"recruit a team of teenagers with ATTITUDE." -Zordon
HAHA! i can't believe he actually says that in the beginning credits of the show. oh, what were we watching as kids?!
AGH! and david yost is balding now.
you come out of college thinking you know everything, and then somehow you end up living with three other people for the summer who think THEY know everything about the world. somehow, i don't see that. coming from liberal california, but from a public university. somehow that makes me glad that i went to a private university. altered perception of the world.
impact factor! that's the word.
i fell into an existential pit the other day. i started thinking about death- the end of all as you know it- and what actually happens, why some people like to be comforted with an afterlife, how bleak it seems when all you do is rot in the ground devoid of a mind/consciousness. does your consciousness linger around? that's it. done. over. what you've done during your lifetime- infinitesimally small. you are a small man in a large universe. everything you've thought to be meaningful in your life, all your accomplishments, are meager when placed against the backdrop of time and beyond. i frequently thought about death when i was a kid. even throughout high school i would either sit or lay in bed just wondering what really matters.
i don't feel like writing tonight. i'd rather read more neuroanatomy. all this mumbo-jumbo about matrices is making me reconsider whiskey. bottoms up!
I didn't come out of Rice thinking I knew everything. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm having a quarter-life crisis because there is a whole world out there I haven't even tapped into. So much to do and learn... so old already...
Hm. The afterlife. I have contemplated life, death, the possibility of an afterlife, and the purpose of it all since I was about 6 and realized I had a sincere problem accepting an anthropomorphic god. I don't think your consciousness lingers... but that is because I believe your consciousness is a function of your brain. But I do believe in a part of you that is not integrally connected to your body that persists after the death of your body. I can't really explain any of this without explaining my conception of "god," "diety," "power," whatever it is. I believe that what most people call "god" is the singularity from whence all existence burgeoned forth, and thus is existence itself. It is the physical laws defining life's boundaries and, in an infinitely complex fashion, predicting the outcome of life itself. In that sense, it might be considered to be "omniscient and omnipotent," even though I do not believe it has a consciousness as we do. Again, consciousness is attached to the physical body, and "it" is not a physical being. It is that from which all was created and to which all will return-- hooray for the inevitable collapse of the universe, following which is an inevtiable reforming of the universe.
Why am I rambling? What's the point if it's all just going to be destroyed, and then reborn, and then destroyed again? If you look at it that way, there is no point. Just like if you look at your big screen you realize it's still just a spec in the grand universe. So what do we do? Change the scale of your focus. Things we do on this earth do matter for those of us on this earth. Even after we die, our actions will have contributed to the overall advancement (or destruction...) of human society. And what then? What about when the earth finally dies? Well hopefully we will have found a way to persist. Gooo star trek!
If you want a serious conversation about this, I'm always available to discuss my... beliefs.
nice long paragraph babe!
Love you! In fact, loving you ALL OVER Siu's comments :P
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