1) Opened DSl box, set up internet immediately
2) Turned on computer, hooked up to the internet
3) Eat late night fast food
Interesting sights: a RAV4 ran into the side of a Honda accord while I was waiting for the bus stop. I started chuckling. The driver side of the Accord was scratched, with a giant dent that somehow didn't affect the driver. They parked at the gas station to exchange insurance information, I assume. The RAV4 started backing up to repark itself at the gas station, and just as it turned into a parking spot, the guy didn't stop soon enough because he RAN INTO THE PARKING BUMPER! HAHA! I watch as the car just runs into this white, cheap aluminum kind of setup that's supposed to prevent the car from running into the wall of the apartment behind it, but the RAV4 makes this loud thud as it's stopped by the railing. TOO GOOD! I like how accidents are prone to occur around me.
New characters- fat lady with a woodwind staring at me on the L-MUNI, old guy on the 33-Stanyan bus, and Castro nightlife.
When night hits, Castro seems MORE EXCITING. Music playing all around, tons of bass, and bright lights. Also, the gays know how to pick very nice colors to decorate their houses, but of all the flags to choose from, why did they pick an ugly one with a rainbow theme? I'm sure they can reinvent a new flag to represent the gay population. I was also walking around with my package on display. I had to take a train and bus across the city to pick up my amazon shipment from UPS. How annoying.
Right- the old guy on the bus. I sit there, waiting for the bus to hit Castro, and this guy asks me how I'm doing. I say, "Good!" Minutes later, I'm rummaging through my messenger bag trying to find my Transit Map so that I know where to get off to take the MUNI train home. The guy looks at me again and asks, "How are you??" I say, "Good! How are you?!" and just look away while confused and wondering what's wrong with this guy. There was another old man on the bus that I took in the afternoon that just kept staring at me and smiling, even as I turned away to look elsewhere. There was also this one Asian girl on the train that I wanted to make out with. Weird.
I had some classes today. In Cell Neuro, we had to work in groups on these in-class problem sets. Why do I get the feeling that the people around me are idiots? Oh, that's right- it's because none of them were speaking up on how to solve this simple problem with analyzing patch clamp data. At least the class is getting more interesting now- looking at primary research articles about early neuro experiments, and more math!
Need to set up My Book. ADIOS.
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