

You know where I WOULD have liked to have gone in, B-米? The Smithsonian, but my Aunt isn't into that type of sightseeing, so I had to pass on it. Ugh.

I considered entering this establishment, to verify the authenticity of Texas BBQ on the east coast, as well as the choppy translation of the name.

I ended up eating at Potbelly sandwich, having had a memory lapse that I had already eaten at this place in Houston with Poorneel. Not so impressed. "A Wreck" sandwich, a tuna salad sandwich, a garden vegetable soup, and iced tea for a drink. $15, just about. B-. It lacked depth.

In the shower tonight, I was thinking of blogging (typical), and I remembered but had just forgotten to wish my Lizbean a nice birthday. Last year. Approximately 6 days ago.

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