
ein mut

i finished special topics. the ending was more exciting than the rest of the book. she could have saved more paper if she took out some of the material, condensing it to, say, a readable amount of 300 pages versus 510. all these books carrying messages about love and life: disgusting.

2 more books coming on the way. i guess i could read more holmes.

i leave rice to get away from the construction only to end up dealing with the construction right outside my window: they're repaving the parking lot, i suppose.

i'm always having to explain to my roommates that i'm not going out late at night for a booty call. it's just clare, wanting to hit up another bar/dance club. they think i'm sensitive, too. have they got me all wrong.

this time: popscene. SF's premier indie music club. the music was eclectic as were the people- CSS, aretha franklin, madonna, new order, some other names that clare told me but i was too drunk to care to remember. doerfy proably would have enjoyed this music more than i did. the first partially straight/gay club i've been to in SF. so my tolerance has drastically dropped from college, which wasn't that high to begin with. so i'm a cheap date. so what?

i ended up meeting two of clare's friends from his high school who were hanging out at this gay asian club, or asian gay club, not sure if that makes a difference. i think their names were carl and lunani. lunani's cute, but she would have been more attractive if she were taller and had a more mature/older look. she looked like she were wearing something crassie would wear.

i went to bed around 2:30/3:00 this time, hungry yet too tired to make anything. i think my metabolism allows me to just experience inebriation and the hangover all within a 2-3 hour time span. there's nothing really that carries over to the next there. it just hangs.

are some people getting too OLD for that lifestyle of nighttime partying? cough *hesse and doerfy* cough.


Jesse said...


Its not that we were ACTUALLY too tired Siu...

We *were* tired later in night, however.


Jing said...

HAHA. How are your roommates? You know that Nancy and I were better roommates... admit that you miss us.

*sigh* I miss you guys. The only alcohol I drink these days is a glass of red wine a night. I feel so old and pretentious.

Clarence said...


too drunk to dance!!!!

want to go to a lesbian/mixed/everything indie/electroclash/80s/progrock club tomorrow?? or perhaps a regular bar with a couple of old high school friends??

ps: jing -- you need to get out more!