

It's funny how my Danimals tugs on his hair whenever he's stressed out. His hair, since it's filled w/ gel, will flip up and stay up. I don't think he notices.

Test tonight. MCAT Thursday.

I find myself switching back and forth, between being okay w/ friends in the Bay Area to disliking or just not caring at all. That's usually associated with liking people in the South or the East Coast moreso. Maybe I've just gotten tired of trying to be friendly?

Janey's right, I'm not even going to deny it- taking on too many things right now. Every time I come back from night class, I'm just exhausted. Too exhausted to study, too exhausted to think about lab, too exhausted to deal with my future. The problem with my preference for living in the moment is that success in any future career requires planned preparation for tomorrow.

Hmm, maybe I'll be less burdened this weekend. Going to go sailing with my lab mates again. Mmm, I hope they have alcohol again. Maybe that's what I need right now: booze.

1 comment:

Jing said...

yes sailing is what you need!! take pictures :)