
summer of love

Where the hell is Santa Clara? And why does that street Homestead sound familiar?

Mmm Olympic protesters. If you can't separate church and state, why bother trying to separate sports/goodwill(?) and state? Ridiculous. I protested in peace. By eating the last of my nestle simply dipped drumsticks. Rather than mindlessly dysrupting the economy or ruining the streets and hurting others, I choose to hurt my internal homeostasis with excess fat and sugar. Take that, China. More on this later.

Taco Salad tonight. The healthy version. Anytime you read healthy, the keyword BLAND should be automatically ringing in your head.

Coming across one of Isle's facebook applications, I decided to take a personal DNA profile. The only unsettling thing about the results is seeing it all at once, even if you know how things will turn out.

Again, the inventor: imagination, self-reliance, openness to new things, appreciation for utility. Confidence, problem-solving, vision, awareness, balanced emotionally, supreme sense of adventure, pursue excitement than follow routine, seeing the bigger picture/not get caught up in specifics, more proactive than reactive, strong sense of style. That's how I relate to myself.

Now how I relate to others... RESERVED. Don't always need others around, can handle most situations on my own, can be very happy spending time alone, find it difficult to understand why people get so emotional, tell everyone else their problems, wishing people were more rational, values not set in stone/complex vision of the world/change beliefs as I learn new information, generally rely on myself/others not dependable, not closed-minded/don't make hasty judgments of others, .

What did they recommend I do to be different?
"Even though it is tiring, making an extra effort to spend time with others even when you feel like being alone can have powerful positive effects on your relationships."- See? The OBVIOUS.

"Practice talking about yourself to people you haven't previously trusted. You will forge friendships where you wouldn't have thought possible, and with practice, sharing your thoughts and feelings will get easier and easier."- This, I don't know. I think I make my thoughts clearly known; people may misunderstand my feelings, especially when I'm being sarcastic or just joking.

So... I guess that should be my new goal in my new age: putting in the extra effort to spend time with friends... powerful positive effects... hmm. I suppose I could start with the people within my proximity... who's closest? oh boy...

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