
john cage

I think I'm starting to go crazy with R&D sitting behind me at work everyday. BECAUSE he's sitting there, everybody from the next bay over walks over into my bay to start chatting about the most nonsensical topics.

There are times when he can be brilliant- although I would never admit that to his face- and THEN there are moments when he performs experiments like a fool.

This has me starting to wonder whether anybody is actually a genius at science, or whether the results of one's efforts are merely a product of coincidence and sheer luck.

In any case, the more time I spend with him, the more I start to dream about him, which is eerily turning out to be the same case as with Drab.

I still can't believe he entrusted me with preliminary data/results from his current experiment. I hate him for putting trust into me in the first place. Secondly, I hate that I actually find his results extremely interesting. Thirdly, that eventually leads me to admit that he's a good scientist- of which case I mentioned earlier, I am not entirely sure yet.

Why is it that I burn out in the summer? This exhaustion is insufferable.

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