
blonde ambition

faded denim is back in style- says marc jacobs.

what would have gone well with spaghetti? toast. better yet, toast with garlic and butter on top. it seems that toast also helps those with diarrhea.

more dreams. new circumstances, same themes- sex, makin out, drab. but not always together.

the most unbelievable situations. i don't know why/how the stories develop in that particular fashion.

this time: it was just me and drab sitting in some room. what was happening the entire time? i was watching him wrap this length of dough into a spiral and wondering what he was going to make. the spiral-shaped bread ended up being the size of his lap, and once he was done spiraling, he proceeded to add frosting/icing on top. it turns out b. coli was making a huge-ass cinnamon bun. UGH. he only knows how to make borscht! what he was doing making baked goods in my head. i didn't get to taste drab's bun, though- i woke up before i had the chance.

being a better person- innate human impetus? why not be satisfied with who you are now? macarthur fellow, rhodes scholar, ivy league school- that stuff doesn't impress me anymore.

enhancements?! what are you talking about?!


Josh said...

I actually just wrote on this topic for Bridget's class; let me know if you'd like to talk about enhancements...

Unknown said...

Josh can hook you up.