We were sitting at a booth in an American diner- I was at the end of the booth that hugged the wall, while Kaiser was actually sitting up on top of the booth, the backs of the seats. Her friend sPamalot was also there, sitting across from me, along with a couple of their friends. Every time I tried to ask Kaiser a question, she would always respond in a unique manner: she would lean forward, rest her forehead against my left temple, and whisper her responses into my ear. The only problem, though, was that she'd whisper so low that most of her conversation was inaudible. Then when I turned my head to look at her face, I noticed hundreds of pimples and/or freckles all over her face, at which point either I was grossed out or starting laughing at her. Maybe both?
Three adjectives to describe Janey's apartment...
3. DEATH! Never bring live things into their place.
Drunkass Nilk! This might have been a picture taken in the dark, actually. First night I got there- Saturday night- was Janey's birthday, so we went out to what Janey claimed was a "dive." Sapphire Bar. I stopped at 2 1/4 beers, and part of an Irish car bomb, while Nilk and Janey were swigging away like sailors. I ended up having to walk Nilk's drunk ass home since Janey decided to give the DRUNK the keys to her place instead of the more likely to be SOBER one (moi). He was basically the east coast equivalent of drunk Clare. He had no idea where he was walking to; I had to keep guiding him to the train station. Once we got back, he threw up on the toilet, over the toilet, around the toilet. Seriously, I found stains on the OUTER SIDE of the toilet bowl after I went in to use the bathroom. While he was lysoling the shit out of it, the door was closed, but suddenly I heard these clinks followed by a loud thud in the bathroom. Nilk was screaming out,"Everything's fine! Don't come in yet!" He had fallen over into the bathtub, pulling the curtain down with him, and was trying to fix it before I went in. Anyway, once he was done throwing up in there, I was starting to use the bathroom to brush my teeth and take out my contacts when I heard vomiting and running water from the kitchen sink. JUST GREAT. Once I came back out, all the lights were dark. So I grabbed my camera to capture drunk Nilk. More pictures of hungover Nilk and Janey to come.
Hmm, maybe this is a picture of hungover Nilk from the morning, since there's light protruding from under the blinds. So maybe this is a picture of him missing the poster presentation by one of his former PIs at the conference. I walked into the living room since it was 8:30AM, and Nilk was still there. He was muttering half-awake if it were 6:30AM, and I responded,"Uhhhhh, no. It's 8:30." He was supposed to get to SfN by 8AM...
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