HAHA! Kisses. You know how I feel about marriage, MattPatt! Do I really complain about every person? I always saw it as constructive criticism... I'm pseudo-trying to be better about that. My only solution so far is to become a hermit. Maybe the world would be a better place if we all said what was on our mind?
What's on my mind... Janey becoming Krazy Katie II! I'm also trying to convince Janey to try anal sex, as a side quest to my RPG.
UH HUH. Yeah, you know it. Even your insults concern the sphincter, haha. That comment about you liking backs MIGHT be valid... if you weren't backing up into people's front sides! Back... back that ass up! Except you's not a big fine woman (of African descent), so don't.
Unfortunately, the Times destroyed that movie. I wanted to see it too, only for the ABBA songs. Well, I guess I can look forward to Batman. Borders already started placing Batman paraphernalia to start leeching money from impressionable kids and die-hard fans.
So I decided to give this apartment search thing a chance. No living room in the place... and I would be living with 5 fobs. Somehow I feel like maybe Drab's been to this place last year, when he talked about a time when some landlady he met didn't speak that much English. Even if it is a nice location...
What was I doing with my life before eggplant?! I can't believe I didn't think of adding eggplant to make my spaghetti sauce!
This Asian lady and her kid met this other Asian lady- apparently they knew each other. So the Asian lady pulled the kid away from her mom and dragged him to the intersection, and proceeded to pull out a tub of cookies from her purse to give to the kid as a present, except the mom came running to them to refuse the offer. The kid, of course, was extending his hand out, but the two ladies kept arguing back and forth. Somehow I'm not surprised, except for the part where the Asian lady looked like she was getting into her car to run down the mother and child for refusing the gift.
1 comment:
It wouldn't have to be one of those "subjugate one partner" marriages. More like one of those sham Hollywood marriages like Madonna's got.
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