No, I'd like to have that job. I'd get to make movies with chick eggs!
I make fun of Clare: instant karma. My cousin's in town with his girlfriend, and after deciding to go watch the Bourne Ultimatum by myself, he texted me asking where I was. We met up, and his girlfriend wanted to walk along Fisherman's Wharf and eat one of those bread bowls from Boudin. I was stuck doing touristy shit for the rest of the afternoon/night.
I introduced him to the Muni and BART, which we both took today, after his girlfriend started complaining about having to walk so far.
Jason Bourne- better name than David Webb. --wait a second, is the stardust novel a good read, Janey?-- The movie was as good as the other three. Just too much camera shaking. Julia Stiles' hair was nice- it shaped her face well. I usually don't think of her as an attractive woman.
I was fine hanging out with my cousin and his girlfriend. Me hanging out with couples is usually annoying, but they acted normal, no lovey-dovey shit around me. They only acted as a couple later in the night, when the girlfriend just got angry at the guy for no reason? Similar pattern in similar relationships. What is wrong with the girl? My cousin just told her to get her coffee so we could leave Starbucks and she got mad. Normally, I would enjoy seeing couples in distress, but I was then forced to sit in the car in a prolonged, awkward moment that lasted all the way to my apartment since my cousin volunteered to drop me off. I should have taken public transportation instead. He tried to hold her hand in the car, and she pushed his hand off. He shifted the gear into neutral, and she pushed his hand off the shift and pushed it back to D/3. There were more moments like those, but I won't talk about them.
I had a brief lapse of insanity. I was thinking that I might be more codependent than I appear to be. Then seeing my cousin and his relationship cleared my mind.
I'm done with schooling in San Francisco. Am I done with San Francisco?
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