
robert ludlum

Busy much this time of the month?

This crazy old man on the bus noticed the Wonder Bread Wonder sticker on my folder, and started shouting, "Wonder Bread! That stuff's enriched! I remember going to the factory as a kid..." Why do creepy old people like talking to me?!?!

My lab mates ordered KUNG PAO CHICKEN again for me for lunch. From that same nasty place 3 weeks ago!!! AGH!!!

Topics discussed over our lab meeting? Planes, guns, missiles, sailing, death. All in a day's work, right?

Daewoo's bringing his kid with him to the science retreat. I'll call him Dae-wee. Asian babies!!!

What's so conflicting about research... balance. Not about lab and life outside of it. It's a combination of... who asks the most provocative questions, who uses the best techniques, who efficiently makes use of current technology, who comes up with novel ideas, who invents new methods to observe the world. So many challenges... why do people go into it in the first place?

Posted on Twitter, but I suppose I could repost it here. Happy Birthday, Poorneel.

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