HAHA! they're actually marketing asian secrets. hilarious.
surprisingly, suicide rates highest in the 15-24 age range are from asian girls. besides societal pressures on them to be asian, there's the parental units, there's the body image, submissiveness, etc.
ugh, it's not supposed to work like that. me detesting love should NOT add to my charm/appeal. JEEZ! and are you using the jingjing panda mascat as your icon?!
should i notify nants that Huff is laced with tons of gratuitous sex and drug use? maybe. is it the thought of sex that counts, or the act entirely?
i finished one of my summer reading books today: complications, by atul gawande. good read. pretty soon i will be starting better, also by atul gawande, or some fictional work stuck in one of my tupperware boxes.
i finished writing my letter to B-米, finally able to check that task off of my to do list, but then i realized i have no stamps with which to mail this letter. oh well.
what does ^↑P mean? this command is in my international keyboard shortcut thing, but i have no idea what to press for that carrot. i assume the other two are shift+P, but what the hell is that carrot indicating?!
80% complete.
it would be very convenient to have my driver's license as my debit/credit card as well. less junk in my pocket, more room for my junk.
ooh, and federal funding for stem cell research in cali now. excellent.
ooh letter!
i asked my japanese teacher (as a joke), how i should right my name in 漢字 and she suggested 部米! the first character is read as 'bu' and the second would be read as 'raisu' (the real reading in japanese is 'kome'). coincidence? i think not.
driver's license / credit card would mean that the government would have to work with credit companies. in japan a train pass can work in stores, vending machines, and restaurants! it doesn't double as an i.d. (yet).
I think the thing with arranged marriages - at least from what I hear from my Indian friend - is that it's more of a way of your parents finding you some good connections, and you choose which ones you pursue. I think maybe the "love" part is viewd differently - not that it's not important to love your spouse, but that different cultures might have different interpretations of what love is. Then again, this is coming from the guy's perspective.
As far as the stigma against divorce- I think that it's because people simply are idiots going into marriage and don't know what is coming at them. Someone could be the best boyfriend/girlfriend ever and still totally suck as a spouse. Dating people don't always discuss things like "will your parents move in with us?" "how much money do we spend on a house?" and "are we going to have kids and when?" And then people just aren't willing to stick with marriage. EVERYONE has marital problems, not just people from failed marriages. It's ridiculous to think that if a marriage isn't great, it's not worth staying with.
That stat is surprising to you, Siu? Knowing people like Grace who make stunningly difficult life decisions under stunningly difficult parental pressure?
You don't give asian parents their appropriate capacity for evil simply because you have good ones.
I liked the B-(Rice), how very clever, and one of the few Chinese characters I recognize.
Sex and drugs are the spice of life, my dear friend. Does this mean that I have to watch Huff when my parents are asleep?
Yeah, it sucks being an Asian girl. It sucks being an Asian guy. Actually it sucks being human, but I don't want that viewpoint to take away from the validity of my previous statements. One day I will write a book on the subject, and not one of those whiny, woe-is-me bios. Well, we'll see...
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