
Reflex Neurovascular Dystrophy

There's a tiny little fly/moth in my room, except I have no inclination to ablate its existence with the swat of my hand.

It just flutters about, aimlessly.

I wonder if that's how I am right now: just aimlessly wandering about life.

I'm watching it traverse the room, and that's not such a bad life. Although, if memory serves me well, the insect may seem to possess a random pattern of motion, but it could be alternating halfway during flight because of the chemoattractants drawing it to its destination or reward.

Why don't I have such a strong chemoattractant pulling me towards a certain fate?

Maybe I just enjoy existing outside of the reality in which most people live. Is it because my imagination is more interesting? Are there more exciting worlds to explore than this one?

I'm really hoping that my writing is slowly improving with each blog post. At least that is what my intentions are from now on- to constantly improve in whatever activities I seem to be placing myself. So far this includes running, blogging/writing, and researching. I want to become better in every field.

Another surprise came in my gmail inbox. My mom emailed me on behalf of my parents. She first wanted to congratulate me on my job promotion, wanting me to continue being a good worker. Then, she wanted to say that she was proud of me and that she's glad my boss recognized that I am a good employee. Lastly, she wanted me to enjoy my life, so she told me to have some fun even while working hard everyday. Her last sentence was confusing, though. "This is your mom and Dad the big gift. Thank you!" I have absolutely NO idea what to interpret from that remark.

Still, I'm a bit surprised from that letter. My parents have actually never said that they were proud of me. What's changed within them at their current age?

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