
wordy rappinghood

Something's pent up, but I'm not sure which emotion it is.

During a trip in Hawaii, I remember watching Sailor Moon on the TV to ease the boredom of another family vacation with the parents. The unrealistic thing about that show: a 14-year old thinking she knew everything there is to know about love.

I suppose Isle has a deep-rooted obsession with fantasy. Not sure if it's also applicable to sci-fi. This was noticeable when I visited them during my second trip to Houston and mentioned to her that I had the Children of Hurin book by Tolkien. At the slightest mention she went gaga over fantasy novels the way I go gaga about grocery shoppping.

On my way back from Safeway, I always have to walk by first the Tennessee Grill and then the KFC/Taco Bell. Tennessee Grill usually gets plenty of business during all hours of the day. I wonder what people see in Tennessee. Country music, Elvis, Graceland? Racism, the assassination of MLK, Jr.? Then my eyes glaze over at the thought of fried chicken. So hard to resist when it's conveniently right in front of you. I wonder if this feeling is similar to that felt by normal heterosexual men when a vagina is wagged right in front of their faces- soon enough you'll want to reach out and eat it.

So burger patties should never be made by mixing them with equal proportion of vegetables together. At most, tablespoons or teaspoons should be added. This week- pineapple chicken, chicken salad pitas, taco salads, and maybe more. Still have to go through the fried rice and baked chicken I made this week. Note to self: keeping the skin on chicken while baking them locks in plenty of moisture. MMM!

I've only been to 6% of the world, according to that application on Facebook. How disappointing. That should change next year if I have nothing to do while waiting for the application process to finish.

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