now.
almost done with the better book. that would be two books since graduation; two books in two weeks; 500+ pages of reading in 14 days. i've probably done more reading from books these two weeks than i have senior year. my next venture is a classic/fictional novel. les miserables, three musketeers, books of that cohort.
my mom gave me a handful of pills to swallow. she then proceeded to give me her milk. so i took the medicine with the milk. a minute later she asked what happened to her milk? i yelled at her, saying that she gave it to me with which to take my medicine. she disagreed. she asked, "when did i give you MY milk? i handed you water!"
she's getting old. i woke up this morning and found the front door unlocked, and she was pacing back and forth from the mailbox to the front doorstep. weirdo.
i feel like slapping her, AND nants' mom. sex, drugs, and violence- are you kidding me?!
pot of gold
i picked up both my cousins from school today. SO exhausted, having to wake up at 10 am again to pick them up. they want to play tennis, so i'm going to play tennis with them 10:30 am tomorrow.
i hate working in a restaurant. maybe i'll put off that culinary app last.
i watch SATC at night. they're playing the 6th season i think. can't stand middle-aged new york women, or at least how they're portrayed in that show.
today- i played those MJ cards again, and dropped my cousins off at the restaurant. seems my girl cousins aren't graduating this year; maybe next. so they didn't want to work at the restaurant for fear of seeing people from their graduating class.
so work sucked. except i got this unexpected call today. after talking to this chinese-american lady who has a french name (quite intriguing), i think i got a job offer! OH MAN!
whose expression/picture sums up how i feel right now? only one: CLARE FOO YUNG!!!
caption: "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
HAHA! i couldn't stop giggling like clare in the picture. a job offer?! i get too lucky. i only submitted my resume to them a few weeks ago. and they have an open position for me- one of those perfect jobs in that ideal situation: location/city, purpose, institution, and a chinese woman PI with a french food name in collaboration with another lab. she said that i should call her back soon since the position needs to be filled immediately.
i might wait, though. i still haven't asked how much it would pay, what the time commitment is, etc. but still, AHHHHH!
what's a good starting salary for a researcher living in NYC? Houston? LA/SF? or, what's a little more than enough to live off of so that i can pay for rent/food/clothing with a little left over to splurge on myself?
in conclusion: see picture of clare for more laughs. HAHAHA! (click the picture for an even larger version of hilarity) hmm, should i appropriately cite that photo since it isn't even mine? oh well.
oh right. moo goo gai pan is a chinese-american dish. basically you won't like it, janey.
post-interview- jesus christ, i was terrible with the phone conversation. i probably sounded frazzled and excited. it was very unexpected. i hope i didn't leave a bad impression. OH WELL.
i hate working in a restaurant. maybe i'll put off that culinary app last.
i watch SATC at night. they're playing the 6th season i think. can't stand middle-aged new york women, or at least how they're portrayed in that show.
today- i played those MJ cards again, and dropped my cousins off at the restaurant. seems my girl cousins aren't graduating this year; maybe next. so they didn't want to work at the restaurant for fear of seeing people from their graduating class.
so work sucked. except i got this unexpected call today. after talking to this chinese-american lady who has a french name (quite intriguing), i think i got a job offer! OH MAN!
whose expression/picture sums up how i feel right now? only one: CLARE FOO YUNG!!!

HAHA! i couldn't stop giggling like clare in the picture. a job offer?! i get too lucky. i only submitted my resume to them a few weeks ago. and they have an open position for me- one of those perfect jobs in that ideal situation: location/city, purpose, institution, and a chinese woman PI with a french food name in collaboration with another lab. she said that i should call her back soon since the position needs to be filled immediately.
i might wait, though. i still haven't asked how much it would pay, what the time commitment is, etc. but still, AHHHHH!
what's a good starting salary for a researcher living in NYC? Houston? LA/SF? or, what's a little more than enough to live off of so that i can pay for rent/food/clothing with a little left over to splurge on myself?
in conclusion: see picture of clare for more laughs. HAHAHA! (click the picture for an even larger version of hilarity) hmm, should i appropriately cite that photo since it isn't even mine? oh well.
oh right. moo goo gai pan is a chinese-american dish. basically you won't like it, janey.
post-interview- jesus christ, i was terrible with the phone conversation. i probably sounded frazzled and excited. it was very unexpected. i hope i didn't leave a bad impression. OH WELL.
sex before midnight
i suppose sex is always technically before midnight at some time during the day.
ok, no neoOffice it is.
my cousins want to buy new laptops, except the windows vista that come with the laptops only let you access the office software 25 times, or for 90 days. in either case, you have to purchase the software afterwards. what a ripoff.
my cousins have mahjongg in card form. oh em gee. and i also kicked their tushes in clue today. professor plum, in the lounge, with the pistol.
they tried to make spaghetti. one observation: when my cousins try to cook things around the kitchen, they're very impromptu with american food. we "had" spaghetti for lunch. they threw in mexican squash and bell peppers for ingredients, using ground pork instead of ground beef. there wasn't enough sauce either, so they suggested throwing in salsa. i screamed at them. it turned out alright. later on they proceeded to add soy sauce to their individual dishes.
i guess adding soy sauce does make dishes more asian, or at least appetizing to asians.
one destination i need to hit within the year: austin, minnesota. the spam museum's there. JOY.
not going to settle.
ok, no neoOffice it is.
my cousins want to buy new laptops, except the windows vista that come with the laptops only let you access the office software 25 times, or for 90 days. in either case, you have to purchase the software afterwards. what a ripoff.
my cousins have mahjongg in card form. oh em gee. and i also kicked their tushes in clue today. professor plum, in the lounge, with the pistol.
they tried to make spaghetti. one observation: when my cousins try to cook things around the kitchen, they're very impromptu with american food. we "had" spaghetti for lunch. they threw in mexican squash and bell peppers for ingredients, using ground pork instead of ground beef. there wasn't enough sauce either, so they suggested throwing in salsa. i screamed at them. it turned out alright. later on they proceeded to add soy sauce to their individual dishes.
i guess adding soy sauce does make dishes more asian, or at least appetizing to asians.
one destination i need to hit within the year: austin, minnesota. the spam museum's there. JOY.
not going to settle.
i'm a pepper
new hits: [north shore, kailua kona, huntsville, santa clara]
i translated the clue instruction booklet since my cousin got it for her birthday. it's so that i have no distinct advantage when i still kick their ass in it.
they've also never barbecued before. they did it for the first time today, and asked me to help out at the last minute. shish kabobs, chicken wings, hot dogs, hamburgers, corn, sweet potato, birthday cake, soda- not bad for a first time.
i >>-<3---> peter sagal. that was me shooting a big-ass arrow into peter sagal's heart, effectively ending his tyranny on the human auditory system.
more topics from better: insurance premiums/medicare, iraq, malpractice. a surgical residency spans 8 years?!
i had my last indo mie the other night. very sad, yes. mie keriteng pidas, or something long and just as convoluted.
i had no idea my town had an airport. two terminals. right next to each other. the airport has four people total staffed at the ticket counter.
i also forgot my city is the home of dr. pepper. i never understood those self-proclaiming shirts: "i'm a pepper." what does that even mean?
in this romantic comedy i was glazing over at my cousin's house, in cantonese the gossiping girls analogized a 6-pack to a chocolate bar. weird.
i translated the clue instruction booklet since my cousin got it for her birthday. it's so that i have no distinct advantage when i still kick their ass in it.
they've also never barbecued before. they did it for the first time today, and asked me to help out at the last minute. shish kabobs, chicken wings, hot dogs, hamburgers, corn, sweet potato, birthday cake, soda- not bad for a first time.
i >>-<3---> peter sagal. that was me shooting a big-ass arrow into peter sagal's heart, effectively ending his tyranny on the human auditory system.
more topics from better: insurance premiums/medicare, iraq, malpractice. a surgical residency spans 8 years?!
i had my last indo mie the other night. very sad, yes. mie keriteng pidas, or something long and just as convoluted.
i had no idea my town had an airport. two terminals. right next to each other. the airport has four people total staffed at the ticket counter.
i also forgot my city is the home of dr. pepper. i never understood those self-proclaiming shirts: "i'm a pepper." what does that even mean?
in this romantic comedy i was glazing over at my cousin's house, in cantonese the gossiping girls analogized a 6-pack to a chocolate bar. weird.
income expansion path
huh? what do you mean negative energy today? i'm full of negative energy EVERYDAY.
i gave it another shot. wait, wait... don't tell me? definitely, PLEASE. do NOT tell me. peter sagal- not funny. the contestants, maybe. i still don't believe that it's a live audience. somebody must be giving them signs to applaud at the appropriate time.
i'm a person who likes trivia. i thought i might like that show. during some/most parts, i wish they would just present me with questions and answers rather than peter sagal jabbering on and failing at his attempts to be humorous. his punmenship was also unbearable.
i knew less than half of the questions they threw out there. which isn't bad. i actually recalled things from the online news i read in the past couple of days. now that i have time to READ the news. before, i would have only been able to answer that one question about the shortening of paris hilton's jail sentence.
yes. if you're ugly, do radio. that about sums it up.
i never thought my mom would do my laundry EVER again. she did. she even washed the dress shirts that are only supposed to be DRY-CLEANED. she also wants to steal my clothes and wear them because we're the same frame?
they also want me to find/live with a roommate for the summer/year. what did i learn from this year by myself? i like my space. a lot of it.
sleep. activities tomorrow? celebrate cousin's 16th bday. i think. grocery shopping for the bbq, airport with another cousin, cooking with all the cousins, bday dinner with all the cousins. fun.
i gave it another shot. wait, wait... don't tell me? definitely, PLEASE. do NOT tell me. peter sagal- not funny. the contestants, maybe. i still don't believe that it's a live audience. somebody must be giving them signs to applaud at the appropriate time.
i'm a person who likes trivia. i thought i might like that show. during some/most parts, i wish they would just present me with questions and answers rather than peter sagal jabbering on and failing at his attempts to be humorous. his punmenship was also unbearable.
i knew less than half of the questions they threw out there. which isn't bad. i actually recalled things from the online news i read in the past couple of days. now that i have time to READ the news. before, i would have only been able to answer that one question about the shortening of paris hilton's jail sentence.
yes. if you're ugly, do radio. that about sums it up.
i never thought my mom would do my laundry EVER again. she did. she even washed the dress shirts that are only supposed to be DRY-CLEANED. she also wants to steal my clothes and wear them because we're the same frame?
they also want me to find/live with a roommate for the summer/year. what did i learn from this year by myself? i like my space. a lot of it.
sleep. activities tomorrow? celebrate cousin's 16th bday. i think. grocery shopping for the bbq, airport with another cousin, cooking with all the cousins, bday dinner with all the cousins. fun.
coo coo for cocoa puffs
HAHAHA! ohhh drab. i hate you SO so much. go practice your kanji!
"wait wait... don't tell me!" is NOT hilarious. don't believe drab. sure it may be a live audience, but they're probably cued to applaud via blinking applause sign, just as there are cues for the cricket sounds, the dings, etc. peter sagal can lick my balls. a piece of shit floating around in a toilet bowl could garner more humor than he ever could in his less-than-an-hour-long segment. fucking middle class tomfoolery.
no wonder there's always an echo to that podcast. damn live audiences.
the kind of corny humor that goes on in that show. jesus christ.
here's something FUNNY, even cornier, for you if you're amused by that shit. right outside magic china on the reader board, it says:
"you will go goo goo over the moo goo gai pan." what the fuck?! who rearranged the letters to produce such a flamboyant message?! coo coo for cocoa puffs? no. goo goo for moo goo gai pan. wtf, mate?
by the way, i was joking. about the show, not about drab.
so much for less interaction with people. ugh.
"wait wait... don't tell me!" is NOT hilarious. don't believe drab. sure it may be a live audience, but they're probably cued to applaud via blinking applause sign, just as there are cues for the cricket sounds, the dings, etc. peter sagal can lick my balls. a piece of shit floating around in a toilet bowl could garner more humor than he ever could in his less-than-an-hour-long segment. fucking middle class tomfoolery.
no wonder there's always an echo to that podcast. damn live audiences.
the kind of corny humor that goes on in that show. jesus christ.
here's something FUNNY, even cornier, for you if you're amused by that shit. right outside magic china on the reader board, it says:
"you will go goo goo over the moo goo gai pan." what the fuck?! who rearranged the letters to produce such a flamboyant message?! coo coo for cocoa puffs? no. goo goo for moo goo gai pan. wtf, mate?
by the way, i was joking. about the show, not about drab.
so much for less interaction with people. ugh.
HAHA! the chinese lesson for today on chinesepod is "what's that smell?"
it starts out with a pfffffffffffffffffft! it's a VERY serious topic.
hao chou!
shi ya.
shei fangpi le?!
bu shi wo.
GREAT lesson.
wait, wait, don't tell me: they have their own laugh track. they are NOT funny, neither is their show.
so the thing with changeable letters is called a reader board. OH, so THAT'S what they're called. i never knew.
i want to feel you. squeeze you. wrap myself around you.
are you kidding me?! a letter to japan costs 90 cents?!?! you better be worth it, B-米. i finally sent the letter today. and don't let anyone else read it. or i'll kill you. slowly. and painfully.
how else can i be productive today. ah yes, canceling my phone/internet/electricity.
this parkinson's law of productivity- does it work? it makes sense, but who actually implements this?
question: should i replace my microsoft office programs with neoOffice?
it starts out with a pfffffffffffffffffft! it's a VERY serious topic.
hao chou!
shi ya.
shei fangpi le?!
bu shi wo.
GREAT lesson.
wait, wait, don't tell me: they have their own laugh track. they are NOT funny, neither is their show.
so the thing with changeable letters is called a reader board. OH, so THAT'S what they're called. i never knew.
i want to feel you. squeeze you. wrap myself around you.
are you kidding me?! a letter to japan costs 90 cents?!?! you better be worth it, B-米. i finally sent the letter today. and don't let anyone else read it. or i'll kill you. slowly. and painfully.
how else can i be productive today. ah yes, canceling my phone/internet/electricity.
this parkinson's law of productivity- does it work? it makes sense, but who actually implements this?
question: should i replace my microsoft office programs with neoOffice?
almond roca is a nasty creation: bits of almond interlaced with the chocolate coating over this rectangular caramel prism. gross, yes? of course.
i'm getting my intellectual reading done. i'm getting my music d/l done (new order, the cars, abba still). i'm getting trashy reading done (blender, stuff).
i saw an episode of sex and the city tonight. it was before conan. it was bad. i saw jay leno. he's not that funny. conan's hair just gets crazier and redder.
my aunt wants me to do a world tour with her. if i had no other summer plans, sure, i wouldn't have minded. maybe next year.
what did she say to me today? "we spend all our lives looking for a soul mate and the right hair cut." she's half-right. the right haircut- yes.
i'm tired of blogging for today. going to read some stuff. then mail/cancel stuff tomorrow.
i'm getting my intellectual reading done. i'm getting my music d/l done (new order, the cars, abba still). i'm getting trashy reading done (blender, stuff).
i saw an episode of sex and the city tonight. it was before conan. it was bad. i saw jay leno. he's not that funny. conan's hair just gets crazier and redder.
my aunt wants me to do a world tour with her. if i had no other summer plans, sure, i wouldn't have minded. maybe next year.
what did she say to me today? "we spend all our lives looking for a soul mate and the right hair cut." she's half-right. the right haircut- yes.
i'm tired of blogging for today. going to read some stuff. then mail/cancel stuff tomorrow.
ice cream nougat
heroes. another cliffhanger. what a surprise.
so ice cream. i guess if you leave it in the freezer for an extended period of time, it starts to change. i pulled an ice cream popsicle out of the freezer today, chocolate-coated shell on the outside interspersed with tiny nestle crunch bits, vanilla on the inside.
i ate most of the ice cream, and when i finally reached the end, there was a different consistency to the ice cream. it wasn't cold. rather, it was soft, and chewy. like nougat.
it was surprising, but it was good. i hope the ice cream hasn't expired.
i watched heroes tonight. it was mama huhu.
HAHA. sucks to be those people to give/receive oral sex. more likely to acquite HPV- a 9-fold increase- for those who have had 6+ oral partners. how reliable is Time?
my aunt in HK wants to buy me a graduation gift. she was originally going to buy me a watch, but i don't wear watches anymore- sweat collects underneath when i wear them, and carrying around a cell phone has pretty much erased the necessity of carrying a nice timepiece- that and i don't attend business functions.
ziji gu ziji. ziji zhaogu ziji. my mom complains a lot. almond roca = disgusting. F.
i double checked my inbox to make sure it Was that person who texted me. it's true, unfortunately.
new york's out of the picture. that was probably the reach city. tx, ca, hk. peace out.
my cousins like pumping their chest with their hand and then throwing out the deuces. i like smacking them upside the head for having picked up an absurd gesture in the americas.
so ice cream. i guess if you leave it in the freezer for an extended period of time, it starts to change. i pulled an ice cream popsicle out of the freezer today, chocolate-coated shell on the outside interspersed with tiny nestle crunch bits, vanilla on the inside.
i ate most of the ice cream, and when i finally reached the end, there was a different consistency to the ice cream. it wasn't cold. rather, it was soft, and chewy. like nougat.
it was surprising, but it was good. i hope the ice cream hasn't expired.
i watched heroes tonight. it was mama huhu.
HAHA. sucks to be those people to give/receive oral sex. more likely to acquite HPV- a 9-fold increase- for those who have had 6+ oral partners. how reliable is Time?
my aunt in HK wants to buy me a graduation gift. she was originally going to buy me a watch, but i don't wear watches anymore- sweat collects underneath when i wear them, and carrying around a cell phone has pretty much erased the necessity of carrying a nice timepiece- that and i don't attend business functions.
ziji gu ziji. ziji zhaogu ziji. my mom complains a lot. almond roca = disgusting. F.
i double checked my inbox to make sure it Was that person who texted me. it's true, unfortunately.
new york's out of the picture. that was probably the reach city. tx, ca, hk. peace out.
my cousins like pumping their chest with their hand and then throwing out the deuces. i like smacking them upside the head for having picked up an absurd gesture in the americas.
the war in iraq
boring news, it really is. it shouldn't even be classified as news anymore. would people be more willing to become doctors if the draft were reinstated? they're lacking in surgeons, general doctors over there, but they manage to save plenty of lives somehow. there was a story in the book of how a doctor went over there, and 4 days before he would be discharged to go back to the states, there was an airbased attack at the camp where he was making a phone call to home. he's dead.
am i coming out there yet?! am i coming out there?! the latter is the more appropriate question.
i don't bother to change the alarm clocks around the place, so i'm one hour ahead in some rooms and one hour behind in others. or am i just on time then? anyways, it's an odd feeling to live in different time zones in your own living quarters.
sure it's 70 in norcal. it's probably not so in socal.
my uncle called again. he's wondering why i'm leaving texas and going out on my own. he thinks i have a girlfriend. i hope he's joking. everytime he calls.
i plan on hanging out with my cousins before i leave town/state. it seems they may not be able to graduate either. stricter regulations on graduation requirements from high school? confusion with international classes and american equivalents?
am i coming out there yet?! am i coming out there?! the latter is the more appropriate question.
i don't bother to change the alarm clocks around the place, so i'm one hour ahead in some rooms and one hour behind in others. or am i just on time then? anyways, it's an odd feeling to live in different time zones in your own living quarters.
sure it's 70 in norcal. it's probably not so in socal.
my uncle called again. he's wondering why i'm leaving texas and going out on my own. he thinks i have a girlfriend. i hope he's joking. everytime he calls.
i plan on hanging out with my cousins before i leave town/state. it seems they may not be able to graduate either. stricter regulations on graduation requirements from high school? confusion with international classes and american equivalents?
homeward bound
the weather's cool. still rainy. but 79 degrees. and dark. that's what i like.
the phone rings. recently it's just been my uncles asking me what my plans are this summer, and their attempts to squash any/all of my goals.
my brother's more understanding than any/all of them. his usual responses when we lived together in high school usually can be summed up in one line: "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
packing, unpacking, repacking. my parents don't want me buying any more kitchen materials for a while. they don't even use half of the stuff in the restaurant that's packed away in my boxes. shipping boxes would be much more convenient.
i feel displaced. everything that was once in my apartment is now packed in the house. once again i'm trapped.
i read two chapters of better last night. one chapter was about washing hands. the other was about world health and vaccinations. more current since it was published this year whereas complications was published around 2002. cleansing the world of polio. have we gotten any closer than a century ago? the government throughout the century has endorsed/spent millions/billions on efforts to wipe out pandemic (endemic?) bacterial/viral infections throughout the world. most of these attemps have failed. hookworm by rockefeller- early 1900s. yellow fever by rockefeller in the 1930s. malaria in the 1950s/60s.
i finally figured out/had time to figure out that i could add a links list to my blog, which solves all my problems of reading other people's blogs maybe. highlight of my day. well, season finale of heroes.
i'm home.
the phone rings. recently it's just been my uncles asking me what my plans are this summer, and their attempts to squash any/all of my goals.
my brother's more understanding than any/all of them. his usual responses when we lived together in high school usually can be summed up in one line: "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
packing, unpacking, repacking. my parents don't want me buying any more kitchen materials for a while. they don't even use half of the stuff in the restaurant that's packed away in my boxes. shipping boxes would be much more convenient.
i feel displaced. everything that was once in my apartment is now packed in the house. once again i'm trapped.
i read two chapters of better last night. one chapter was about washing hands. the other was about world health and vaccinations. more current since it was published this year whereas complications was published around 2002. cleansing the world of polio. have we gotten any closer than a century ago? the government throughout the century has endorsed/spent millions/billions on efforts to wipe out pandemic (endemic?) bacterial/viral infections throughout the world. most of these attemps have failed. hookworm by rockefeller- early 1900s. yellow fever by rockefeller in the 1930s. malaria in the 1950s/60s.
i finally figured out/had time to figure out that i could add a links list to my blog, which solves all my problems of reading other people's blogs maybe. highlight of my day. well, season finale of heroes.
i'm home.
stitch step
oh. been away for far too long. responses to all the comments.
well not all. just jalto's cuz that's the last one i received through email.
belief- i don't know if i believe in anything. i would only be doing it because it's interesting. i suppose me believing in it would convince the patient that i'm not performing witchcraft on them for shits and giggles. still, it mainly depends on the patient, no? if the procedure works or not some of the time.
and i wouldn't be using tcm to cure cancer or anything that tcm isn't capable of handling yet. i would only provide a cheaper and equally effective alternative to your standard precription and pills. that's very boring- writing prescriptions to everyone all day, giving them the wrong impression that a pill solves whatever ailment they have at the time. i'm not into writing people a piece of paper, taking their money, and shooing them away.
that book by atul gawande- he maintains contact with his patients years after having operated on them. it's nice, that there are relationships built between doctor and patient.
to what degree? i believe it works in some cases. my aunt in HK regularly goes to a tcm doctor. she seems fine for now. and fine as in ok, not fine as in hott. people talking about anybody in my family like that- gross!
i saw spiderman 3 for the second time, shrek 3, and 28 weeks later in the past few days. shrek 3 was SO much better drunk; i wish i had gotten high like my friend that watched it with me. i was wondering why she was taking so long in the bathroom. yes, drinking before a movie- excellent. drinking at edward's in their restaurant half an hour before the movie begins. shrek 3 was still mediocre at best, but funnier when drunk. try it.
28 weeks later- not that scary. too much camera movement. some of the gore was excessive. will there be a good movie out this summer? fantastic four 2? probably not. harry potter? it seems more action-packed this time around.
how rumors spread- when the random hookup ends up being a friend of one of your close friends. you hear everything about your other group of friends; i suppose then you get the full side of the story even though you didn't really request to hear it all.
so i had a stash of all this ramen i wanted to try out- and my parents/family, mainly my mother, ate ALL of it within the span of a day! AGH! not only that, my mom didn't bother to read the instructions to the indo mie and indo mie look-a-like packets of ramen. she just soaked everything in boiled water, not even bothering to use the sauce packets included with them! UGHHHH!!!
cleaning out an apartment is more work than i thought. next time, not buying any more stuff. i'm set for a few years now collecting all that junk in my single. my mom was talking to my brother today, and she was telling him how the supplies in my kitchen far outnumber the ingredients that we have in the restaurant, even.
have to cancel my electricity, internet, and phone tomorrow. and mail b-mi's letter finally. what else- oh yes, write thank you cards for all the graduation money.
asian people dancing to salsa? HILARIOUS. oh cctv, so full of laughs. what show is it- 星光大道.
somtimes i just can't handle my cousins. they just keep asking questions nonstop, and i just want peace and quiet.
i still have NOT gone to the menil. looks like i can't check that thing off.
what's up wif me? driving around h-town. i traveled down bissonnet and realized how many restaurants that i still have tried. i probably couldn't have eaten at all those places even if i had a car at rice for 4 years.
i get the feeling that jack in the box's dad has been wearing the same yellow lovett o-week shirt everyday.
it's not a good sign when your snot has blood, is it?
i was listening to music on my ipod while driving, and it ends up shuffling to some absurd songs. it's not a crush. early 90's pop songs are too cheesy. who actually writes the stuff without looking back at what was written without thinking, jeez this stuff sucks? but it sells millions.
well not all. just jalto's cuz that's the last one i received through email.
belief- i don't know if i believe in anything. i would only be doing it because it's interesting. i suppose me believing in it would convince the patient that i'm not performing witchcraft on them for shits and giggles. still, it mainly depends on the patient, no? if the procedure works or not some of the time.
and i wouldn't be using tcm to cure cancer or anything that tcm isn't capable of handling yet. i would only provide a cheaper and equally effective alternative to your standard precription and pills. that's very boring- writing prescriptions to everyone all day, giving them the wrong impression that a pill solves whatever ailment they have at the time. i'm not into writing people a piece of paper, taking their money, and shooing them away.
that book by atul gawande- he maintains contact with his patients years after having operated on them. it's nice, that there are relationships built between doctor and patient.
to what degree? i believe it works in some cases. my aunt in HK regularly goes to a tcm doctor. she seems fine for now. and fine as in ok, not fine as in hott. people talking about anybody in my family like that- gross!
i saw spiderman 3 for the second time, shrek 3, and 28 weeks later in the past few days. shrek 3 was SO much better drunk; i wish i had gotten high like my friend that watched it with me. i was wondering why she was taking so long in the bathroom. yes, drinking before a movie- excellent. drinking at edward's in their restaurant half an hour before the movie begins. shrek 3 was still mediocre at best, but funnier when drunk. try it.
28 weeks later- not that scary. too much camera movement. some of the gore was excessive. will there be a good movie out this summer? fantastic four 2? probably not. harry potter? it seems more action-packed this time around.
how rumors spread- when the random hookup ends up being a friend of one of your close friends. you hear everything about your other group of friends; i suppose then you get the full side of the story even though you didn't really request to hear it all.
so i had a stash of all this ramen i wanted to try out- and my parents/family, mainly my mother, ate ALL of it within the span of a day! AGH! not only that, my mom didn't bother to read the instructions to the indo mie and indo mie look-a-like packets of ramen. she just soaked everything in boiled water, not even bothering to use the sauce packets included with them! UGHHHH!!!
cleaning out an apartment is more work than i thought. next time, not buying any more stuff. i'm set for a few years now collecting all that junk in my single. my mom was talking to my brother today, and she was telling him how the supplies in my kitchen far outnumber the ingredients that we have in the restaurant, even.
have to cancel my electricity, internet, and phone tomorrow. and mail b-mi's letter finally. what else- oh yes, write thank you cards for all the graduation money.
asian people dancing to salsa? HILARIOUS. oh cctv, so full of laughs. what show is it- 星光大道.
somtimes i just can't handle my cousins. they just keep asking questions nonstop, and i just want peace and quiet.
i still have NOT gone to the menil. looks like i can't check that thing off.
what's up wif me? driving around h-town. i traveled down bissonnet and realized how many restaurants that i still have tried. i probably couldn't have eaten at all those places even if i had a car at rice for 4 years.
i get the feeling that jack in the box's dad has been wearing the same yellow lovett o-week shirt everyday.
it's not a good sign when your snot has blood, is it?
i was listening to music on my ipod while driving, and it ends up shuffling to some absurd songs. it's not a crush. early 90's pop songs are too cheesy. who actually writes the stuff without looking back at what was written without thinking, jeez this stuff sucks? but it sells millions.
new hits: [lufkin, rockville, austin, virginia beach]
rpg's- they suck your life away so that they can live theirs. comical, nonetheless.
B-米:it shuld be how you should "write," not how you should right. your engrish, oy! i just picked 米 because it means rice in chinese. hence, b-rice. so essentially the train pass is like a debit card then oer there?
again, relationships are dumb.
my parents are just as evil, maybe more so. in fact, it's to the point of suffocation right now. i can't breathe even, being cities apart in texas. once again, they're pushing me in a direction that i can't tell if it's my own decision anymore. it's the same feeling as back in high school, the beginning of college. actually, talking with gay back during freshman year, she only defaulted to premed because that's what most people usually do without considering what the profession entails.
what's tying my down- financial dependence. once i find a job.
there's a new traditional chinese med drug being researched in china right now that works more effectively than corticosteroids without the negative side effects: Huzhangdanshenyin (虎杖丹參飲). this can, in turn, counter infertility in males, except most of this research is being done in china. my snippet to bring awareness to tcm and its usefulness?
i could always do that- convert people to tcm, drastically decreasing cash flows for western doctors and seeing if they actually stay in the profession because they want to help people versus the money/prestige.
rpg's- they suck your life away so that they can live theirs. comical, nonetheless.
B-米:it shuld be how you should "write," not how you should right. your engrish, oy! i just picked 米 because it means rice in chinese. hence, b-rice. so essentially the train pass is like a debit card then oer there?
again, relationships are dumb.
my parents are just as evil, maybe more so. in fact, it's to the point of suffocation right now. i can't breathe even, being cities apart in texas. once again, they're pushing me in a direction that i can't tell if it's my own decision anymore. it's the same feeling as back in high school, the beginning of college. actually, talking with gay back during freshman year, she only defaulted to premed because that's what most people usually do without considering what the profession entails.
what's tying my down- financial dependence. once i find a job.
there's a new traditional chinese med drug being researched in china right now that works more effectively than corticosteroids without the negative side effects: Huzhangdanshenyin (虎杖丹參飲). this can, in turn, counter infertility in males, except most of this research is being done in china. my snippet to bring awareness to tcm and its usefulness?
i could always do that- convert people to tcm, drastically decreasing cash flows for western doctors and seeing if they actually stay in the profession because they want to help people versus the money/prestige.
koala panda
HAHA! they're actually marketing asian secrets. hilarious.
surprisingly, suicide rates highest in the 15-24 age range are from asian girls. besides societal pressures on them to be asian, there's the parental units, there's the body image, submissiveness, etc.
ugh, it's not supposed to work like that. me detesting love should NOT add to my charm/appeal. JEEZ! and are you using the jingjing panda mascat as your icon?!
should i notify nants that Huff is laced with tons of gratuitous sex and drug use? maybe. is it the thought of sex that counts, or the act entirely?
i finished one of my summer reading books today: complications, by atul gawande. good read. pretty soon i will be starting better, also by atul gawande, or some fictional work stuck in one of my tupperware boxes.
i finished writing my letter to B-米, finally able to check that task off of my to do list, but then i realized i have no stamps with which to mail this letter. oh well.
what does ^↑P mean? this command is in my international keyboard shortcut thing, but i have no idea what to press for that carrot. i assume the other two are shift+P, but what the hell is that carrot indicating?!
80% complete.
it would be very convenient to have my driver's license as my debit/credit card as well. less junk in my pocket, more room for my junk.
ooh, and federal funding for stem cell research in cali now. excellent.
surprisingly, suicide rates highest in the 15-24 age range are from asian girls. besides societal pressures on them to be asian, there's the parental units, there's the body image, submissiveness, etc.
ugh, it's not supposed to work like that. me detesting love should NOT add to my charm/appeal. JEEZ! and are you using the jingjing panda mascat as your icon?!
should i notify nants that Huff is laced with tons of gratuitous sex and drug use? maybe. is it the thought of sex that counts, or the act entirely?
i finished one of my summer reading books today: complications, by atul gawande. good read. pretty soon i will be starting better, also by atul gawande, or some fictional work stuck in one of my tupperware boxes.
i finished writing my letter to B-米, finally able to check that task off of my to do list, but then i realized i have no stamps with which to mail this letter. oh well.
what does ^↑P mean? this command is in my international keyboard shortcut thing, but i have no idea what to press for that carrot. i assume the other two are shift+P, but what the hell is that carrot indicating?!
80% complete.
it would be very convenient to have my driver's license as my debit/credit card as well. less junk in my pocket, more room for my junk.
ooh, and federal funding for stem cell research in cali now. excellent.
food poisoning
new hit(s): [kingsport]
sure, those arranged marriages work, but you still have to factor in the tenets of their religion. maybe divorces are frowned upon just as in any arranged marriage in china. then again, this idea of avoiding divorce just to hold the family together is conjectured through my experience in my family when my aunt married a divorcee.
i told my parents about my post-bacc plans. surprisingly, things went well, although i don't think they understand the idea of a post-bacc education.
update: so i talk to my parents about my plans. eventually it trickles down to the entire family. after my parents called me again this morning, waking me up, my uncle calls me 10 minutes later to talk to me about what i want to do.
they would prefer that i do things at a "pretigious" academic institution such as rice, ucb, ucla, etc.
i should talk to my manager to let me out of the lease. apparently you can get a bad credit rating if you break the contract.
haha, yes, i can read. THANK YOU b-rice. i can also write. therefore i write your letter.
well. it's going to be a challenge now, isn't it? i basically have to rock the mcat. there's this odd formula floating around in post bacc forums about gpa*10 plus your mcat score. 70 gets you a great school, 65 good school, and 60 average school. even then, that's a pretty tiny margin. teetering is what i do.
the search continues.
sure, those arranged marriages work, but you still have to factor in the tenets of their religion. maybe divorces are frowned upon just as in any arranged marriage in china. then again, this idea of avoiding divorce just to hold the family together is conjectured through my experience in my family when my aunt married a divorcee.
i told my parents about my post-bacc plans. surprisingly, things went well, although i don't think they understand the idea of a post-bacc education.
update: so i talk to my parents about my plans. eventually it trickles down to the entire family. after my parents called me again this morning, waking me up, my uncle calls me 10 minutes later to talk to me about what i want to do.
they would prefer that i do things at a "pretigious" academic institution such as rice, ucb, ucla, etc.
i should talk to my manager to let me out of the lease. apparently you can get a bad credit rating if you break the contract.
haha, yes, i can read. THANK YOU b-rice. i can also write. therefore i write your letter.
well. it's going to be a challenge now, isn't it? i basically have to rock the mcat. there's this odd formula floating around in post bacc forums about gpa*10 plus your mcat score. 70 gets you a great school, 65 good school, and 60 average school. even then, that's a pretty tiny margin. teetering is what i do.
the search continues.
i never knew it was spelled that way. i would always picture "curly Q" in my mind.
i read 53 pages, continuously, in under an hour. i haven't done that in a while. no matter how large or small the text, my mind would always wander, and i would have to spend at least 5 minutes per page. which could have led to my abandonment of reading during college- the fact that i would never have enough time in the day to finish my intended readings.
the stories i read in 'complications' were about a pregnant woman with incessant nausea/vomiting, a woman who couldn't control her blushing, and an obese man who had trouble with his appetite. even then, those stories remind me why i like and hate medicine altogether.
you can do anything, as long as you pursue medicine in the end. some students and the things they do to just to please their parents. go to medical school to honor the parents' wishes. marry a girl/guy of the same race, again, to please the parents. that's disgusting. choosing your lifemate to suit your parents' preferences more than your own? it appears to be an indirect form of arranged marriages.
what's confusing to me is why people haven't grown up in college and realized that they could do anything they want even if their parents don't support them. it's not hard to break away from family and do things on your own. plenty of people go through that every year after graduating high school. several parents cut off financial support at that time, but they manage to survive on their own. to think that people of this caliber attending an established/prestigious institution lack the common knowledge and skill to do things independently- hmm.
one of the perks i enjoyed with living o/c was soft bathroom tissue. then this weekend, my parents and relatives come and use up all my toilet paper, and my mom replaces it with the most abrasive sandpaper with which to wipe my ass. seriously- there's cheap target toilet paper that's ten times softer than the paper reminiscent of that at the colleges. bloody hell.
i thought the bbc version of the office was selling for 15 dollars at target, so i dropped it into my cart the other day. i looked at my receipt, and it was 45 dollars instead. i hear, though, that the bbc version is also funny and more depressing, which suits me very well. i do enjoy dry humor from the british. and their tea times. so i might keep this purchase. i have yet to tear off the plastic wrap. the drawback: i only get two seasons instead of all three, since the bbc version had their stint from '01 to '03.
i read 53 pages, continuously, in under an hour. i haven't done that in a while. no matter how large or small the text, my mind would always wander, and i would have to spend at least 5 minutes per page. which could have led to my abandonment of reading during college- the fact that i would never have enough time in the day to finish my intended readings.
the stories i read in 'complications' were about a pregnant woman with incessant nausea/vomiting, a woman who couldn't control her blushing, and an obese man who had trouble with his appetite. even then, those stories remind me why i like and hate medicine altogether.
you can do anything, as long as you pursue medicine in the end. some students and the things they do to just to please their parents. go to medical school to honor the parents' wishes. marry a girl/guy of the same race, again, to please the parents. that's disgusting. choosing your lifemate to suit your parents' preferences more than your own? it appears to be an indirect form of arranged marriages.
what's confusing to me is why people haven't grown up in college and realized that they could do anything they want even if their parents don't support them. it's not hard to break away from family and do things on your own. plenty of people go through that every year after graduating high school. several parents cut off financial support at that time, but they manage to survive on their own. to think that people of this caliber attending an established/prestigious institution lack the common knowledge and skill to do things independently- hmm.
one of the perks i enjoyed with living o/c was soft bathroom tissue. then this weekend, my parents and relatives come and use up all my toilet paper, and my mom replaces it with the most abrasive sandpaper with which to wipe my ass. seriously- there's cheap target toilet paper that's ten times softer than the paper reminiscent of that at the colleges. bloody hell.
i thought the bbc version of the office was selling for 15 dollars at target, so i dropped it into my cart the other day. i looked at my receipt, and it was 45 dollars instead. i hear, though, that the bbc version is also funny and more depressing, which suits me very well. i do enjoy dry humor from the british. and their tea times. so i might keep this purchase. i have yet to tear off the plastic wrap. the drawback: i only get two seasons instead of all three, since the bbc version had their stint from '01 to '03.
copper gate
new hits: [bandar seri begawan, marinette, parkville, fayetteville, richardson]
this apartment searching is strenuous. the prices range from 650-1500 dollars for studio/1-bedroom apartments. i found two nice ones for under 1000. i just need to call the places now.
i feel bottom heavy today.
nants came and left. took the mcat books and left me with more space to pack textbooks. keeping my physiology book; i think i need to take the bioc, genetics, cell books with me to prep for the bioc/bio gre's.
it's a nice break away from everyone- staying in my apartment all day/night. don't know how big of a hit my liver's taken in the past two weeks. people just looooove to drink.
going to finish complications by tonight and start radiata stories. adieu bitches.
this apartment searching is strenuous. the prices range from 650-1500 dollars for studio/1-bedroom apartments. i found two nice ones for under 1000. i just need to call the places now.
i feel bottom heavy today.
nants came and left. took the mcat books and left me with more space to pack textbooks. keeping my physiology book; i think i need to take the bioc, genetics, cell books with me to prep for the bioc/bio gre's.
it's a nice break away from everyone- staying in my apartment all day/night. don't know how big of a hit my liver's taken in the past two weeks. people just looooove to drink.
going to finish complications by tonight and start radiata stories. adieu bitches.
madeleine albright
so that's who she is.
i feel like i'm wasting more by using paper towels instead of napkins, but i keep reusing the paper towel for the week.
nilk left today, possibly driving through waco to eat at the restaurant, and then heading towards the rainbow?
tom yum: not so appetizing anymore.
the mochi scene. i'll be sure to stop by the takashimaya department store in tokyo.
even if i've gotten wads of cash from graduation, i don't feel as if i've earned it. well, maybe the gift cards to best buy and barnes and noble along with the tax refund check, but not everything else.
waiting for nants to come and pick up mcat books. one of the last few to go. who will be here? poorneel, crassie, jack in the box, patrick starfish.
other plans? standardized tests. gre, biochem gre, gmat, and perhaps the mcat again. some sentence stood out in the complications book- that perfection isn't possible, but we should always be aiming towards that goal. i suppose that notion is important in surgery, as blunders mean life or death for the patient on the operating table.
i want the 45.
i feel like i'm wasting more by using paper towels instead of napkins, but i keep reusing the paper towel for the week.
nilk left today, possibly driving through waco to eat at the restaurant, and then heading towards the rainbow?
tom yum: not so appetizing anymore.
the mochi scene. i'll be sure to stop by the takashimaya department store in tokyo.
even if i've gotten wads of cash from graduation, i don't feel as if i've earned it. well, maybe the gift cards to best buy and barnes and noble along with the tax refund check, but not everything else.
waiting for nants to come and pick up mcat books. one of the last few to go. who will be here? poorneel, crassie, jack in the box, patrick starfish.
other plans? standardized tests. gre, biochem gre, gmat, and perhaps the mcat again. some sentence stood out in the complications book- that perfection isn't possible, but we should always be aiming towards that goal. i suppose that notion is important in surgery, as blunders mean life or death for the patient on the operating table.
i want the 45.
i'm up.
missed calls. i put my phone on silent last night. oops.
glad to hear you made it back home, joshhest.
haha if you like chinese food, maury, then sure. i could do it as a hobby.
great. drab tagged another pic of me. i hate him.
last night. shook hands, hugged everyone actually. even people i'm not close to- at least they know my name, at least they wished me well. i guess i have no reason to dislike them. end things on a good note i suppose. everybody was getting emotional. i think clare was crying too, but when it was time for me to hug lizbian, she just started bawling. EEP, i hope it was nothing i did. maybe i hugged too hard? no. i'm terrible at hugging, don't like hugging either. i mean, i've been friends with her since freshman year. i didn't want her crying over me. i didn't do anything special.
my light in the attic was also crying.
time to round up the stuff around jones, do some errands. left a vaccuum and ironing board in the apt., going to pick up just a few chairs/tables and drop off keys.
almost gotten rid of everyone from here. time for me.
i signed the contract today, sealed the deal. the only thing left for me to do is find an apartment.
missed calls. i put my phone on silent last night. oops.
glad to hear you made it back home, joshhest.
haha if you like chinese food, maury, then sure. i could do it as a hobby.
great. drab tagged another pic of me. i hate him.
last night. shook hands, hugged everyone actually. even people i'm not close to- at least they know my name, at least they wished me well. i guess i have no reason to dislike them. end things on a good note i suppose. everybody was getting emotional. i think clare was crying too, but when it was time for me to hug lizbian, she just started bawling. EEP, i hope it was nothing i did. maybe i hugged too hard? no. i'm terrible at hugging, don't like hugging either. i mean, i've been friends with her since freshman year. i didn't want her crying over me. i didn't do anything special.
my light in the attic was also crying.
time to round up the stuff around jones, do some errands. left a vaccuum and ironing board in the apt., going to pick up just a few chairs/tables and drop off keys.
almost gotten rid of everyone from here. time for me.
i signed the contract today, sealed the deal. the only thing left for me to do is find an apartment.
trembling inside
drab makes me queasy. i couldn't hug him tonight, 3 hours before his flight back to maryville. someday.
i thought the alcohol would make me emotional, allow me to let out any repressed feelings i had, if i had any at all. the whiskey dried my eyes out. that's it.
after the fact. graduating with honors, if any. it could have been done, but i'm not letting my accomplishments be limited to studying books and doing well on a few tests. i have more important goals to attend to.
i have a lot of people's junk. will i ever return it? maybe, if people still ask for it.
oh right. i'm done. i should have plenty of time now to write my hate letter and mail it to b-rye-C.
communicating through email. it could work. most people google chat now. i guess that's another form of communication to get ahold of most people leaving.
i'm going to think in bed for a while. fall asleep lost in thought.
i thought the alcohol would make me emotional, allow me to let out any repressed feelings i had, if i had any at all. the whiskey dried my eyes out. that's it.
after the fact. graduating with honors, if any. it could have been done, but i'm not letting my accomplishments be limited to studying books and doing well on a few tests. i have more important goals to attend to.
i have a lot of people's junk. will i ever return it? maybe, if people still ask for it.
oh right. i'm done. i should have plenty of time now to write my hate letter and mail it to b-rye-C.
communicating through email. it could work. most people google chat now. i guess that's another form of communication to get ahold of most people leaving.
i'm going to think in bed for a while. fall asleep lost in thought.
it feels alright
as i was looking through the list of graduates- no mark chen on there. what happened?!
freakin hot. that's what sums up my experience. and a lot of picters.
the venture capitalist's speech was much better than last year's. the mayor just espoused nonsense about public service and our duty/role to be actively involved in government-related jobs, blah blah blah. or at least that's what i got out of it.
when he said 4 loves, i was thinking, "oh, great." becoming a couple after one night walking around the stadium. i find that hardly likely. it was a nice speech, although i was feeling very bitter during a long segment of his spiel.
don't look at me like that. it gets me all hot and bothered.
my family went to galveston. i decided to stay behind. instead, i will be showering and staying out of the hot hot sun. as well as reading a good book. i'm done. i have plenty of time to catch up on everything.
except i forgot my cap at jones. gotta pick that up tonight. and my notebook from drab. or i could just get that from him in sf, but that requires contact. after graduation. ew. his brother is scrawnier than i would perceive a football kicker to be. and shorter.
i graduated. there was this nervous energy/feeling that i didn't fulfill the requirements, but i was on both lists, so i'm fine. i think.
i also need to get away from family. too hectic. everybody just likes to talk and ask questions, questions that i don't feel like answering for the time being. repetitive questions to which i have to repeat the answer- what a waste of breath. i want: to get trashed. i need: to get trashed.
so ready for love, so ready for life! WHEE OOH~
did i lose it? i hope i've still got it. i'll find out within the next year.
simplify. guess that's what i have to do. put things on hold and focus on one task at a time. med school may be more important than culinary school for now. i'll do that. but is there really anything wrong with thinking big? some people JUST want to go to med school or grad school. i want to/have to do things differently to change the current state of affairs. whining, complaining, debating, arguing, discussing. it's sharing information, yes. that may raise awareness of key issues, but it's not action. i'd prefer it if people who are concerned with such matters actually go out and do something about it.
freakin hot. that's what sums up my experience. and a lot of picters.
the venture capitalist's speech was much better than last year's. the mayor just espoused nonsense about public service and our duty/role to be actively involved in government-related jobs, blah blah blah. or at least that's what i got out of it.
when he said 4 loves, i was thinking, "oh, great." becoming a couple after one night walking around the stadium. i find that hardly likely. it was a nice speech, although i was feeling very bitter during a long segment of his spiel.
don't look at me like that. it gets me all hot and bothered.
my family went to galveston. i decided to stay behind. instead, i will be showering and staying out of the hot hot sun. as well as reading a good book. i'm done. i have plenty of time to catch up on everything.
except i forgot my cap at jones. gotta pick that up tonight. and my notebook from drab. or i could just get that from him in sf, but that requires contact. after graduation. ew. his brother is scrawnier than i would perceive a football kicker to be. and shorter.
i graduated. there was this nervous energy/feeling that i didn't fulfill the requirements, but i was on both lists, so i'm fine. i think.
i also need to get away from family. too hectic. everybody just likes to talk and ask questions, questions that i don't feel like answering for the time being. repetitive questions to which i have to repeat the answer- what a waste of breath. i want: to get trashed. i need: to get trashed.
so ready for love, so ready for life! WHEE OOH~
did i lose it? i hope i've still got it. i'll find out within the next year.
simplify. guess that's what i have to do. put things on hold and focus on one task at a time. med school may be more important than culinary school for now. i'll do that. but is there really anything wrong with thinking big? some people JUST want to go to med school or grad school. i want to/have to do things differently to change the current state of affairs. whining, complaining, debating, arguing, discussing. it's sharing information, yes. that may raise awareness of key issues, but it's not action. i'd prefer it if people who are concerned with such matters actually go out and do something about it.
don't look at me
new hits: [yantai, melbourne, hong kong, chennai, kuopio, hannover, augusta (EUR), linda-a-velha, ulm, bielefeld, milton keynes, birmingham (EUR), belo horizonte, buenos aires, santiago, collierville, orlando, columbia, norfolk, tijuana, gig harbor, winnipeg, newark, annandale on hudson, kitchener, cleveland, bay city, madison]
i think that's all that's new? the map's better now, so i guess i'm able to see more detail.
WHO recommended jack and coke to me last night?! OH MY GOD. whiskey?! what was clear from last night: me being angry because people were rushing me on eating.
everything else seemed fun. jones people at that pub. gingerman. yes. memory.
oh. clare's here. pho. bye.
i think that's all that's new? the map's better now, so i guess i'm able to see more detail.
WHO recommended jack and coke to me last night?! OH MY GOD. whiskey?! what was clear from last night: me being angry because people were rushing me on eating.
everything else seemed fun. jones people at that pub. gingerman. yes. memory.
oh. clare's here. pho. bye.
i could escape
sitting on the john- one of those times when i actually have time to myself to think about everything.
well, i only thought about what happened last night. crap. secrets. no wonder i try to stay away from people. and alcohol.
it's never about me anymore. everyone's involved. everyone's problem is my problem, my concerns are their concerns.
you really shouldn't scare someone by telling them you have cancer, especially when the test results don't confirm it yet. still, when multiple organ systems are affected, it's not so great either.
there's sometimes a need to leave this world. videogames, books, sleeping- whatever's useful toward accomplishing that goal.
haha, i'm glad you shower everyday, b-rice. i don't like people that smell funny, or rather, i can't stand to be around foul body odor. but what am i going to do with a japanese super nintendo? i can't read japanese. does it play american games, in english?
job search. apartment search. it continues. after i game a bit.
well, i only thought about what happened last night. crap. secrets. no wonder i try to stay away from people. and alcohol.
it's never about me anymore. everyone's involved. everyone's problem is my problem, my concerns are their concerns.
you really shouldn't scare someone by telling them you have cancer, especially when the test results don't confirm it yet. still, when multiple organ systems are affected, it's not so great either.
there's sometimes a need to leave this world. videogames, books, sleeping- whatever's useful toward accomplishing that goal.
haha, i'm glad you shower everyday, b-rice. i don't like people that smell funny, or rather, i can't stand to be around foul body odor. but what am i going to do with a japanese super nintendo? i can't read japanese. does it play american games, in english?
job search. apartment search. it continues. after i game a bit.
blue tuesday
i think i know clare's pin number. interesting number choice? i think not.
so what if i daydream everyday? it'll be over soon enough. tell me now how do i feel.
people get excited about hanging out. others call me at 2:30 in the morning to hang out. OH janey.
chinese lesson today- mosquitoes. i suppose that information could be useful. eiya- can be used for shock, dismay, tiredness, and many other ways to use it.
dwang's catholic now... seriously?
go to hell, b-rice! but yes, there will be much mooching in the years to come. will you be on campus next year?
devo imed me today. haven't talked to him together. he seems to have cleaned up his act now. that's good.
food- fufu. always good. missed out on korean. pho was alright- liked the egg rolls more. cambodian venture tonight i think.
from my graduating class in high school, i'm keeping in touch with two friends. it's good to realize that some people were/are worthwhile from back in high school.
i should be productive today. i'll start with a shower. adios.
so what if i daydream everyday? it'll be over soon enough. tell me now how do i feel.
people get excited about hanging out. others call me at 2:30 in the morning to hang out. OH janey.
chinese lesson today- mosquitoes. i suppose that information could be useful. eiya- can be used for shock, dismay, tiredness, and many other ways to use it.
dwang's catholic now... seriously?
go to hell, b-rice! but yes, there will be much mooching in the years to come. will you be on campus next year?
devo imed me today. haven't talked to him together. he seems to have cleaned up his act now. that's good.
food- fufu. always good. missed out on korean. pho was alright- liked the egg rolls more. cambodian venture tonight i think.
from my graduating class in high school, i'm keeping in touch with two friends. it's good to realize that some people were/are worthwhile from back in high school.
i should be productive today. i'll start with a shower. adios.
more people coming to graduation. my brother? totally unexpected.
if i had known certain people were going to senior gala, i would have gone. UGH.
instead i chose to be a guy and do guy things/hang out with the guys and watch basketball- two teams that i have absolutely no interest in. and only the playoffs. whatever.
clare posed this question to me the other day: out of all my friends, who do i like the most?
i didn't answer. i could have. i didn't.
translation: who do i hate the least?
my expectations/standards of a good friend are too high.
clothes. i wouldn't mind learning how to make them. then i might be able to replicate something i like for a fraction of the cost. or just convert the fabric into an image of what i wouldn't mind wearing outside everyday.
saw benji in the computer lab last night. nice guy. i said goodbye to him.
also saw another guy in there. weird guy who was printing out 50 pages of google map directions. wasting my time and jamming up the queue. i felt like batting him.
if i had known certain people were going to senior gala, i would have gone. UGH.
instead i chose to be a guy and do guy things/hang out with the guys and watch basketball- two teams that i have absolutely no interest in. and only the playoffs. whatever.
clare posed this question to me the other day: out of all my friends, who do i like the most?
i didn't answer. i could have. i didn't.
translation: who do i hate the least?
my expectations/standards of a good friend are too high.
clothes. i wouldn't mind learning how to make them. then i might be able to replicate something i like for a fraction of the cost. or just convert the fabric into an image of what i wouldn't mind wearing outside everyday.
saw benji in the computer lab last night. nice guy. i said goodbye to him.
also saw another guy in there. weird guy who was printing out 50 pages of google map directions. wasting my time and jamming up the queue. i felt like batting him.
new hits: [baudette, auckland]
i just want to take my shirt off. and sleep.
daydreamin's all i do.
sharing information. it's great and all, but when it all comes to you at once, it's hard to swallow. like constantly drinking the bottle of vodka instead of taking intermittent shots.
tea, coffee. i can't drink either or i can't help but go to the bathroom every half hour.
i prefer sometimes to stay out of discussions/debates/arguments. i listen, i don't like to argue.
i saw krazy katie at agora today when i was sitting downstairs. i think i was actually worried about having to interact with her again. luckily she stayed downstairs and went outside. she just came in to order a glass of wine. she's growing her hair out. it's not bad.
i was repulsed by the possibility of conversation with her if it were ever to be initiated. i sever connections for a reason. pretty good reason to this one. do not worry- i don't sleep with the same sheets that are now infused with her tears of unbearable sadness/kraziness.
i'm tired. go to sleep.
i just want to take my shirt off. and sleep.
daydreamin's all i do.
sharing information. it's great and all, but when it all comes to you at once, it's hard to swallow. like constantly drinking the bottle of vodka instead of taking intermittent shots.
tea, coffee. i can't drink either or i can't help but go to the bathroom every half hour.
i prefer sometimes to stay out of discussions/debates/arguments. i listen, i don't like to argue.
i saw krazy katie at agora today when i was sitting downstairs. i think i was actually worried about having to interact with her again. luckily she stayed downstairs and went outside. she just came in to order a glass of wine. she's growing her hair out. it's not bad.
i was repulsed by the possibility of conversation with her if it were ever to be initiated. i sever connections for a reason. pretty good reason to this one. do not worry- i don't sleep with the same sheets that are now infused with her tears of unbearable sadness/kraziness.
i'm tired. go to sleep.
austin city limits
good start to a bad novel? ugh, i hate you, b-rice.
what's happened? rollercoaster baby.
breakfast klub- breakfast klub with a bowl of fruit.
lab party- cookies in the shape of lab mice, cheesecake, rice krispie treats.
jones-two episodes of grey's anatomy. yes, horrendous.
airport- dropping mousse off to go to tampa.
fufu- dinner for 3. hated the sour napa.
karaoke- cheap, but mics didn't work, and playlist sucked.
well that was sufficiently awkward in lizbian's room last night. so you guys hate each other. big deal. at least it's out in the open now, and there's no need to be passive aggressive about it anymore.
need to eat lunch and pack. then i'm off to atx. ciao.
what's happened? rollercoaster baby.
breakfast klub- breakfast klub with a bowl of fruit.
lab party- cookies in the shape of lab mice, cheesecake, rice krispie treats.
jones-two episodes of grey's anatomy. yes, horrendous.
airport- dropping mousse off to go to tampa.
fufu- dinner for 3. hated the sour napa.
karaoke- cheap, but mics didn't work, and playlist sucked.
well that was sufficiently awkward in lizbian's room last night. so you guys hate each other. big deal. at least it's out in the open now, and there's no need to be passive aggressive about it anymore.
need to eat lunch and pack. then i'm off to atx. ciao.
lady is waiting
new hits: [bellingham, munchen, bickley]
i've always had a thing for europop.
lunch with kaiser- i was surprised she'd walk to kubo's from campus. not many girls have the guts to walk by themself *cough crassie cough*. as usual, i was late. i was taking a shower when she called/started walking to the village. she was already sitting inside.
sushi. let's just say, we spent some amount on lunch, and it was delectable to some degree. their bento boxes aren't that impressive, though.
the biggest turn on: when a girl offers to pay for me, considering how much i eat. i was like, "are you sure? 'cause i ordered 5 plates, ate those and parts of yours, and you just ordered two."
what happened?. hours later, i had to drive her back to rice since it was raining. i tried to ditch her at kubo's and let her walk in the rain since she enjoyed walking so much.
i drove over to jones, but i didn't have my card/keys, so i went back to my apartment and fell into my food coma. i wake up, and everything's dark.
i'll probably have a late night meal. maybe stop by jones to pick up the electric razor for poorneel.
remind me never to buy a gift for any kid. money DOES buy happiness when you don't know any better.
maybe i'll go watch a movie tonight.
i've always had a thing for europop.
lunch with kaiser- i was surprised she'd walk to kubo's from campus. not many girls have the guts to walk by themself *cough crassie cough*. as usual, i was late. i was taking a shower when she called/started walking to the village. she was already sitting inside.
sushi. let's just say, we spent some amount on lunch, and it was delectable to some degree. their bento boxes aren't that impressive, though.
the biggest turn on: when a girl offers to pay for me, considering how much i eat. i was like, "are you sure? 'cause i ordered 5 plates, ate those and parts of yours, and you just ordered two."
what happened?. hours later, i had to drive her back to rice since it was raining. i tried to ditch her at kubo's and let her walk in the rain since she enjoyed walking so much.
i drove over to jones, but i didn't have my card/keys, so i went back to my apartment and fell into my food coma. i wake up, and everything's dark.
i'll probably have a late night meal. maybe stop by jones to pick up the electric razor for poorneel.
remind me never to buy a gift for any kid. money DOES buy happiness when you don't know any better.
maybe i'll go watch a movie tonight.
how many licks
i find myself displaced from jones, displaced from my apartment.
but i see drab on the couch next to me. he sleeps.
need to go back to jones, pick up my keys, and go back to my apartment. i need a shower before going out to lunch with friend.
living with cats: more annoying when you're sleeping in the living room with them, jumping all over you in the dark.
but i see drab on the couch next to me. he sleeps.
need to go back to jones, pick up my keys, and go back to my apartment. i need a shower before going out to lunch with friend.
living with cats: more annoying when you're sleeping in the living room with them, jumping all over you in the dark.
filthy gorgeous
the best thing about being a woman: the prerogative to have a little fun.
isn't there T'afia tonight? wonder how many seniors are actually going to go. free food, yes?
where will i be? i'm going to be all over the place, duh. i'm conquering the world. One by one, through your stomach. food. instant gratification. and if i don't like you, i'll poison you to take you out of the picture. do what i dare.
aunt's still suggesting that i go to hong kong.
culinary school's so far away from the med center. much farther away from the apartment.
i could see scissor sisters being played at gay clubs. geez, so suggestive.
what will keep me warm in the middle of the night? a $70 blanket from the Rice gift store, i hope.
brad pitt only looks good to people because of all that caked-on makeup. wrinkles all over the place, bags under the eyes.
baking and pastry arts- and why couldn't i do that? it's probably more fun for me since i won't have to deal with high temperatures all day long. Baking uses the oven- isolated heat is fine. Pastries- baking just as well, and decorations. ugh, can't believe people actually like that stuff. Still, it's another outlet with which to conquer the world- by promoting obesity. take that education system and your attempts to make school foods healthier.
some school in west virginia actually serves pancake on a stick- wrapped around breakfast sausage. DISGUSTING.
i think i'll be out of lab by 2:00 pm. excellent.
isn't there T'afia tonight? wonder how many seniors are actually going to go. free food, yes?
where will i be? i'm going to be all over the place, duh. i'm conquering the world. One by one, through your stomach. food. instant gratification. and if i don't like you, i'll poison you to take you out of the picture. do what i dare.
aunt's still suggesting that i go to hong kong.
culinary school's so far away from the med center. much farther away from the apartment.
i could see scissor sisters being played at gay clubs. geez, so suggestive.
what will keep me warm in the middle of the night? a $70 blanket from the Rice gift store, i hope.
brad pitt only looks good to people because of all that caked-on makeup. wrinkles all over the place, bags under the eyes.
baking and pastry arts- and why couldn't i do that? it's probably more fun for me since i won't have to deal with high temperatures all day long. Baking uses the oven- isolated heat is fine. Pastries- baking just as well, and decorations. ugh, can't believe people actually like that stuff. Still, it's another outlet with which to conquer the world- by promoting obesity. take that education system and your attempts to make school foods healthier.
some school in west virginia actually serves pancake on a stick- wrapped around breakfast sausage. DISGUSTING.
i think i'll be out of lab by 2:00 pm. excellent.
i just can't hide it
new hits: [jokiniemi (finland), lelystad, mexico, highland (US), burton, linden]
i get the feeling this laptop is destroying my sperm by the second. then again, so does the ethidium bromide in lab.
match day?
whoo more lab today. pointer sisters and whatnot. hopefully i can get this gel done early so that i can go to chinatown.
all the seniors should be done by noon, which means we should all hang out, preferably not together. people just need to stop doing things together if they secretly detest each other.
can you get me some of those japanese clothes, b-RiCe? i'll repay you with free stays at whatever place i go to. if only drab would get out of san fran, i'd be more inclined to stay there. yeah, i think he did something with a white face, not sure if it were elton john. WAIT. what do you mean they wouldn't fit me if i'm the right size? that makes no sense!
i have to set up alumni email forwarding? how annoying.
who to hang out with? already got my fix of tina t. who else?
juicy gossip. my friends like to ho around. i thought about slutting around. that dissipated quickly.
probably could have done lunch with kaiser today. she's not really busy, but she could have gotten her take-homes done. oh well. i have the urge to get really trashed today/tonight- it just depends on how long I have to wait for the gel.
FUCK! just spilled a shitload of EtBr all over the place under the hood. SO glad everybody's out to lunch right now. just going to clean this mess up, and nobody will have to know...
going away party for us in lab friday. hah, thoughtful of ryane, though- she knows that i don't like sweets. she remembers something about me.
so much for my afternoon plans; shopping with clare. middle class consumers with no money to spend.
i get the feeling this laptop is destroying my sperm by the second. then again, so does the ethidium bromide in lab.
match day?
whoo more lab today. pointer sisters and whatnot. hopefully i can get this gel done early so that i can go to chinatown.
all the seniors should be done by noon, which means we should all hang out, preferably not together. people just need to stop doing things together if they secretly detest each other.
can you get me some of those japanese clothes, b-RiCe? i'll repay you with free stays at whatever place i go to. if only drab would get out of san fran, i'd be more inclined to stay there. yeah, i think he did something with a white face, not sure if it were elton john. WAIT. what do you mean they wouldn't fit me if i'm the right size? that makes no sense!
i have to set up alumni email forwarding? how annoying.
who to hang out with? already got my fix of tina t. who else?
juicy gossip. my friends like to ho around. i thought about slutting around. that dissipated quickly.
probably could have done lunch with kaiser today. she's not really busy, but she could have gotten her take-homes done. oh well. i have the urge to get really trashed today/tonight- it just depends on how long I have to wait for the gel.
FUCK! just spilled a shitload of EtBr all over the place under the hood. SO glad everybody's out to lunch right now. just going to clean this mess up, and nobody will have to know...
going away party for us in lab friday. hah, thoughtful of ryane, though- she knows that i don't like sweets. she remembers something about me.
so much for my afternoon plans; shopping with clare. middle class consumers with no money to spend.
it's just a little crush
what?! where did you get the idea that i was going to be in h-town? I might stop by every now and then, but I'm not going to be here. ew.
I decided to go to lab. and stay. through the dalai lama lectures. people aren't that important.
i've been done with finals. all i've been doing is going to lab and editing my bios310 paper from last semester. I might just add a few things since I didn't really do anything drastically different.
i don't take sides? well, i don't take sides on issues, maybe that translates into the social dynamic as well. i don't get where the amicable's coming from, but oh well.
jeez. drab's canines are really pronounced. as drab was talking, those things were just poking out of his mouf as if it sensed blood nearby. maybe i'll put white face paint on his face and dye his hair black when he's sleeping. something about having people portrayed the way they look in my mind.
i kicked his tush in worms yesterday. except i felt myself getting too competitive over a trivial computer game. oh well.
HAHA, can't get that picture out of my head- the one that drab posted on facebook of clare. HILARIOUS! i couldn't help but keep laughing about that as i was going to bed last night.
i think i have a hormonal imbalance. that, or i'm in heat. waves of hot flashes every day.
duy- hope he works on his reading and writing. done with mentoring, whoo.
sushi meeting postponed until thursday. kaiser looked nice yesterday in a tank. i guess shades of blue/black are good colors on her. those pants are probably her favorite pair, too, since she wears them often. and choi sum called her AGAIN during mentoring. talk about persistence. i give up more easily, or rather, i don't try.
a threesome with joshhest, water closet, and me?! why do you think up these things?! GROSS!
I decided to go to lab. and stay. through the dalai lama lectures. people aren't that important.
i've been done with finals. all i've been doing is going to lab and editing my bios310 paper from last semester. I might just add a few things since I didn't really do anything drastically different.
i don't take sides? well, i don't take sides on issues, maybe that translates into the social dynamic as well. i don't get where the amicable's coming from, but oh well.
jeez. drab's canines are really pronounced. as drab was talking, those things were just poking out of his mouf as if it sensed blood nearby. maybe i'll put white face paint on his face and dye his hair black when he's sleeping. something about having people portrayed the way they look in my mind.
i kicked his tush in worms yesterday. except i felt myself getting too competitive over a trivial computer game. oh well.
HAHA, can't get that picture out of my head- the one that drab posted on facebook of clare. HILARIOUS! i couldn't help but keep laughing about that as i was going to bed last night.
i think i have a hormonal imbalance. that, or i'm in heat. waves of hot flashes every day.
duy- hope he works on his reading and writing. done with mentoring, whoo.
sushi meeting postponed until thursday. kaiser looked nice yesterday in a tank. i guess shades of blue/black are good colors on her. those pants are probably her favorite pair, too, since she wears them often. and choi sum called her AGAIN during mentoring. talk about persistence. i give up more easily, or rather, i don't try.
a threesome with joshhest, water closet, and me?! why do you think up these things?! GROSS!
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