new hits: [lufkin, rockville, austin, virginia beach]
rpg's- they suck your life away so that they can live theirs. comical, nonetheless.
B-米:it shuld be how you should "write," not how you should right. your engrish, oy! i just picked 米 because it means rice in chinese. hence, b-rice. so essentially the train pass is like a debit card then oer there?
again, relationships are dumb.
my parents are just as evil, maybe more so. in fact, it's to the point of suffocation right now. i can't breathe even, being cities apart in texas. once again, they're pushing me in a direction that i can't tell if it's my own decision anymore. it's the same feeling as back in high school, the beginning of college. actually, talking with gay back during freshman year, she only defaulted to premed because that's what most people usually do without considering what the profession entails.
what's tying my down- financial dependence. once i find a job.
there's a new traditional chinese med drug being researched in china right now that works more effectively than corticosteroids without the negative side effects: Huzhangdanshenyin (虎杖丹參飲). this can, in turn, counter infertility in males, except most of this research is being done in china. my snippet to bring awareness to tcm and its usefulness?
i could always do that- convert people to tcm, drastically decreasing cash flows for western doctors and seeing if they actually stay in the profession because they want to help people versus the money/prestige.
Talk to Kathleen if you're feeling suffocated and unsure about actually being a doctor--she felt the same way!
Honestly, I'm impressed with people who would go into a profession set to change so much in the coming years.
I, however, couldn't deal with the annoyances of managed care...
Well...many effective drugs are derived from plants so TCM actually makes a lot of sense.
It's just that training for Western Medicine doesn't really take this into account; perhaps one reason why osteopathic medicine is gaining ground (you might like this book, Siu!)
JJsiu! New blog for us at Can you tell I'm getting bored at home?
Ohh... it IS 'write.' And yes, I know 米 means rice. That was the joke. I was just excited you made the same joke that my teacher had.
To what degree would you say you 'believe' in tcm? I would think being a tcm doctor would be incredibly difficult in the US (unless you were very religious) since there is so much that remains to be researched and the research/practice paradigm is so different from the one you just spent 4 years training in.
How do you convince yourself that its not just voodoo?
Oh, and what's up wif you? :)
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