

Even within my lab group of friends, I feel as though people keep telling me secrets, as if they expect me not to spill it to anyone. Makes me wonder if people have too must trust in me.

On the west coast, graduates gravitate towards the smaller, start-up labs with the young investigators and their fresh innovative perspective. On the east coast, they swing the other way, towards the older, established PI's who constantly churn out papers in Science, Nature, and/or Cell.

Should have purchased the tickets when they were under $100. Guess I'm not flying out to LA for a weekend celebration. Alone again, naturally.

Does anyone know a quick and easy way to learn biostatistics/data mining???

I was walking on the ground floor of the hospital, leaving lab then, when this doctor lady in gray scrubs starts shouting at me,"What does that say on your jacket???" I was wearing that old FCUK jacket I found at Buffalo Exchange a few years ago, and I told her that it was a European brand. She was surprised that someone never stopped me in the hospital to make me take it off.

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