I've been on blogger for a year? Maybe it's time for another change. Onto Wordpress, perhaps?
Pizza in a cone? Col-pop: popcorn chicken and soda in the same cup?! Those Asians abroad are either too clever or just too adventurous.
I could melt with at least 3 Banh Mi's.
Thinking too much today. Feeling too much today. Mind map:
Lacked the initiative to ask a professor to enroll in his microbial physiology class. I'd like to blame it on the annoying guy talking to him about random crap and wasting my time.
Sometimes I prefer communicating with professors by email. If a professor smiles at me, and I see dirty crooked teeth, I tend to instinctively cringe on the spot. I made a last-minute change and decided to ask to enroll in another professor's class, whose class I haven't been too since last Monday. General microbiology.
It's the 8th. It's February. I wish my brain weren't inclined towards numbers, but birthdays ring in my head every month. 3 days after Singles Awareness Day will be Drab's birthday. What to give- I suppose kindness from me for a day is a blessing. Could that count as a gift?
Drab and Clare were having some conversation at Rice- maybe the steps of Keck Lec- while I was sitting there as well, and they mentioned something about people going to counseling for help and whether or not it actually worked. Drab thought that it was bogus, that the simple solution was just to "get a grip." I always wondered if it were really that simple, as a lot of people we know were having sessions at the wellness center. I also scheduled a session to go there some time senior year, except I never went at the planned time. Again, lacking the initiative. I suppose I'll never know if it would have worked.
It would probably be best to get the opinion from an outside perspective. Sometimes one's self-awareness just isn't that keen on change. But what exactly has changed for the better? Maybe that's why I left home- nothing changes in that town, not even my parents' routine. 6 days a week, 10 hours each day. Work.
There was this other time when I attended a premed panel hosted by RPMS, and all these students that had either been accepted to medical school or attended their first year were sitting in a row at the front to answer questions. My question to them was, "At what exact point did you realize that you wanted to go to medical school?" They all gave a generic, half-assed response. Everyone said something along the ones of taking science classes and knew, or they've known since they were a kid. If medical schools were taking in students that couldn't even clearly articulate a distinct moment of clarity, then why bother, right?
Ugh, I felt so dirty thinking about sex today when I shouldn't have. The teacher was just going over metabolism- specifically the glycolytic cycle, oxphos-and something popped in my head. I could have just been thinking too much about this unexpected email that professed so much feeling in it. I would expect mushy stuff normally from someone like Janey, but when my cynical cornerstone does such a thing, it feels like a jolt running through me, some feeling similar to getting hit by a car??
Been feeling a bit gassy today. You know that feeling when you just ate one item too many? For example, you're eating, say, a chocolate bar on public transport, but that piece of food is just one thing too many for your stomach, so it attempts to shove food through your intestines to the point where you have to go but can't because you're stuck sitting on a bus waiting to get home? Is constipation that painful?
was this a real conversation at rice? i don't think people can usually just get a grip.
oh i have so much feeling, esp for youuuuuuu
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