See the red mark on the side of my neck? This is also from the night of Janey's bday. So first off, we were drinking at Dan's place, playing some Guitar Hero, and then the three of us went to the dive bar, which involved dancing. Definitely NOT divey. Anyway, I was drinking as much as I could, while the other two were shooting and chugging away. After a certain point, I was tired so Nilk and I left without saying goodbye to Janey and Dan. Only problem was, after we walked SO many blocks to the metro station and were on the LONG escalator down to the train, Nilk decides to remember HALFWAY down the escalator that he forgot to close his tab at the bar. Here's a dark picture of the escalator to give you a clue as to why I was bugged by the news.
It took us a few minutes to get down, and then twice that time to get back up the sloooow escalator. Getting back to the bar, I see two remaining patrons inside: a stumbling Janey propped against Dan. Yeah, ignored that to go to the bathroom since I had to pee while Nilk took care of his bill. Once outside, drunk ass Janey was requesting that I say,"I love you," to her, which was probably one of the most ridiculous things that anyone would ever ask of me, knowing fully well that I don't say that shit. Because I refused, she decided to give me a 1+ inch laceration on the side of my neck. Slutface!
Janey went back to Dan's, Nilk and I went back to bug Janey's roommate at her apartment. Fun times!
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