
back 2 school

I think I may have to hold off on additional blog entries this week as well as next week.

One MSTP in my lab, R&D, is having his qualification exam next week. He will be presenting a practice talk tomorrow.

I am also focusing on writing my essays and finishing my application so that I can send them in this week ASAP. I have delayed it for too long, but hopefully not too long. The most reasonable course of action now is to turn in my application, and quickly write all my secondary essays so that they can be sent in conjunction with my letters of recommendation. If turned in at the same time, I believe my application shouldn't be too late in the cycle. It would be halfway between the early birds and late risers, which isn't too terrible of a spot to be in.

We'll see.

So the point of this short story is to say that, besides helping that selfish oaf in my lab, I will also be thinking of myself for once and focusing on my personal future career goals.

I hope you don't mind.

Oh, and I will also be focusing more on New Yorker Journal Club once these essays are finished. Another activity I want to be involved in for the short term is clinical neuroanatomy with Janey. I want to try to keep up with the notes for that class, not necessarily the reading, but the lectures should be informative as well. Although, I guess I could also be preparing for interviews. Perhaps that's the type of positive mindset I need to have. If I believe in receiving an interview, and I actively prepare for them, then it will surely come to me, no?

Let's test out this theory, shall we?

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