
pound puppies

I'm moving to the city. ugh. Clare told Leigh-ugh today since he thought I told everyone, so I guess I can't hide. It's going to be a bitch to buy and move furniture.

New characters from the city today: an old man who crapped his pants on the MUNI, and this brunette curly-haired girl who hugged me really hard on the street.

The hamburger meat for dinner tonight was bland. I think the place was called Flipper's. Everything else was okay. A little too much cheese for my liking. The French fries were decent until they got colder.

I went up to the city to attend some classes. Didn't happen. Hopefully they won't mind if I go next week.

I just received an email entirely in Chinese from Air China. I suppose it's from the time that I wrote down my email address when I flew over to Asia with my cousins. I cannot read ANY of it.

Reduction. Unsubscribing from a lot of blogs since I don't read most of them in my RSS feed. For example, this odd character of Fin de Siecle who does not consistently blog.

These events are out of order, by the way. I skipped classes to meet up with Clare for my second lunch of the day. My first tasting of French food. It tasted American. I also suggested to Clare that we watch Balls of Fury, but he refused. Asshole.

Then we met up with Drab for something. Coffee I suppose. Clare ordered a chocolate eclair. Something about eating a phallic object filled with cream disturbs me. The other time I had Siamese with Drab. I suppose his mouth waters a lot or something, but at one point during the conversation, my eyes were drawn toward this piece of saliva that jumped out of his mouth onto his long-sleeved shirt. My eyes were focused on that bubble of spit while he chatted away.

Applied to another job. Yes, more research. I might have to review my neuro notes. Ugh.

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