new hits: [oklahoma city, clackamas]
apples to apples: you have to know how the other person thinks, or at least what they would pick. picking apples, hah. no time to exercise?
why do i get the feeling that drab is reading my blog? leaving me these mysterious hints/phrases that seem to be cut out of various posts of mine. example- 15 pounds of muscle.
cassie found out that i'm bulimic. UH OH, what am i going to do?! all this anxiety and worry- i think i'll throw up to relieve my stomach jitters.
why do people crave attention? then there's others who do things to make sure that they're included in the group activity- to feel included.
i don't think i want to go to northern california anymore. i'm trying to leave the rice part of my life behind, but i'll only end up going towards people that i know from there. ugh, drab- such a tease.
herbology, cooking, medicine, research. i could add back breakdancing and hiphop, but i should probably focus on what's MORE important. can you really do it all in one lifetime?
bradford assay posed a question to me tonight: why don't i diversify? the thing is i could, but then i wouldn't be so good at everything. specialization. division of labor. but in that division, there's even more divisions. does that make things more efficient? specialties in medicine. specialties in cooking. you don't ever see cooking shows battle it out for the better regional foods- it's usually battles over a common ingredient, prepared in their style.
i could tell crassie was trying to figure out my birthday tonight- trying to look at my wallet, trying to get sophie to ask me. it doesn't matter to me if you've forgotten; some people just aren't good with numbers.
this guy that i could be working with- a lot of publications in PNAS and Nature. is that good? i'm not into publications/how prestigious a publication in each literary magazine is. My other bioc degree candidates might know.
just because i like california doesn't necessarily mean i want to go there.
I sent in my job application. It's kind of scary. I just went from wishful thinking to now uncertainty about whether or not I can get this job. You go from seemingly endless possibility to a response that may be instant acceptance/rejection.
I'll have to apply to classes for Winter 2007 since the deadline's past for the fall. Ugh. Although I can still apply to the summer session. Isn't that weird?
1 comment:
PNAS and Nature = excellent
your bday is on tina chen's bday. i'll just wait for her bday to pop up on facebook
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