

pardon my one-day lapse in blogging.

i spent 10 hours with my roommates together. we had dinner, went for a walk around the lake, along the beach, locking arms, skipping stones, meditating in a bamboo grove aura, renting a movie at blockbuster but not watching it, hanging out at the other apartments where the power was out. i think i'm making friends here. replacing my moderate rice friends with extremists? AGH! they like 80s music, they like comics. oh yeah, they like asian girls. the lebanese guy, the hispanic guy- they like tiny asian girls. both are more likely than not going to marry an asian girl as well- they've verbally expressed this intent. well, they're not going to run out of them over here any time soon. have at it.

my roommate has a tendency to accuse every same-sex couple that's holding hands or locking arms as either gay or lesbian. he likes to label people. in any case, his gaydar is way off. and i'm going to need an asexuality shirt just to stop this judging gaze of theirs. i don't get how bisexuality AND asexuality automatically defaults to homosexuality. maybe they just want me to be gay since gay > straight? i wouldn't mind sticking a dildo up his butt to traumatize him for the rest of his life. HAHA, so evil. or not evil enough?

he also wouldn't marry the "right one" or the love of his life if his mother disapproved. it's essentially an arranged marriage in itself.
the other roommate also doesn't believe in gay marriages since he thinks that marriage is still between a man and a woman. he's christian, perhaps baptist.
keep in mind that these two individuals are from california. exactly.

i had no idea that the maroon 5 song, makes me wonder, was about bush.

my roommate said that if he were ever to become a despot/dictator, he would hire me to head the gestapo. SWEET! this roommate wants to show me the movies rosemary's baby, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, and chinatown. apparently these films are timeless classics? anybody disagree?

those people that ran the cars into the airport terminals in london- amateurs. home-made explosive and nails. if you were to become a terrorist, you'd think that they would at least think things out more carefully before executing the plan. hmm does that sound like i'm supporting terrorism? if lying by omission is still lying, is terrorism by omission still terrorism?

1 comment:

Jing said...

hahaha bamboo grove aura!