
korean ghost stories

i had this dream last night. my mom went to bed, but i had a feeling something was wrong. so instead of just jumping right to bed, i went into her room and i see this body having seizures in bed. i uncover the sheets to find that it's my mom, but her face is different. her eyes have this black outline around them with this tinge of red surrounding them; her cheeks are white; blood is spilling out of her mouth.

i didn't know what else to do but start chest compressions. is that even the correct thing to start on someone with seizures?! i probably should have injected diazepam, but where would i find diazepam in my house?

psh, i've been limiting my posts to one a day. that should be more than enough for you to read through it all. sluts.

i called the doctor. the doctor wasn't in. her assistant picked up the phone instead.

there's even a bell curve for optimum performance. apparently there's a correct amount of stress to take you to the peak of human performance. ugh.


Jing said...

here's a next medical book for you. it'll be published around jan... so you have a reprieve from all things medical for a while

Intern: A Doctor’s Initiation

i imagine a more serious scrubs

Jing said...

you should write more, i get bored

X X said...

hey dude congratulations on the job.

comment on my bloooooooog