i picked up both my cousins from school today. SO exhausted, having to wake up at 10 am again to pick them up. they want to play tennis, so i'm going to play tennis with them 10:30 am tomorrow.
i hate working in a restaurant. maybe i'll put off that culinary app last.
i watch SATC at night. they're playing the 6th season i think. can't stand middle-aged new york women, or at least how they're portrayed in that show.
today- i played those MJ cards again, and dropped my cousins off at the restaurant. seems my girl cousins aren't graduating this year; maybe next. so they didn't want to work at the restaurant for fear of seeing people from their graduating class.
so work sucked. except i got this unexpected call today. after talking to this chinese-american lady who has a french name (quite intriguing), i think i got a job offer! OH MAN!
whose expression/picture sums up how i feel right now? only one: CLARE FOO YUNG!!!
caption: "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
HAHA! i couldn't stop giggling like clare in the picture. a job offer?! i get too lucky. i only submitted my resume to them a few weeks ago. and they have an open position for me- one of those perfect jobs in that ideal situation: location/city, purpose, institution, and a chinese woman PI with a french food name in collaboration with another lab. she said that i should call her back soon since the position needs to be filled immediately.
i might wait, though. i still haven't asked how much it would pay, what the time commitment is, etc. but still, AHHHHH!
what's a good starting salary for a researcher living in NYC? Houston? LA/SF? or, what's a little more than enough to live off of so that i can pay for rent/food/clothing with a little left over to splurge on myself?
in conclusion: see picture of clare for more laughs. HAHAHA! (click the picture for an even larger version of hilarity) hmm, should i appropriately cite that photo since it isn't even mine? oh well.
oh right. moo goo gai pan is a chinese-american dish. basically you won't like it, janey.
post-interview- jesus christ, i was terrible with the phone conversation. i probably sounded frazzled and excited. it was very unexpected. i hope i didn't leave a bad impression. OH WELL.
where is this job for?
starting salary? in nyc, la, and sf you definitely want a higher starting salary compared to other cities such as houston since the cost of living is higher...but then again, you are rich
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