In my comp class right now. BORING.
Green equals warmth and intelligence?! green = money? Good eye. The Jewish husband actually only has his bedroom painted green. Entertaining guests?! What the hell?! Perhaps. Dinner parties. Once I move in completely.
Throwing away cigarettes may sometimes not be better. There's more clutter on the ground. Example: sidewalk on 19th and Irving as I was waiting for the 28 bus line to arrive. There were at least 50 cigarette butts lying around me (I counted), NOT in the trashcan. The city is the cigarette smoker's ashtray.
I will consider Takuya Kimura and Rain. What online store would even sell the kind of clothing they wear??
Yeah, my stomach's gotten smaller since coming here. No worries- all this walking is jump starting my metabolism. HAHA who said I was coming to work at NIH?! I've already started classes here and have at least one year's lease. EEK class has ended. MORE LATER!
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