
laura roslin

Decided to continue my email correspondence with Lizbian. In a pen-pal sort of way.

Also decided to watch the 1st episode of the 4th (and final?) season of Battlestar Galactica. After I shower.

45 minutes of my life. Gone. I can never take back.

What did I think about BSG... well, at first, I was grossed out by the President and that Dualla lady making out, but the show quickly redeemed itself afterwards when she decided to shoot herself. THANK YOU, writers of the show, for ending any more possible PDA between those 2 characters.

Then I saw Adama's father, and realized that he was Abraham from Selena the movie! No problems with that guy. He was also in a movie about racial struggle and math... Stand and Deliver? Interesting movie. What scene was it when I first saw him... him drinking and fiddling with a gun with some dude wearing an eye patch.

And Cylons- designed to be able to feel emotions and have intimate relations? Ugh, such an obvious design flaw if someone were trying to create the next evolved form of human.

First show of BSG watched outside the suite. Not impressed. Not one bit. Maybe I just need to catch up on the lore, but it's probably as convoluted as reading the story to any RPG on wiki.

Blegh. I'm going to review a paper.

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