
if i ever gave a fuck about you

hormonal imbalance again. i'm getting that kind of feeling others would call "love." i call it nausea.

psh why is it exciting to have a man-crush on adam levine? oh, i will, and i DID compare them. WHAT NOW?!

oh right. apparently blue eyes were well-fitted for europeans living in climates where they don't get a lot of sun. blue eyes are better able to capture sunlight, produce vitamin D and whatnot. SO sexy. although they're not so great for when you go to the beach on a really sunny day.

anton ego- my idol. i saw ratatouille yesterday by myself. i purchased the blue raspberry icee, to try it. it was ice and blue fanta soda. i spilled some on me while watching the movie. there's a light blue stain on my shirt with the sock-monkey. at the end of the movie, people starting clapping. WHY?!

"good food is like music you can taste." don't mice/rats have a better-developed olfactory system? how will we be able to push that threshold for smell? if smell consists of the majority of what we're tasting. my next venture will be french food. i wouldn't mind having a french bistro when i'm older. NO DESSERTS. i might compromise on coffee. and berets.

1 comment:

Bryce said...

I read that the number of people with blue eyes is supposed to decrease gradually... until there aren't any left in a couple of hundred years. I don't know if it's true.