What the hell is wrong with people?! Did they all just conspire to bombard me with news on the worst day of the week?! I even got phone calls during my second midterm, jesus christ!
In addition to the previously mentioned audition/testprep gig and the research position, I just got another interview for another research position and a fourth job opening elsewhere. I just want to be left alone, UGH!
At least the two research positions are phone interviews. Good thing I saved those tabs on Vienna so that I can review them before they call me tomorrow and Wednesday. God, I have to look at their lab group homepage, too, don't I? Is it good to be researching under a Fellow, someone relatively new?
Assholes, distracting me from studying for my test tonight. I think I rocked it; I only hope others didn't so that the mean would be lower, and my grade this time would compensate for the first one. Teachers and their different testing tactics also pissed me off. This class tests information off the notes more than the book while the other class tests solely out of the book.
I'm tired of this shit. I'm going to watch some TV episodes and eat.
oh no, all these job offers????!!!!
researching under a fellow can be good and bad.
1. they really don't have any expecatations out of you - not too likely a chance they'll say to you immediately: i want you to clone this gene, tell me if you have trouble
2. they're new too and trying to produce, you may get a paper easier
3. you get accessible guidance
1. they're new and may not know what they're doing... you may be wasting your time
2. they may just make you a technician to their project
3. they may not speak english...
HHMI is a plus. small lab is problematic bc it may not be as productive. but she may give you full attention and treat you like a grad student. and she may be more desperate to get something published? how much can she pay you?
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