


it's not possible to start over liking someone over and over again, is it?

you think you've moved on, but you could be lying to yourself.

there's a choice. i choose to leave lab at 515 because i can't stand being here anymore.

Complications, by Atul Gawande. It's about surgery, I suppose, if I wanted to generalize things. The first 5 pages, though, appealed to my reading tastes. I could possibly enjoy this book. I have yet to finish the God Delusion, to start the bible. The shift from fiction to nonfiction- people can still fabricate some events just to produce a shocking book that sells.

and the winner is?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

J Siu's birthday is Easter Sunday. Happy birthday now, because I won't have cell phone reception/internet connection for Friday-Monday. I did kickboxing today after skipping breakfast and lunch. BAD MOVE. I walked home in shorts on Monday! But it's supposed to snow again tomorrow. :( Oh well, the daffadils are budding.